-continued flrom page 8 Our parents, brotbers, sisters, aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents al share tbe wonderful drne that we can only bave once a year. We bave a big feast witb our traditional foods that we are tbankful for. After our dinner we open ail of our presents frm eacb otber and we sbare tbe laugbter and great Urnes. We tbank tbe Lord for every tbing that we bave including our fniends and farnily. Lndsay Furlk and Marcella Galizia Gr. 6, HoIy Rosary Thanks and praise to God for good days Wbat Cbristrnas means to me is about spend- ing Urne witb family. Cbristrnas cornes only once a year 50 make sure everyone is full of cbeer. We give tbanks and prase to God for al of our good days. Tbat's wbat Christmnas means to me! Tffany Komow Gr. 6, HoIy Rosary If you give, you shaih receive., says Jesus Christmnas is a very good tirne of the year because the saviour Jesus Christ was born to save us al. The presents are nothing but love and sbaring witb others. Saint Nick is a nice man frorn a long Urne ago. He sbowed is love for others by giving presents to people wbo are good. But for the people that bave been naughty, tbey got a lurnp of coal. We ail are loving in some way to people so spread the Christrnas sprt and love one anotber. Give and you shahl receive. Chrie Carmichael Gr. 6, Holy Rosary Three cheers for gifts on Christmas morning Xrnas is here witb Santa and bis deer, You yell witb joy wben you play witb your tôy, You run downstairs to the Christrnas tree when you sec the presents you shout witb gice, When Cbristrnas cornes to an end spring is just around the bend. Bryan Batty and Nlck Cheeseman Gr. 6, Holy Rosary Famlly cornes from near and far for holidays Christrnas means a lot to me. I get to sec rny farnily, They corne to us from near and far. Most of tbem arrive by car, Tbe bouse is filled witb lots of things to do, cousins, aunts, uncles too, Tbe table is set, tbe food looks good, and we begin to pray like we should, The Nativity scene is why we're bere today, Jesus Cbrist was born on tbis day. Tanya Presse and Maria Dai Bello Gr. 6, HoIy Rosary YLoit'e a4vays gjot lime Everyone at your neighbourhood Tim Hortons wishes you the warmest of holiday greetings as we head into 1999. We enjoyed getting to know you better this year. It was our pleasure to serve you our always fresh coffée and baked goods, and look forward to seeing you again next year. We trust you and your famnily find peace and joy this holiday season, and through the new year. Happy Holidays. Fot t3M <Zyeason 's ,fireetingj.s(tom -MOI8501 D rthruHY41 The Staff & Management at the 878v-8712 Milton Tim Horions 8881 e 575 Ontario St. e Non-Smoking location 878-8397 s 50 Market Drive e Non-Smoking/Drive-Thru 878-0497 Krlsta Dermoti Grade 314, St. Peteras .. . .. . 1