Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 Sep 1998, p. 29

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t~~j The Canadiean Champion, Friday, September 25, 1998-29 FARM GARAGE SALE IIAIN OR SHINE 9am - 2 pm - Sat., Sept. 26 Some îiousohold chairs, ans and more. 21 CuFI Freezer (working). Lise Stock Wafer and Feed Trough, Fend Carl laie- minumi, Bag Car, CaIle Dehorner, CaIle Oier wilh Brusti (now), Baie Elesatnr, Ha 48 Round Bale, Fence (9 wire - steel pos), namber of Wire Gaes - 14-16. Two 14' antique Steel Wheel Gaes 40' auniuinm Ladrer (new), 22 Lawn Mower, Two 12 Ions Jack, namneroas smaii oils, 2x4 Lumber, piy- wood. 1975 GMC Truck (60 SeriesM Cadiiiac de Fegance, 1982 Travel Trailer (Golden Fai Hwy 2(Northf 41), 5 i South, Dead end - 401 8674 DUBLINL Ownerntr si pnsibin ion any crad SALE ISAT. SEPT. 26 I 9AM -4 PM 18809 -8THI 1 RD. EAST 0F TRAFALGAR RD. HUGE GARAGE SALE!! SAT. SEPT. 26 9 AM - 3 PM 11350 - 4th LUne W.Nassagaweya between 15 & 20 ide rd. 1 rd east of Gueph Line. Over 20,000 items. Re-sellers wel- corne. Something for everyone. 1000 new rakes reg. $15 for $4. 500 new shovels reg. $20 for $6. MULTI FAMILY GARAGE SALE Campbellville Estates One Day Only Rain or Shine Sat. Sept. 26 8 AM -NOON Lots of items 10 choose from.. mc. pictures, cribs, igh chairs, chul- drens toys, bikes & more!! SEE YOU SATUI MULTI FAMILY GARAGE SALE SAT. SEPT. 26 WHITE DRIVE 8 AM -12 NOON Hockey, Household, Clothes LOTS FOR EVERVONE!! ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH JUMBO SALE!! SAT. OCT. 3RD 9:30 AM - 2 PM Lion's Club Hall Campbellville LunchlHoflubakiflg, ciothing. Somnethiflg for Everyonelll HORSE BOAROING AVAILABLE. Large box staffs, daify turnout. Excellenlt fend and cane. Close to Milton, Oakvif le, & Burfingten. 878-1924. wifh 15' Stock Box), 1964 lOtrsmohile Royale. 18' con). Al sehicies as is. Sideroari West, Duhlin Line )1,1lsf Farm on righl. UNE SOUTH adnts in cassectin ilO thsasain. CALLING ALL COOKS!l Fast paced, mufti cencept restau- rant/bar in Miltn, loek- ing fer energetic, hard- werking & censcientieus fine ceeks. An eye for detaiV/prde in yeur werk are essential. Minimum 3 years experience only please. Contact Jasen (905)878-6697. Chariey Ftzwhiskeys, 55 Ontario St., N. Milton. Fax (905)878-4649. CLEANERS required immediatofy for Milen ares. Gonerai cleaning & some heavy dutIy tasks are required Fleor maintenance knewfege is a plus. Fax resume te 905-335- 6006 or complte appli- cation at Human Re- sources, 310 Main Sf. E., Milton, Ont. FINANCIAL Planning Administrative Assisant. Aggressive new compa- ny has position for cas- tomer focused, detaii orientod, team playor who wllf champion front line administration. Industry expenienco or education essential. Reaumes: PO. Box 23064, 55 Ontario St., Miton, Ont. L9T 5B4. FULL TIME Ovemight positions avaifabf e. (Self Serve). Appfy in person te Sunece in Campbeflvifie. (Guelph Lino & Hwy 401). 905- 854-2006 FUTURE Scholars Day Caro Centre requires #1 -Junior/Preschof Teacher 2 Ted dl or/Prose ho o Teacher. 15 month con- tract Oecig98. Applicants must heid ECE ipfomna/First Aid/CPR an asset. Senous appli- cents please sond cover f tter with resume. Caroline Johnsten, 100 Mountain View Rd., S., Georgetown, Ont. L76 4K6, Fax #905-702- 1010. GENERAL yard hof p for Oakvif le whofosafe fum- boryard. Futlf time. Rapid advancoment. Caf t Brenda (905)469- 0446. WANTED Hairstylists FULL / PART-lIME Bssy locations in BURLINGTON, MILTON and WATERDDWN Exc. wages, horit! commission, benef ifs. No cientele needed. Caîl 689-4467 (ANNUAL FALL FAIR CRT SALE by Marge and Owo i Saf. Sept. 26, Sun. Sept 27 9 arn - 4 pmn 359 Kngway Plac, MilIeon ~l aï aUfUtaIiT s Tr n lata i a ed fbw eî IWANTED Do yon have an eye for dttail? Are yen reliable? We have Temporary (day & evening shifts), and Weekend positions: "on-caf I' basis in the Milton ares. Must have own transportation. Please state shift preterence and salary expectations. Von may fax yoar resumne te (519) 624-1090 or e-mail: FIfflWHC TRUCK STOPS Are yoa an energefic person wanting te work in a fast paced envirenment? We are cnrrently accepting applicafions for the toit owing: FT/PT Waiters, Waitress/Cashiers FT/PT Short Order Cooks FT 11-7 Dishwasher/Maintenance Appfy in persen: Fitth Wheel Trnck Stop 40 Chisholm Or, Milton NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE. TRAIN YOURSELF FOR A BETTER TOMORROW!I! CET THAT BETTER JOB!! Computer Training ENROLL NOW Flexible Hours, Learning Guarantee BACK TO SCHOOL SPECIAL!!! 40% OFF OUR COURSE PRICES CALL NOW 905-702-0286 ÔChudleigh 's CHUDLEIGH'S NOW HIRING For Pick Vour Own Apple Season. Retail, Tour Guides, Tractor Drivers & Information Booth & B80. Filout applications at Chudleigh's 9528 Hwy. 25, between 9 & 5. Reqnires BELl VERY DRIVERS FnIf-Tme/Part-Tirne Must have own car. Apply in person 465 Main St.E. 16 DRIVERS NEEDED Aspire te ho a top earning professional car hauler. Excellent eamings & benefits potential. Car hauling programn. Min. 2 years expertence. AZ, current abstract and ICC required. Cati (905) 845-9330 Only those selected for interview wil be contacted. We are an E.O.E. NUTRITION Houso. Full and part time Hoalth Food store epportuniitios epening sean at Milton Malt. Sooking individuaf s with oxperienco/and or inter- est in Nutrition. Provieus experience in natural supplemonts and hoafth foods an assot. Fax resumne te 905-707- 5102 anytime. PIANO, Movers helper. Responsibie and strong. $10 per hr. 878- 6597. rEasfiOW1 ITelephonel 1875-33001 ClsiidFax 87-364l Cashway DL, Lcen-,rd driver%'ardsta ti1ulIIleEIjol ei, hle clean abstract. Part Time YardstatT: for shipping and reevng. Part Tinie Cashier: Incudes evenings and weekends. If you are a team player. quick to learn and hacd working. looking for a progressive Comnpany, please forward your resurne to: Ron Grootjans/Stacy Rice Cashway Building Centres 700 Main St. E., Milton Fax: 905-878-8025 *Please indicate the position yon are applying for. While we thank Ailappt cansaaiy those seiectedwil ha ona ed.Noa lphone callplease. CASH WAY PART TIME RETAIL STAFF Large Brampton Foodi Company requires mature, outgoing, energetio, people orienteti, self starter to work n their retail outiet. These part time positions require the individual to work flexible hours, weekends and evenings and would be ideal for high school anti/or universify students. Heavy lifting is involveti. Cash, com- puter and food retail experience an asset. Please apply in confidence to: P.O. Box 3705 clo The Mississauga News 3145 Wolfedale Rd. Mississauga, ON M5 3A9 SHOPPERS Drug Mart, Milon Mail. Full time Assistant Cosmetie Manager required. Days/evenings/weekends. Exoenienoe in Make-up Artistry preferred. Pick up application a Pharmacy. SUBWAY looking for mature hel p. Day position availabf e. Mnst be friendly and oufgoing. Appfy in person wifh resume te 389 Main St., Esst. TWO Ladies required for 2 heurs office cleaning. Wed. arn or pm. $9. per hur. 878-3828. TWO PART Tf ME postions avaifabf e. Some restau- rant or cafering experience an assef. But wili train. Apply in person te 140 Main Street. SALES PERSON We are interesteti in a Sales Person with excellent work ethics anti hones- ty. You must be of a positive nature and attitude andi be able to work with a minimum amount of supervision. We are retailers of horse traiders, cargo trailers anti auto haulers anti require a person to enhance our professional team. A portfolio woulti be an asset but full training woulti be provitieti for the right person. Salary plus commission anti company benfits. Apply ta Box 2409 C/O The tndependent/Free Press 2 11 Armstrong Avenue, Georgetown, ON, L7G 4X5 SHORT TEN AIVERISINOSASU Country catalogue requires sales tea, tor speciaf ase. Start immediately - proet ends Octaber 30th. Must hase car. Excellent commissionn - tarn Chrismas cash. Caf : Lynda, 1-800-668- 7788 or Fan: 1-800- 265-1148. GENERAL LABOUR- ERS required 4-12 pm. or 12-8 arn shift. Aso roquired person with experience on EXTRUDER for 12-8 am shift. Please send rosumo te R0. Box 99. Campbeliviiie, Ont. LOP IBO or fax 878-3785. CAitING, teliabie -GRDE K-6. rons babysitter has spaces fîferacy/matft/numberAlef avaifabl e. Lest et TLC, ter recegnition.. hot lunches, E.W. Fester Enthusiastic, high ener- ares. 876-4059 gy, especialiy crealîve. DAYCARE needed.Wln 0~QL 0 '. Twe chiidren, 10 chldas teacher. (Only a montfs/3 ears Ourfew spaces feft). Mrs. O. McKenzie home. Requires flexible 875-3442.4l hou rs/trànsperf ation . Referehoes. 878-3994. LICENCED home day- care. Spaces avaifabf e. Previders needed. Apply te Caring Places. Agency Office 876- 1514. Announce your chttds bieth in ite cnaanascleuu and your child wtIl bc featured wth photo in our Baby Editton in Januaey. R EAL ESTATE ASSOCIATES Our cornpany requires several carter-minded, self-motivateti individuafs te prevîde real estate services te clients wthîrî our expanding market et the greater Halten Regien, including Milton, Bnrlingten and Oakville. The ideal candidates will have geed communication skif s, enjey werking with tht public and will be requiredt f complete the course et sfudy fer real estate sales representatives or may aI ready be licenseti represen- tatives or associate brekers. Prudential Town Centre Realty has been in business since 1989 and currentfy has fhree offices, one in Milton & two in Oakville. Prudential Real Estafe has over 1,400 offices & 37000 representatives across North America. If aise operates one of the fargest and mest respected empfeyee relecatien cempanies worldwide. Successfol applicants shoulti expect te earn an annual inceme during their f irst year in excess et $50,000. Experienceti representafives earn censiderably more. Te arrange an interview please contact one of the fllowing: ALLAN BAIN [AMONT LEONE Broker! Owner Vice Presîdent 280 North Service Road West 245 Main Sftreet East Oakville, Ontario, L6M 2S2 Milton, Ontario, L9T liPl (905)-338-6550 (905)-878-9100 W.r'XPrudential STown Centre Realty CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT? LOVE PUBLIC PRACTICE? TIRED 0F THE BIG CITY? Look ne turther. Homne & Co. is a f ive partner f rm in beautîful Burlington, Ontario which for close te 60 years has been commit- ed te helping aur clients operate extraordînary businesses. We require new teamn members who: " have hir C.A. designation " demonstrate great communications skills * pIan a long-term career in public accounting *have hoir own entrepreneurial spirit *derive personal satisfaction tram helpîng small, medium and large private companies and individuais grow their businesses *want te make a competitive remuneration package What we dont require are: " weekends when you should be with family or friends " in excess et 1,750 chargeable heurs *sttîng in traffic te or trom the office * waiting for the elevator when you finally get there *having te, pay fer parking *a suit 5 days ef the week tf yeu are ready te think about the benetîts efthse working conditions, please forward your resume te: RECEPTIONISI required. 3 Eveniînga.HRN O and alternate week-atrdAconat konds om1ecouerel 855 Brant Street, Burlington, ON Responsibf e, r labf Attn: Mr. Gord McNiven, Patiner e Fax:1 and mature. Caf I 878- 1498. 1988 FOR3D TEMPO 4 A boater or a $4.000 Celebratlitg ant door autematie, tas doductien. Donato Awmlvrsay. 189,900 km. Now tires, your car te charity. 1- birrm y or877-CAR-FUJND or Any Sscial brakes. As is. $1500. 455-0995. Anoc it? Bin86-86. AUTO INSURANCE. Annoncet n 1997 DOOGE DAKOTA Boat rates for Most dri- Zbtit Canabian> SLT. Fufly loaded. Crew vers incfuding highor Cf>ampion cab. V8 4X4 50,000 risks. Cati Warren, 519- 875-33 0- kms. $27.700-. 878- 853-4284, 905-270- '. 1549. 1555. a N U7R MJ :(905) 632-4034

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