a no. Regional council is scram- bling to avoid going back to the drawing board for the 1998 budget year after Finance Minister Emnie Eves announced a mandatory cap on tax increases for commercial/industrial proper- ties in Ontario. The capping was conceived as a means to help unprepared municipalities deal with tax hikes caused by current value assessment (CVA). t is the seventh change in tax legisialion this year alone. If the legisiation is passed it would increase regional taxes by $2 million and spark a huge revision of area property tax bis. After hours of debate Halton council voted unanimously la send a stiff message 10 -the Province Ihat îhey be exempt from a policy that calîs for a 10C per cent tax cap in 1998, and5 per cent for both 1999 and 2000. Halton is une of three regions in Ontario petitiuning foi exemption from the legislatior that they say will only adc more confusion lu an alread: perplexing year for laxpayers --arotiu 925Mai St E.1'ý I -in ail my Urne in municipal government 1 have never had to do something of this magnitude" ................ - IOE IMALDO By IRENE GENTLE Special tu The Champion 1 laiton waflsIolu pi .1 .ay Iw) when it comnes lu a new provin- cial property tax cap schcmce. Or maybe thal would be oh, They are joined by Hamilton- Wentworth and Ottawa- Ail three regions used toois such as business rebates and phase-in programs tu offset CVA triggered tax hikes. If they are nul exempt from mandatory capping, these regions will be forced to re- work their financial game plans in the îenth month of the 1998 bodgeî year. t will also make Hallon Region the bearer of bad news for many local businesses, warned Jue Rinaldo, Halton' s cummissioner of curporale ser- vices. Mr. Rinaldo told counicil Ihal if capping gues îhrough, a revised bill will be sent ouI lu more Ihan 4,000 small busi- nesses. 0f them, 1,919 will receiN'e a lax increase for a total of about $9.2 million. "In ail my time in municipal govemnment I have neyer had lu do something of this magni- tode," he wamned. 111 guaranlee when we send increased tax t buils to Ihese 1,919 properties ) we're going tu gel calîs." 5 Complicating the piclure is I that the Province seems lu be backing off a previous agree- ýs ment lu supply the Region wiîh ýr $1.1 million for business tn rebales. That's a policy Mr. d Rinaldo hopes will change ýy after Halton staff meet with the s.Province this week. im-lieu (PU-)'iproperties. PILUs arec c.xted omt ol a constitulional quirk that states nu govemment pruperly can be taxed by anoîher governiment body. Thal means any provin- cial or federal business can'l be made lu, pay municipal taxes. Despile Ibis, as a courtesy lhey pay ouI in PILs. Before capping ir was busi- ness as usoal in terms of Pls. If capping is nul restricled lu small businesses, governmenl pruperties will be able lu, take advanlage of 10 per cent tax caps. .PUZA W1NGSLAAN"',5 WE DELVER TO MILTON, ACTON, SCAMPBELLVILLE & RURAL AREAS "We'll be pushing for thal $1.1 million lu be back on the table," he said. There' s more bad news from the regional viewpoinî. While previous provincial Please don't forget your donation envelope for the Santa Claus Parade downtown Sunday Nov. 15 Wt 2 p.m. FREE DELIVERY STARTS AT 1Il A.-M. 1.5 MARTIN ST., UNIT 112, MILTOÔN NOTICE 0F COMMUNITY MEETING Kilbride Hydrogeological Study, Functional Road Network and North Halton Transportation Study Community Meeting November 4,1998 Kilbride Public Sehool 7:30 p.m. - Update on Ground Water Study a~-- '-e" ' 8:15 p.m. - North Halton Transportation Study 'wweom '&e 9:00 p.m. - Traffic Calming Study Halton Region, in conjunclion with the area municipalities, has iniiated a review of the role, function and service level of major roads in the Region. To date three public meetings have bees held in Halton Hilîs, Milton and Oakville/Burligtofl ta discusa specific transportation issues in North Halton. In addition to the three public meetings, three community meetings have taken place in Halton Hilîs snd one is planned for Kilbride 10 sddress specific transportation issues and concerna within the comrnunty. The community meeting scheduled for Kilbride is to discuss both the short terra transportation issues including an update ofthe rehabilitation of Derry Road and a discussion of traffic caising options within the community of Kilbride. Public input is very important in the study process ta define the transportation issues and possible solutions. Therefore, we are requesting your attendance at the November 4, 1998 community meeting ta discuss the study flndings ta date and possible transportation solutions. We would also like to take thc opportunity, as a follow up ta the 1997 Hydrogeological Study and the February 1998 public meeting, to present and discuss with youthe results ofthe follow up groundwater sanipling progran. Please contact the following individuals if you require additional information: Mr. john SuthermsP.Eng. McConnickRanklflCorporation RegionofHaltan RcgionofHaltSu 1151 TBmteRoad L 2655 North Sheridan WaY il 5 nte uwaa I olM3L Miissls aOntario L5K 2P8 OakvilleOitaiOLM l Oailentr Phone: (905) 823-8500 Phone: (905) 825-6161 cet 7632 Phone: (905) 825-6161 ext. 7134 Fax: (905) 823-8503 Fax: (905)825-8822 Fax: (905)8C5-8822J 2 Medium Pizzas 2 Large Pizzas 3 Toppings 3 Toppings 4 111809 13.9 1 2 Great Pizza With 3 Toppings +j 20 Chicken Wings + 2 Pop or Garlic Bread Med Large Partyd 013.9il15.991190 The Canadien Champion, Friday, October 3,1998 - 3 Three regions want exemptions to cap law _________________________________________for 1-1ltnn in the In fact. if the legislatiori pass- I tols such as rebates applied lu businesses assessed at less Ihan $1 million, capping applies lu aIl properties in the commer- cial/induslrial sector. 'Mat han opened anoîher can stands lu save $110 million in Ontario. For Halton, lost PIL revenues will amount lu about $1.6 mil- lion. When the impact 10 mem- ber municipalities is rolled in, thal figure will likely rise 10 $3- 4 million, said Mr. Rinaldo. "Isn'l il ironic thal when you look aI the proposed legislation that is supposed to help busi- ness, one of the biggesl benefi- ciaries is the provincial cao- cus," commented Borlinglun Mayor Rob MacIsaac. a see BATrLING on page 7