22 - The Canadien Champion, Tuesday. November 3, 1998 A perennial problem surfaces at titie meet By STEVE LeBLANO The Champion t promiàsed to be a classie showdown of1 ex-teammates, a scintillating start to what could still be an extraordinary high school rivalry. But round one of the combined« Halton/Golden Horseshoe Athletic Conference (GHAC) Cross Country Championships Thursday at Kelso failed to live up to its expectations. That's because like every year at least one top contender ventures off the conser- vation area's course - which continues to be confusing for many runners season after season. The move essentially takes them out of the race. This time it was E.C. Drury's Melissa Logue who took a wrong turn midway through the midget girls 3,000 metre trek. So instead of offering a stiff challenge to fellow Sam Sherratt School graduate Laura Thistle, now of Milton District High, she fell way out of the title picture and didn't have enough time to pull herself back in. Even without a local competitor shadow- ing ber down the stretch, winning the Halton/GHAC crown proved to be a daunting task for 14-year-old Thistle. She needed well-timed bursts of speed over the illy portion of the course as well as the last few dozen stretches to eclipse Georgetown's Jenny Adams by two sec- onds in 13:30. "I'm really happy to have started my igh sehool career with a bang," said Thistle, a regional public sehool champ in the 1,500m last spring. "This race was twice as long as any I've ever done and I was dying at the end. However, I always finish with a sprint and I just couldn't break that trend." lli- i ctos y p the d <liy L th <iii place team showing - and subsequent provincial qualifying berth - for MD's midget girls. Making up the rest of the contingent were Sally Nichols, Erin Beal, Lee Carson and Dan-ila Dennis who placed ltb, 23th, 25th and 29tb respectively. They were the first of three Mustang teams to earn the proverbial bronze and advance to this Saturday's AI-Ontario finals in Etobicoke. The midget boys completed a qualifying sweep in the youngest age class, thanks largely to Trevor Tobin who finisbed ninth in the 4,600m race. Close behind with l5th and l6th place efforts were Josh Suter and Sean Magee while Neil Lambrick took 22nd spot. In the junior boys' 5,700m event the Mustangs snuck into the last provincial teamn spot despite their top runners - Zac MacKay and Jeff Anthony - only grab- bing l6th and l7th respectively. Brendan Coyle was 22nd and Sîd Munro was 27tb. MD also had three individual qualifiers including senior girls' Camre Meltzer who covered the 4,600m course in a sizzling 21:04 for fourth-place bonours. Chrissie Henderson fmnished fifth in the junior girls' 4,200m event while Craig O'Neil blazed is way to a 29:11 showing over 7, 1 00m for eightb spot among senior boys. Overaîl the Mustangs were third in Halton and fourth in GHAC behind Q.E. Park, Georgetown and St. Mary's of Hamilton. E.C. Drury sent only a handful of run- ners to Kelso Thursday. 'Meir top finisher was Brooke Johnson, who took sixth in the senior girls race. Cross country ski swap Sunday The Halton Cross Country Ski Club holds their clotbing - new and used - will be up for sale. annual ski swap and sale this Sunday at Receîving will be done between 9 and 10:30 a.m. Burington's Nelson Hligh School, located at 4181 with the sale to follow from 1045 a.m. to 3 p.m. New Street. The club hosts a season opening social Both alpin.. andcross cuntry ski cquiptrinî tand Wedresday, Nov. 18 froin 7 3<) loi0IO) ni channels. One [0W piNce 25 951 A PR Total finance charges - S145,88 Total ot mothly payorents- $64488 Doos oinrcîtîde applicable taies tS20 redit oplies 0 Ail Yoe Cao Eat piogiammiog package Credit will be applied 0700 renittiance ot prograeîmieg couon(oos) th irst rnoioce tîoin £îpiessVu Initiai piogramiiîorg package chosen ilisI Te ased oi duratîonofotcredit CrediCanoot ire combineri milS 000other oter ltPrograiireanîd installtion sold sepaîatly See store toi complete detais ' nA pr v d C edt E P f rE p e. us sen ( a ed o u r n ae rc f$ )=S 268 / n hpu ae s a e n2 o htlu 547 Main St. E. Milton 878m0931 6 DAYS ONýL.Yý NOVEMBER 2 7;98 (OR WHILE QUANTITIES LAST)