Visit from Santa One Christmas Eve my family and I went to my grandma' s for dinner because Christmas is SO special. It was great. Later that night we went home. I laid ini my bed waiting for the next day to come because it would then be Christmas Day. I was happy not just because of tbe presents but to celebrate the birth of Jesus. Tben suddenly I heard to a noise out- side. I put on my shoes and ran outside. There was Santa in is sleigb. He came down off the roof. He was wearing is big, shiny suit, big black boots, is red bat and a big fury coat, and, as always, bis big jolly smile. Out of bis sack he took a box. He said, "Open it tomonroW" and tben left. 'Me next momning I ran downstairs and opencd it. It was a stable with seven fig- ures. They wcre Mary, Josepb, baby Jesus, thice wise men and one shepberd. That's what Cbristmas means to me. Derek MacKay Gr. 4, HoIy Roaary Sing and dance To me, Christmas means a time to go to churcb and to celebrate Advent. Christmas is a time to give gifts and to give love. It is a time to get together with your friends and your family. Christmas is a time to go on trip and meet new people and make new frienda. Christmas is a time to sing and dance and to have a party, where we have fun. It is a time to get excited and open your gifts on Christmas moming. That is what Christmas means to me and my famiily. Va ve Maka Gr. 4, HoIy Roaary Not presents Christmas does flot mean presents to me. It means love and how Jesus Christ was bom. Christmas also means spending urne with your farnily and relatives. Also every year I like going to sec Santa and sitting on is knee and tclling him what I would like for Christmas. I like dccorating thc Christmas tree with my family. I also like giving presents to others. This is callcd 'Kris Kringleing'. My favourite ime is to watcb my dad put up thc Christmas lights. Tis year oui ligbts are green and blue. I look forward to unwrapping our Nativity scene. That is what Christmas means to me. CaItlin O'Connor Gr. 4, Holy Roaary Get-togethers I think Christmas is a trne for thanking the Lord for farnily, friends and food. Chistmas is a drne te Uank God for is son Jesus. 1 like getting together with my mom's family and my dad's family. We get together with my mom' s family on Christmas Eve and we get together with my dad's family on Christmas day. Also, the week before Christmas weput up our Nativity scene made out of porce- lain. I also like when my littie sisters bring home a littie casas Nativity scene made out of plastic. They also bning a tape of a song called 'Take a walk to Christmas'. 1 also remember when I sang that song when I was littie and my kindergarten casas had a concert in front of our parents. I also remember whcn I took the class Nativity scene home. This is what I remember and fée], about Christmias. Megan Johnston Gr. 4, HoIy Rosary Booting U Santa-biting dog Christmas is a time not for presents. It's for spcnding time with my fanmly. Wben we put up our Christmas trce, at the end my momn lifts me up and I put the angel on the top of the tree. Christ really means not to receive but to give. For Christmas dinner we est turkey. This Christmas we can't because my mom is working. The most exciting moment is Christmas morning because I'm in bed and my sister is yelling in my ear to wake up and go wake up mom and Kim. Then my dog Cassie wakes up and runs out of my room. We lock ber up evcry year because sbe "Il bite Santa Claus. Kevin Stephenson Gr. 4, HoIy Roaary Seén Morton Grade 213, St. Peters Ip AU the Best Heres hoplng that ail wonderful thlfgs are always on the menu for Our loyal customers. Merry Chrstmas to al! [751 Main St, E., Ste. 2, Miton ON L9T3M (905) 878-4651 o Fax (905) 876-1013 (*pe your holiday contains a large dose of fun arnd an extra measure of good cheer. It's been a real pleasure servlng you this past year. John Brady Grade 5, HoIy Rosary #M ortBkM.K8 Kista m f ra w k 4: -or. & WA.. r sÇ.,C-5S1 O &-[O I vr (À*X.. yovr svppor±-. rII Hi-5 Hair Design and Tanning Salon Open 7 deys a week for your convenience Laurier Centre, 500 Laurier Ave. 876-1337 Wishing Milton Residents SA Véry Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year Thank you Milton for a ver>' successful startup in the Fa!! of 1998 Looking forward to servicing your Real Estate Needs in 1999 j9k Wrkinghard to earn your40 Wrust and TraditionV --7