Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 18 Dec 1998, p. 42

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j22 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, December 18, 1998 V Netminders vying for top spot in friendly rivalry By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion competition tis past week so they continued their hattle against each other. Facing just 19 shots apiece in back-to-back gamnes against ie- rior opponients, iosing simply wasnt any kind of threat for Daniel Jacques or Jeremny Wenzel. LIVE ATM~'~ S THIS QMS .Canada ELVISTHE WAY ILVlS IT WAS DON'T MISS THIS INCREDIBLE SHOW SCALL TODAY FOR TICKETS ONLY $600 ADVANCE BOOK DINNER PHONE 905.873-9956 or 873-2189 525 GUELPH ST., NORVAL ONT. PRO TEACE DASEDALL * Ynt-'Bosel baI kshop *Staris ianuary 09(8 Meksession) *A ges 7+u p *Trnu: 38 pm depeniNgon ae *InstrUctio on Pltchrng, Hittrng, ftdding & TrWng *RepartCrds/Evalotdion, Free Tshirt & mure! To Regutercdl Durny Berni aI 9059740734 eR 416812-6793 Su the netminding parriners - wbo coiiectiveiy boast a division Ieading goals-against average of 2.81 i tumed their attention to efuip1uiuus li eîhcr verds, ruseuîg lite lxi i a.u uinLhii o:n-0':î11qh to finish as the West Conlerences top tender. Wenzei inched ever dloser 10 grabbing that bonour away from is teammate Tuesday ai Memorial Arena as the defending icague champs bianked Niagara 6-0. Beaten just once by Hamilton the previous evening in a 4-i win in steeltown, Jacques maintains bis trontrunner status, but oniy by a sim margin. Tbey sut neck-and-neck in the record departruent as weii. White Jacques suffered tbrougb botb iosses, two of the tbree ies came witb Wenzei between the pipes. Eacb bas one shutout white together tbey've turned in eigbt one-goal performance7s. In the iatest cf these near-tlawiess showings Jacques was neariy ideai tbrougb the first and final periods. His ione giveaway came at tbe tait end of the second to Mark Mazzetti. Milton fired 53 shots the other way but were iargeiy ineffective against veteran cager Jamie Bachorski, wbu stopped ail 19 shots in the opening rame and did a great job keeping bis Kiity Becs in the game. Ryan Eby. Nathan Giliies, Chris Rowan and Geoff Scbomogyi were the marksmen, with Ryan Robicbaud drawing two assists. Piaying against is ex-teammates for the irst time, scoring leader Ed McGrane helped set up the game-winning goal. Among those in on a littie brawling action were i4-year-oid rookie Adam Sturgeon and star blueliner Mati Bannan. who got the better cf Mike Burgoyne to preserve bis unblemished tight record. The Merchants' defensive unit showed strongiy and creatcd a lot of quaiity scoring chances. Tuesday at home they managed an identical numiber ut shots and imnproved to 27-2-3 - stitl tops ini the West. Bannan used is ierce siapsbot to drive a couple cf nails in Niagaras coffin. Also tallying twiee was Gillies, who buried tise biscuit witb upsiairs wristers - the first tînse on a picturesque coast-tu-coast rush. Singles went to captain Kevin O'Flaberty and Mîke Wheeliban. Dropping back tu the blueline, in light of a one-nigbt defensive shortage (Ryan Carrigan was suspended and Chris Baben was figbting illness), Dave Csumrik made great passes ail night and finished witb three heipers. 1In ecl s :cso t theblt rihe gainue -,uiended bv a pre- botb were assessed onfly double-rminer rougbing nî'ractions by reterce Ron MacLean. Merchant notes: Ed McGrane, Kevin O'Fiaberty and Geoff Scbomogyi ail sit top eight in West Contèrence scoring with 66, 65 and 63 points respectively ... Nathan Giliies reccntiy surpassed the hait-century points mark. He and feiiow sophomnore Mike Wbeeiihan remain contenders l'or the Most lmproved Player awvard ... The Merchants host Oakviiie îonight and finish 1998 ieague play witb road trips to Niagara and Burlington eariy next week. Springers look good * ram RUST on page 20 of nagging injuries, Alicia Robinson swung to a titth- place finish on bars in the Senior i loop. At the Junior i level, f'ive sceed to be the magie num- ber as botb Vaîcrie Massel and Christine Chadwick took Iluat sanie spot on bars wlsile Alexis Stolfels inished fiftb on beam. In their irsi year of provio- cial qualitying coînpetition, the îsewest Springers proved the could make the grade. Nine-year-old Jaimi Fellows receivcd tiftt-place ribbons 1 r ber efforts on beam and Iloor - wbere Shannelle Vailîo and Christina Chimonides ended up one and two spaces back respectively. Said Camspbell,. Overali. i was s'ery pleased ssitb the teams performance. Wîtb a tcw retinemnents. we sbouid sec even more Springers up on tise po)diuiis." Many are sidelined .from REP HOCKEY on page 21 dccisions. Witb only two uines the Hurricanes couldo't get anything going offenisively ils a 3-0) lîss to Mississauga. Shots on goal lavoured the victors 24-8. BAHAI 'A klndly tongue is the odestone of the hearfa of men. Ifis fthe bîeod of the spirit, if ctheth the words wifh meoning. ftis the fountain of the ighf of wisdom and understondilg" - f rom the 80h01i wrifings LOCAL: 878-ÔO11 REGIONAL:............... 1800-433-3284 NATIONAL:............... 1-905-889-8168 GLOBAL:-................ ....... .....or www.onecoufltry.IW Grace Anglican Church 317 Main St. E., Mflton the Church on the Hill 878-2411 Rev. Dr. Mark McDerznott SUNDAY SERVICES 80 ..- Ily Cuno 9 10 a.m,. - Inf,,r,,ai Eu,,h,,isi 1030 a.m. - Sng E:,,haisi CHRISTMAS EVE: 500 pin - Eu,,ha,-,,i, Ca,-ois & Chu hSch,,,,i igcant 700 pin. - Sung E,,,ha,,i, A,th,,.,, & A Chritmas Sory 11:00 pi.a-.Sting Euhani, Anthems&Sermon CHRISTMAS DAY: 1030 a.m,. - Etichait Nursery Program, Church School & Caffee Hotar m WEDNESDAY i10:00 am - liky Commun,,,ion, Wii EiLCHAIH ACCES TiIIoUCiI PARKING LOT DOORS HOLY ROSARY PARISH http/wwwgoden.nel-wt&%lhton/ S878-6535 (T.T.Y. 878-9044) HOLY ROSARY CIIURCH 139 Martin Street Mass at 5:30 pm Saturday 9:00 amn, 10:30 arn & noon Sunday OUR LADY 0F VICTORY MISSION Milton Heights Mass at 10:30 arn. Sunday ST. PETER'S CIJRCH 9th Lisse & Britannia Mass at 9:00 arn. Sunday ! ~ Rev. Earl Tabot, P.P CelebraUng our Bth Anniversary MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Ontario St. N. e* 878-2022 10:00 a.m. -The Lord's Supper 11:45 a.m. - Sunday School 6:30 p.m. - Gospel Service Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Prayer and Bible Study 5L3~ And the Word was made flesh and dwelt amorlg us, and we bebeid bis glory, as of the only begotten of the Father. John 1.14 1ý0p . l p~[~N Sunday, December 20, 1998 10:45 ïa.m. THE APPOINTMENT WITH GOD Pastor Rogge continues the Sermon Series entitled 'The Christ of Christmas' "MIS15NMME 1 IGHTY 500" ODI 6:30 pa. KIDS' PRAISE PRESENTS.. î>-. ewkeayts CHRISTMAS CURE Join us for this drsmatic Musical for the Entire FamiIy to Enjoy! HOW TO FIND US! ENLRG YL--..,UI.Ue 123nA INrs T.,Hd t MILTON, ONT. §!Ott R.v. John Benhamn C H u aDirector of Music Corna to p Judy Hunter Sunday, December 20, 1998 10:30 amn WORSHIP and Church Schoel Classes AdventlIV SERMON TITLE: THE JESUS BOOK Nursery Cars availabie Dec. 24 Services: 4:00 pm Bereavement Service 6:30 pm Family Service, il :00 pm Communion Service http://www.gk"serve.neti/-stpulsitt5iof Lave! acceas te Sanctuary avallable for Dec. 20Oand Dec. 24 Services xITR EUEOUO Have you ever wondered wby you are bere on eartb? Have yuu ever wanted tu make a difference in the lives of others? Du yuu wonder wbat the keys are tu being successfui in ail areas of your life? If su, then I wouid encourage you 10 juin us at Victory Bible Cburcb wbere yuu can be equipped tbrougb ils ministries lu have a life ibat is fulfiiiing. VBC is a cburcb wbere Cbristianity is nul a religion, but an oppurtunity lu bave a relationsbip witb God and His word that wîli change lives for elemity. 10:00 A.M. - MORNING WORSHIP MILTON LEISURE CENTRE (BOARD ROOM) (separate services for children 9 years and under) "Li viîg A Vicuorious Life By The Word 0f God' Pastor Charles Boyce (905) 875-2162 Emaul: cboyce@interhop.flet MILTON BIBLE CHURCH meets at Milton Seniors Activity Centre, 500 Childs Drive Fumbly, Bumbly How to find us1 Angels _ A chilclren's production [~ s NDAY, DECEMBER 20TH , Ch%& 10:30 AM Pasttr: .P u Rev. James A. DeMarsb 876-3586 a m 1

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