20-The Canadian Champion, Friday, September 25, 1998 "Heavy smokers for 20 years, we made an amazing discovery that eliminated our desire to smoke in 9 days, almost without our noticing, and without any medication or weight gain." Exclusive: Important disclosure from Mr. and Mrs. Jacandre, Head Chefs in Grasse (Alpes-Maritimes) France. "il/hat happened to us was so incred- ible that at first we were he- sitant to reveal our secret to - all those who, like us, want to stop smoking, but don't want tofeel as if they are giving up one of life's pleasures. "So first we waited to make sure that our desire to smoke would not return as quickly as it had disappeared. "Now that we haven't smoked for over a year, we feel ready to tell people how we did it, and how, to our own astonishment, it was the simplest thing in the world! "If you'd seen us just two years ago, you wouldn't have thought we were in very good shape. "We were at the end of our rope, as the saying goes - nervous, anxious, and unable to sleep whenever we were bothered by the slightest problem. "We were also smoking two packs of cigarettes a day each, not to men- tion the little cigars we kept handy in our car at all times. "The only time we smoked less was when we were working in the kitchen." One day we had to make a choice: tobacco or... "We would get up feeling tired, and every morning at the market we would have these terrible coughs. "Worse than that, we noticed that with each passing day, our ability to smell and taste food was deteriorat- ing, which for us was very serious indeed. "Because as chefs, losing our sense of taste meant losing our livelihood. "So we were afraid! We said to ourselves: It's either tobacco or our career. We decided to stop, and that's when it all began. "We spoke to a lot of people, and everyone had some kind of technique, or a pill or a new brand of chewing gum. We even went for acupuncture treatments, without much success - we'd stop for a week or two, after which we'd resume smoking as many cigarettes as before. "You may be aware that Grasse is the city where most of the world's perfumes are made. "A client of ours who creates "We read the article and found it so interesting we wrote to Dr. Passebecq that same day. He answered immediately, and we appreciated his prompt reply since we didn't want to wait - we believed in the method, and we were in a hurry to get started!" perfumes for a large manufacturer explained that he'd decided to quit smoking because he was losing his sense of smell - just like us! "And he talked about a certain Dr. Passebecq, who worked in the area, and who had given him this amazing treatment, thanks to which he'd stopped smoking in a dozen days. He gave us a newspaper clip- ping about the discovery." A procedure which amazes even doctors! "Dr. Passebecq first tested his dis- covery on himself, then spread the word in France. In a few months, 1,248 people had sent him testimo- nials documenting their complete success. "We read this article and wrote to Dr. Passebecq that same day. He answered us right away. "We appreciated his prompt res- ponse, because we wanted to start as soon as possible! "We received Dr. Passebecq's me- thod, and immediately felt it would work for us too. It was so simple, and 100% natural. What surprised us most was that we could continue smoking as long as we felt like it. We would stop almost without even noticing!" We stopped smoking in exactly 9 days. "The first few days we smoked almost as much as before, especially in the car as we drove around to do our shopping. We were a little disap- pointed. "And then after 5 or 6 days, we no- ticed that the ashtray was empty, and our little supply of cigars practically intact. "On our way back from shopping, we hardly smoked at all, and in the kit- chen we didn't touch a single cigarette. "After 9 days, the battle was won! And what was most surprising was that we found the smell of tobacco extremely unpleasant, so much so that we couldn't wait for the last clients to leave the restaurant so we could open the windows wide and let in some fresh air. For us, smoking was finished - completely finished!" It all happened very quickly and changed our lives. "It's true! We didn't have our hor- rible morning coughs any more, and our sense of taste and smell - so close- ly related - were completely restored. "We could once again savour the deli- cate flavours of sauces and subtle spices, along with the bouquet of fine wine. "We could once again take pleasure in the profession we love, and get back to creating new dishes for our clients. "Now everything is fine and life is beautiful. This summer we bought a small sailboat. We enjoy sports, which we had given up for lack of enthusiasm, and lack of breath!" We have never picked up another cigarette. For us tobacco is finished, completely finished! "It's been over a year since we quit smoking. And we have absolutely no temptation to start again! "We agreed to tell our story in the hope that our own experience will help other people who are trying to quit, and who think they've tried everything. "Now they can succeed with ease, without any feeling of frustration. "But we'd like to get into a little more detail for the sake of all those who are still hesitant. Throughout the entire period of this "treatment" you feel absolutely no nervousness or anxiety. "Nor do you feel the need to gain weight. On the contrary, we actually lost 9 or 10 pounds each since we stopped smoking!" Quoted from an interview with Mr. and Mrs. Jacandre by Elizabeth Kennedy. This is a genuine unpaid testi- monial. Individual results may vary. That's why Dr. Passebecq's Method is 100% guaranteed to work for you. Never try to stop smoking on your own. It's very dangerous. And here's why: Ask any doctor, and he or she will agree that it is useless, and sometimes even dangerous to quit smoking on your own, through an effort of willpower. Why? Because all you'll be think- ing about is "stopping smoking," so every time you feel like having a cigarette you'll be forced to apply greater willpower to resist. You'll feel nervous and anxious, and you'll probably start gaining weight as you try to use food to compensate for the "lack" you feel in your body. It's also highly probable that, because of your own nervousness, you'll make the lives of everyone