around you miserable as well. Al this can be scientifically ex- plained: your body has gotten used to tobacco over a period of years, and needs its dose of toxins (nicotine and Lar) to feel comfortable. If you stop all at once, your body's balance is disturbed, and you'll end up "cracking" under the strain sooner or later. That's why Dr. Passebecq's treat- ment allows you to keep on smoking as much as you like. You have to get rid of your desire gradually, in the same way you ac- quired it - until it disappears by itself, with no effort on your part, in an average of 9 to 14 days, depending on the individual. How exactly does it work? At first you'll be smoking almost as much as before... but don't worry, that's perfectly normal. The first couple of days you'll hardly notice any difference. Then on the third and fourth days, without even realizing it, you should already start feeling less of a need to reach for a cigarette. And if you do light up, you'll find that you'll leave the cigarette half un- smoked in the ashtray! After that, things should happen very quickly. You should begin to notice that you've only smoked a few The Canadian Champion, Frday, September 25, 1998-21 "A Proven, Safe and Effective Way to Quit Smoking" Dr. Douglas Anderson, M.D. "l r. Passebecq's Stop Smoking Method is In my opinion, if you commit yourself to > D proven to b e a safe and effective way to use the Method as directedl, you are virtually quit smoking. It's elfective even Pr smokers bound to succeed ini stupping smnoking. who are clinically addicted to tobacco. A significant advantage of this Method is Indeed compared to other methods it is that no medical supervision is needed. You do -,domvery fast. Research has shown that it takes flot need any checkup before starting, or any Douglas Anderson M.D., under 14 days for the average smoker using monitoring during the program. The tech- is a Physician in private this program to achieve total abstinence from nique is so simple and easy to apply - you just practice in New York City. tobacco. start out and do it! After 27 years of practice, 1 know of no other method for stopping Research has demonstrated that if a smoker he has become recognized as one of the best specia- lists in the treatment of scientiflcally - that has a success rate higher follows the programs instructions properly, chemical dependency. t/an the Dr. Passebecq Method. abstinence fro tobacco is easily achieved." cigarettes, and that you've hardly thought about it. Soon, smoking will have lost all of its importance for you. You'll feel neither the need nor the desire to light up. And that's it, you've quit! As proof, why not accept this really unique (and free) offer? Here it is: As part of a new Canadian cam- paign to help people who want to stop smoking, Dr. Passebecq, in as- sociation with the Direct Health Organization, has decided to give away a booklet entitled "Why and How to Stop Smoking" that tells you about the Passebecq "treatment" and lets you try it without risking anything more than a postage stamp. Can everyone feel their need to smoke disappear as quickly and easily? To date there are already thousands and thousands of men and women who finally stopped smoking, although they no longer believed they could. Their success is documented in written testimonials. Here are a few extracts from trousands of letters received: (We regret not being able to re- produce these letters in their entirety, for lack of space. Copies of the orig- inal will be sent to you upon request. Of course, individual results may vary). "... tried a number of methods with no success. From the first day of this treatment I wentfrom twenty cig- arettes a day to seven, and stopped completely after nine days..." Mr. Jean-Claude H., Wimille ref: 62126 "..I'm 58 years old. My brother died of lung cancer, and that scared me a lot. Then one day someone told me about your treatment. Why not try it, I thought. So I did, and the miracle happened - I don't smoke anymore. I could hardly believe it, and I was afraid I'd start again, but NO..." Mr. Maurice B. ref: 76200 ".I was the type of person who bought a pack of cigarettes every time I went into a corner store. I always needed my two packs a day, but in just 12 days I freed myself of the habit. I waited 3 more months before sending you this letter because I wanted to be absolutely certain my desire to smoke wouldn't come back, and it hasn't!" Mr. Phillip R., Le Boulou ref: 66160 "I'm 41 years old and I've been smoking two packs a day since I was 18. I had already tried to quit a few times without success, and ended up telling myselfI'd never be able to do it. Then I came across your method, and all I can say now is THANK YOU! It's really effective. I can still hardly believe that I stopped smoking so quickly and easily. Ifeel great, I'm more active and happier than ever..." Mrs. Beatrice H., Mele-sur Sarthe ref: 61170 "I had no idea how much better you couldfeel when you don't smoke anymore. My coughing fits have disap- peared, and so has my insomnia..." Ms. Christiane S. St. Ouen l'Aumone ref: 95310 "...The result was astonishing. On the tenth day I didn't touch a single cigarette. It all happened exactly as you said it would. Ifeel perfectly well and I'm so happy I finally got rid of the smoking habit..." Mrs. Claudine S., La Chapelle ref: 1060 "Since June 1989, I have com- pletely stopped smoking, thanks to the Passebecq Method. I have never felt any need to light up again -and this without putting on a single pound." Mr. Christian B., Les Aynans Follow in the footsteps of all these people who quit smoking so quickly and easily. Just fill out the attached order form and drop it in the mail. Don't send any money. There's nothing to pay. In a few days you'll receive your package, discreetly wrapped, with no exterior markings. Then you can make up your own mind whether or not the treatment can free you of your desire to smoke... without upsetting your mental or physical equilibrium. Does this sound too good to be true? Do you think you've already tried everything? Well, why not conduct this amaz- ing experiment just out of curiosity? Because you'll be amazed by what Dr. Passebecq has to say. If ever an important offer was made to you, this is it. And there are abso- lutely no risks involved, either finan- cial or otherwise! Read on only if you are stili hesitant to take advantage of this unusual offer. 1. Are you aware of the dangers of smoking? As you surely know, smoking greatly increases the risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease. According to studies conducted by Professor Peto of Oxford University, tobacco will have killed over 50 million people between 1975 and the year 2000. In addition, tobacco depletes Vita- min C from your system, which can result in loss of both memory and concentration. Sexual impotence is often another consequence of smoking! And don't think it affects only men-many women who smoke gradually become frigid. This is now a well-known fact! 2. Don't you think it would be a pity to keep on damaging your heart and lungs, and deprive the body' zcells of oxygen. It may shorten your breath, dry out your hair, destroy the vibrancy of your skin and cause wrinkles. 3. If you've already tried every- thing to quit smoking, you probably don't believe in anything anymore. If so - and to prove to you that this method is different - return the at- tached order form, if only out of sim- ple curiosity. You run absolutely no risk of losing any money. The only thing you can lose is your desire to smoke! 4. When you've stopped smoking you'll suddenly feel a sense of energy you never dreamed you had. You'll be delighted... delighted to realize that day by day your health is im- proving, to a degree you never dreamed possible. Also, think how fantastic it will be, how proud of yourself you'll feel, when you can say to people who knew you as a heavy smoker, "No thanks, I've quit!" Important: Since it is part of a national campaign, thisfree offer can only be guaranteed for a limited time. By mailing the attachedform today, you will be certain to get your order in on time, and benefit from this amazing opportunity! FREE Information for anyone who smokes - Detach this form and mail it today to: Dr. Passebecq, c/o Direct Health Organization 1 38 Auriga Drive, Suite 264 1 Nepean, Ontario K2E 8A5 (Or fax this coupon to: 1-514-282-2003) Please indicate: Your age How old were you when you started 1 smoking i How many cigarettes you smoke per I day 1 Your present weight U Yes, I would also like to get rid of my desire to smoke quickly and easily. Your completely free offer interests me. I understand that I arn in no way obliged to buy anything whatsoever. I Please send me the package by I first-class mail, in a plain unmarked I package. U Miss Mrs. J Ms. Mr. IN CAPITALS First Name Last Name I Address City I Province Postal Code 1iJ L| J| 1 Date of Birth L.LJ L 11191 i1i Month Day Year Allow up to13-4 weeks for delivery. Copyright ©1998 D.H.0. ZPON