The Canadian Champion, Friday, September 25,.1998 - 11 Rural house broken into on Derry near Twiss L #*.L-4- -. _L n nu,.,1t n is n-erated bv a board of directors 1 i $1,000 You need flot give )our naine and y ur inj )nanti n (an bi. taken with complete anonymity Crime Stoppers does flot subscribe to cali dîsplay Cal 1-800-222-TIPS or 825-TIFS Company cleans up Detectives in Milton are searching for clues to the identity Of the person responsible for the (daytiine, entry sI a rural rtsdtrce last month. The owner left his home on Derry Road near Twiss Road at 9:15 arn. Friday,________ ________ Aug. 21.Crm When he retumed C i eSop r at 6-.15 p.m., he dis- covered someone 0 F H A L T 0 N had forced a side door for the house. The culprit searched the entire building, ransacking the master bedroom in a quest for valuables. The items stolen included a Hitachi VCR, a Sony CD player, a Sony AM/FM receiver and a Sony cassette player. The estimated value of the goods was placed at $1,900. Given the location of the house and the property stolen,. a vehi- cIe of some kind would have been needed. If you think you can suggest possible suspects for police to investigate, Crime Stoppers wants to hear from you. If you have any information that leads to an arrest in this or Cail your Doctor for mvIiitg your Flu Shot. Dont delay%,,, do it today. Halton Regional Health FokAt-C Department Dcrtv (905) 825-6060 TTY (905) 827-9833 From Streetsvillo: (905) 823-6720- Take www.mothitOfonc ing, but a welcome initiative that shows P. L. Robertson won't leave the task behind for others. "They seem to be doing a good job," he said. Mr. Nijholt said the ponds will eventually becomne natural wetlands. maide up of 18 civilians from ail areas of the region. The reward Jund resultsjrton the inuical support of business. imdustrY, ser- vice clubs and private citizens. Conultnts IMacdonald Scott ConsultantssHln Professional Business Women. We are currently working on a directory featuring profiles of Halton ProfessionalWomen in Business. Advertising is also available. For more information, please contact Lar Kpercn. 90)4441 8:00 pm to 12:00 arn At The Farmn Museumn Featuring Don Singular's CI; bar Memory Lane Orchestra Admission: 115<Y' J LorFckes Pon (95)-78-151or1-888-307-3276 SENSHTIONH! muLLsommeGs... à ~Sn Suprare bach aga as we brlng you special prices on ailKIUNGFisI MAYFAIR & SIGNATURE wallcoV ig collectlî Just look for the DLOCKDUSTR tags on ail wallcoverng bocks Paom Mayf air ALPJ '~ isher $il spe d al l ppuce at oaly a 12099 pet single roll or border*. WUDE SELECTUON O0F9001 -special pnice is Per single roll, or spool of border Sale prcen plcable 10 tabrics, special order items or accessoies. 845 Main St. E., Milton MIER, ions! Visit Our Showroom Mon., Wed. & Fr! 8:30 - 6:00 pmi RS Thurs. 8.30-8:00 pm not app- Sat. 9:004:00 pm Where we make you feel at home "Vn,,ur One Stop Decorating Shop" o A r. rtn rmMuseum 144 T JrieRd, ilton 401 toa DExi30or Hy 5tiolonae FICo ns. uMn OR CALL 1-888-307-327 PuLo tDJf 4.00 Houm ri: day Spm - $Pm msiwiEl2 FtU Sat SSun IOM - 4Pf NIÈM FUMIMMMMML 878-4280 £%P"g s -.L-- ---- ..- -, t- fnr n rash rpward ot UD to Crime StODverS ot Halton is operalca vy L4 vuufu vi * rom ODOURS on page 1 However, Mr. Nijholt said they haven't been used in years, and the Chicago-based company sees the dlean-up as its corporate responsibility. John Devries, the Town of Milton' s chief building official, said the project was slow com-