16 - The Canadien Champion, Fnday, October 30, 1998 00 iraelCainike nmdPmkin getting lots with of attention in Andrewsing c fro POCH n pge osi-r- çh -. _____________ "It can be a really bazarre carecr. A triend m in au iti ned eig t im e -to£-- nto -o I rir~i AS FOR THOSE CRUISESHIF, you can't betieve wbat is out there for you already, and what is coming your way! How about a 12,000 passenger criser which would neyer see land (no Port large enough!), but woutd float the oceans and seas and act as a mother ship for a fleet of amnaller ships to go to the pots! More reaistic at the moment, is the new DisNEY MAGIC CRUISESHIP - you know they do everything bigger and better as wide as an eigbt lane expressway, and canies 2,400 passengers! THERE ARE LARGER SHIPS AND THERE ARE SMALLER, as we said, with AN IIMAZING VARETY OF ITIJ'IERARIE. one we like is from ROYAL CARIBBEAN - il wilt have ils own 'skating rink' when launched next year! DII) YOU KNOW: Last week wî referenced being tumed back at Fort Eri wben going to referee because of having no work visa'- wenl to Niagara Falls and crossed over as 'tourist' - no problen wenl and refereed! TRAVEL TIF 0F THE WEEK Compare a croise with a resort vacalaon at your travel agency professionals good value! 7de W4 70d4 878-2886 16 Martin St. (downtown) ,%bo in Hilton HilLaOikvile and Clirla www.brucehood.com Invcsring can be thés ciiaaforrable. In\iesinient Planner Plu,,m anad a T ut ial Fund, ares îîered hi CT Inieîment inta,,emetit G(31 in., a Canada Trutso iay ýpîîspectuýs onhi. Cihain a supv ai anv Canada Trust lranch and niad i scarelull sbelone oresmur mlguarantced hi Canada Trust or iîiiied b h Canada Depusit Insurause Corporaion or any ther guvemmeat isurer. Nol YOU WONT CET SlCK - ON A CRUJISE! ON nHE WEEKEND, WE SPOKE WITH FOLKS WHO HAVE NEVER BEEN ON A CRUISE. Athough they like to travet a lot - tbey said they'd probably gel sick on a cruise, so have avoided them! Welt, as we totd them and are here to tell you now, that il is possible for you to get sick on a croise, just as you can anywhere including night at home - but it is highly unikely it wilt be the MOVEMENT 0F THE SIP'wicb will make you utl! Just as we have said in the past that il is IGHLY UNLIKELY YOU WILL BECOME ILL BY VISfl'ING MEXICO - the same applies to a cruise sip. lt'e 'fow Ë(b do rot appty in either instance, as imes have cbanged - the sips are langer, have stabiizers,' are built more 'passenger comfortable' than many years ago. Just as in Mexico, there are better precautions now re the use of proper drinking waler. (Oh sure, neyer say never, almost anything is possible - but the average is very much in favour of a good, miemorable timne, minus sickness!) Perm," she said. It can also be feast or famine. Two weeksala Ms Andrew cteaned bouses 10 belp meet the me gage. Two weeks from now, she'll have been Adding to the activity is a recent marriage Franz Lehrbass, a former trumpet player in1 ýrrh.-çtrâ wih which the vibrant singer toui the rat igo, lort- Son tbe red She bas made herself about as busy as a young along, and we' re both singer/actor can be. But it's ber dog that is getting sopranos." ber ail the attention. StitI, the joke is "Pumpkin's career is reatly taking off bere, but 1 wearing a bit thin for don't know if it'tl do mucb for me," sbe said Ms Andrew, wbo bas pbilosopbically. "It's a little weird being upstaged stain too many per- by my dog." sonal dragons to be The competitioni sponsored by Advantage Flea sidetracked in ber Control was not Pumpkin's first foray on stage. In quest now by a popu- fact the canine companiori bas accompanied Ms lar poocb. Andrews on a number of ber lighter, cabaret-type The first dragon Le.sIey And shows. came in the form of a "She's always requested. At tiraI people tbink virulent tearning disorder that had Ms the joke is that we look so much alike. She bas onty pretending she coutd read untit the orange fur and 1 bave very naturatty curly reddish Even armed with att th e tricks aimeda hair. We botb wear these ittle bows," she said. people in the dark about ber trouble, M' When Ms Andrew lets loose that voice with a found berseif in remediat classes in hei four-octave soprano range, it seems the puny achool, side-by-side witb people who btg poocb just can't resist joining in. many as three grades. "She does it no matter wbat I'm singing. No The probtem was exacerbated by a fat matter where," she said. Her parents divorced. She stayed tempei The toy' s talent was discovered accidentatly ber father. According to the law of tI when Ms Andrew was warming up in ber car for a child of divorce coutd cboose wbich pai gig in Hamidlton. witb at 13 years otd. "I beard this squeal. I tbougbt I bad bit some- Within a week of tbat birthday, M' thing," she recatted. igbtaited it to Milton, to be witbh h Shaken, Ms Andoew puiled over. Wben every- Halton school Trustee Enica Andrew. thing look fine, she cimbed back in and resumed "Moving to Milton was the best thig singing. bappened to me, other than my mol Once more, the poocb joined in. tink is just wonderfut,"1 she said. Since tben Pumpkin bas made a duet of anytbing Ini Milton, Ms Andrew bad a chance Ms Andrew sings. She wil even sing atong to a start at E.C. Drury Hfigb School. She8 recording of Ms Andrew's voice. ber learning It' s a shtick, sure, pure show business. But it' s a It was in Milton where Ms Andrew a good stick. ered she had a fine set of tungs. She' "You can juat see the wave of reaction from an time since then putting them to goed audience," said Ms Andrew. "She doesn' t juat often crazy wortd of show business. WE ' LL MAP OUI YOUR INVESIMENT ROUTE andi EVEN DO THE DRIVING. ig id a' INVESTMENT PLANNER PLUS- EASY, EXPERT INVESTMENT PLANNING. Yîîu can seuîle in wîîh .aimfirt and confidence yîîur gials, attitudes îiîwards rsk, ime hoti:ons when Investmenr Plaînrer Plus is drivng gilur invesr- andi performance objectives. menrs formard. If yiiu have an invesient portfoîlio In short, is persiinai. prîfessiîinal invesîment sîver $25,000, out expert îns'esîmenr econsultants planning. And Invesîment Planner Plus isa reliable can help yîîu maximize yîîur pillential reîurn. luxai fur eînîendîng wth the vîlaîîlîîy and inpre- They'll design a piortflioii specifically for giîîr needs dicîability of tiiday's fînîncial markets. Besi of and moîntor i minîhly ris ensure that ir says on ail, il's iffeted ai lni cos, and avalahie flut hh îrack wiîh youu invesîmenl iijeuîivecs. Ail yîîu tegisîered and niin-regisîered plans. Droip h1 and 7have t dus s sit dîwn with (me of ourinveslînenl ell map ount a plan to drive your invesînienîs cosnsulants lot a deîaîled, persiinai-ed analvsis ofi iîrîher. For details call1-1800-523-3300, or visit uwww.canadatrust.com St. John Amnbulance 18 lookiug for volunteers i the Milton area. The Georgetown brigade is currently providing first aid coverage for sporting and cultural events in this area. If we can get enough Milton area members in the Georgetown brigade, we will re-start the Milton brigade. St. John Ambulance provides a valuable service for your community. You wilI receive advanced training in first aid and disaster relief. You will improve your leadership, communication and interpersonal skills. If you are 17 years of age or older, call 905-877-7658 for more info. Meetings are held Tues. eves. 7 - 9 pm. MapleLodge r~dQvale family entertai % entS - ries Sait Wate Mo Eric A ramaairc patarrag trista Jackson & r Waoite b ardFecir praduced by Doual Beattie laanaca i tih Theatre Oraageaiie. Thre scerre a Caeys Peina, Augus 1926. Mar Nagier'I n sads on a smmer bsse poer a scann~isg iri tsky reSu Novembor 8, 1998, 2pm teesacope. Jacab Merce Eric N r irad eei himsa tthie art ai mak- reatches tram tire raad1. Wiii h inglamiy maarc. Avitnas e maoe ana iandmesaine fSwaMa . treent from the wl kawn tote truly bak?itwn'ti eiasybutt biarr, i peaks and singa anuag o teMng itonaacbs side and ieatand 9ndstiaciridre atalaessaed. tire meon, Yis soreaiaaiy. SIiqISSIUW FaMIW Pak Singlo Show Tickets order your icket 3. Uneinrs WBoxMle l aewIir matrai milnrisa jefffIMorCs n 1Mdu*Tb : 0315 MmbvMeo Rd. et Melord Rd., Mnssfuua JL s son idrew Is Andrew age of 12.1 at keeping las Andrew cr Waterloo kd faited as mrity crisis. ýarnly with the lime, a erent to live Ms Andrew her mother, ig tbat ever ber, who 1 zfor a fresh got help for disorder. also discov- es spent the A use in the These days Mr. Lebrbass has hung up bis lrum- pet for a career as an audio engineer. He went back to school to land it, a thing that is frequently on the minds of people in the hardscrabble busi- ness of entertainmeflt. "I loved music but I neyer dreamed I'd make a career of it. Back then it was eitber singing or vel school," said Ms Andrew. "I thought by the time I'm 30 if I haven't made it, 1 coutd go back to school." Her definition of succesa is simple - being able to go into a book store and buy a hardcover tome without caring about the price tag. Il' s a reatistic bencbmark in a business where there are 10 women for every rote being offered. That, combined witb a trend for shows such as The Lion King and Beauty and the Beast, cut down opportunities for singers like Ms Andrew. "Tbey're doing what we cati better's shows. It's a different sort of style. It' s sort of yelting," she said. "The burnout rate in them is pretty high. They often hire very young singers who end up three weeks after the show opens btowing their vocal chords." In the meantime there' s Leno and Donny and Marie, and a few solo concerts in November.