7 -n '17, ete be If you have any questions these professionals can answer, please write to: "Ask The Professionals" do The Canadian Champion 191 Main Street E. Milton, Ontario L9T 4N9 or Fax to: 878-4943 BA., B.S.W., M.S.W., C.S.W., DIP. SOC. ADM. Counselling & Psychoherapy Individuals, Couples, Children & Families 11084, th Lins Elyne M. Tanner Milton, Ontario (905) 854-0801 Q: 1 am concerne!about my busbaas alcobol use. Alii every day. Arn 1 worrylmg about nothing? A: Alcoisol brings many s fnmly to ris. Whistoes iard for tie driniser to under- stand is tisat altisougis (s)ise is tie oniy ose drisking alom~n in tie family is sffected. The effcct of alcohol is tremendousssnd I cas osty bei os5cratch tise surfaèce hrrr Firstly, your iusutasd is wrosg wiscs ie ttinkn tisas al alcoisolics tmiss work. Alcoisolism cas show up in tisee main patInas: . Ssady isiake of alcohol tia lats nli day, aims every day. 2. Heavy drinking almost eveay evesîsg andor weekesd 3. Long pertoo f no drsning wisis bingea of vesy ieavy drisig lating weehn or montis. Wtat this means tien, is sisal hcause someone makes it ta work dily or hecasse they cas go for long peiods of timewithoat a drink, dons sot meas tisastiere i. sot as acoisol proilem. Rememiser, tome alcoisolics drink only iser. Alcoisol ta oStes rferred to ai tie deceptive lover. It ecomm tie "otiser teoman" in yor narriage. It promises tieosuer fan, flfdllmet and excitement baltishe next day (s)he fiodsta tas ()e ias ieen roisbed asd lefs atone. lntead of yon asd yoer cisidren heing te top piority in your bissad't lif, "tise other teomusi - aicool", han bis attestio. f iaoe asd money that shold cnicistie famiiy, inatead socs to tieote. Ho is prohaly too tired to do thisgs youanad tie ciildrma wold expert fromt hlm- ha i. spending tinte wida 'i lover'. Mayhe ha dors ted laya tiingas dial raarrait or isat you or tie ciildrcn. An atcoisoc's hehavior it oflen frigitening ta ciidren ecasue il cas bc anprcdictalr asd diffrent fromttie nom. Becamse ha spenda bis ime tith is n "lover" communication within tie fam- ily la affected. Same chiidren teant ta protect mom fromtise hat of dadas "lover" ted so shay ecome muais puar - tise ane aha staya home te momt ilI sot have ta ha alone. Tiey allowte smelves ta ha taken advantage of sometinm tak- ing on tie &duit role of caring for tie parent or tie ater ciildren. $orme cbldren pretrnd to sot bar or me asything. They boata deny ther feeling. ted reality. All of liseiseheavior patens will caste later problemas. Ye, yau havesa rgit ta ha spueL Will ngging ielp? Prohaily sot. lbse acoisolic has ta decide ta ieip himliseself. At tias time, coisuelling cas ha a lifaaver. Usi ttie, owever, coamselling cas ielp you ted yoer chistdren deal witi tiis in tise hast wsy posible ted minimise tie danaga. You shasld alto hootedtut if yoa are un adat teio grrw ap with as alcoholic parent, it is sot ton oa ta repair the dsmage. Elayne Tanner is a Cerrsfied Soial Worker in private practice ins noreh Mulots If you avae furnier questions or if yaa wauld like ro arrange an appoiuaeast peuse cal (905) 854-080. CaQnfliUa Lgate iLd 0: î'va beas lft i ts lise reaponsibility of liquidating tise contants af a close family membara home, wisat's tisa eaieat way lo go about il? A: Certainly Uis cas lie a difficuli situation la handle, boUs emotionally and phyicafly. However cearng Ue cntents of a home an lie as easy as mak- ing one pliase cal aii ta suai it up inasse word, auction. Ilamos cases Ue home cals lie deared oui immedialely and absolailely everything removad anii sli. You rais ls haveana auctias i ghi on tise properly, depaasdirtg on Uheseandzsi location oi Usa home, asd Ue arnouni of items ta lie sou, Tlhre la a certain excitemenlta Usis type of sal, boUs frasi denIers anii lie public ulia ike Ue oppartniy ta luy "rosis stack, rigisl ouI of Ue bouse. Thils meUsad cas alto save yau lie cosl of maving ssii hall rentai. if Ue on stue tale la not feasible, Ue auction cas beh lui oa kisasn atction hall. Samething else ta cansuder la aton is Ue uuforlunaie pasolng away of a paren r grandiparent, Uere ara iems Ua are divuded tp betworn Ue remaining fanily. Ifs very dsheariening ta tee familles split up over argu-. ments of who gels wsat You neyer really wani ta Usnk about ht, but, Uaf s sahere Ue ntaking of a sl css save a lot of aggravation and faaily braak-upo. If Uera la nota iwll ted Uere la difficulty in divding everyUsig tp, aucin 1 s e boni way 10 lissdle Ue situation, la Usai way, Ue family members css go la Ue auction ssii bu on Ue its Uai Uey raally wssl knasing Uai everyane la campeting in a fair open markt. Ue value of psrchases cais Uen ha deducied faim ssy inieritance mne may recrive. I find in my experience Uai qualiy merclsandse il atways draw a gond crowd ssii gond money. Don'i mate Ue mistate o liavng a garage sale, only io selUe besitiems off for Ios than Ueyre searUs as silie lefi with everyiling else. Estaies or indivdual iemso csn is hapurcliased autrighi if preferred. Ive bailli my business ssii reptaion based on liard work, iniegriiy, lionesty ssii knowing Ue value of gond wand of moath adveriising. If I cas lie of ssy asslisance plusse don;i lionliate ia raIl. Seling Ue rontonts of a home doosnni have ta lie difficult. Ion Mdlay has barnin dutha antique businaasfoi over trou yera, anwd a local auctoataanfor telaatfdeyaa you'ra walconsa to contact Ion at (X 281647. HALTON H1LLS [~ SPEECH CENTRE & Can0I-cne O metma 106 Guelph Street, GOorgetovea, Ontarso, L7G 3Z5 Tel: (905) 873-8400 Fax: 19W5) 873-8158 Q: My 3 year old cannet aay the "l'VIaoumd at ail. She usesa W' aound istead. Should ahe have speech therapy? A:Generally speaking, if tis ilatise only aoutsd that se han difficulty wîtis your daugister doca not require speech thcrapy. Chldren learn sounda in a particular order according to maturation of their oral structures and visi- bîlity of tise sounds. Typically, children learn tise vowel sounda firsi and then proceed 10 tise sounds involving tiseir lips (p, m, h, w annd b). Children should be able ta nay tisese sounda correctly by age 3. Next, tise child tarts 10 get more control over movements of tiseir longue and tise sounda (t, d, g, and 1) sIait 10 develop. Clilîdren ahould bc able 10 make tisese sounds correclly by age 4. Next, tise cild learna to contraI air flow in is/iser mouds snd we tart hearlng sounda sucis as (f, v, s, z, sis, ch, tis). These sounda gencrally take a little longer to master but tise child should be able to do moat of tisem by age 5. lai is a gencral outline of articulation development. However there are exceptiona 10 every rule. If your child is dropping tise firat or last sounds of wordsata any aea speech evaluation la usually required. If your ahiId lias difficulty witis longue movementa or control, speechs therapy may be required early so tisaI later sounds are flot affected. If in doubt, please cali for aswera. Speecis problema ae casier 10 correct at a youngcr age before tise ciild haa developed tise habit of aaying tise sound incorrectly. GREG J. LAWRENCE B. sc., D. cm. FOOT SPECIALIST / CHIROPODIST 350 Main St. E., Milton, Ontario, L9T 1 P6 1 A Princesa Anne Dr., Georgetown, Ontario L7G 4W4 (905) 702-1611 Member of thea Ontario Society of B.g Sc., D. Ch.rChiropodiste B.S. .C. and The Ontario Collage of Chiropodista Q: What can I do about chronic blisterimg oni my feet? IL, Discontinue the use of a cotton sock. Use an acrylic sock. This wiil reduce if flot stop ail blister formation. These are oftem referred to as sock liners, which are worm inside of socks. With these socks, moisture is wicked away fromn the sock barrier leaving the foot dry. 0: How do you evaluate shoe wear? ~aShoe wear is mot evaluated primarily by sole wear. The moat important factor to a running shoe and a court shoe is the compression fatigue of the midsole. Whem this material is past its life expectancy, it looses efficien- cy to decrease impact forces. Another point to evaluate is the flexibility of the shoe. The heel counter around the back of the shoe should be stiff, and the forefoot of the shoe should be inspected. With excessive wear in one or more locations, your gait will be altered. If you do not already have foot problens, you wil develop them soon enough. If you are having amy troubles with your feet or shoes, have then checked out. If your feet hurt, you hurt al over! nie clinic offr ext anima hours.No rferra isu nereaaary. lieuse calta are atsa availaobl. Dr. Ton!J Wmn'm e Tooth TaI1k Towne Dental Group Milton, Mail - 55 Ontario St. Tony H. Wan 1018618 No mater how much wr cas do for you ia Uic office, a ltealihy saille begns at homec! 'fli Canadian Dental Association lias designed a Miepithm prevention plant hat will hlp you stop dental prablenis bcforc dsey tari. Don't rush your brush If you'rc spendlng lensas msre nminutet brsshinsg, you're probably nilssing a fesa trouble spots. Baisis lhoroughly at least evecy 24 houai and try a genile rassaglng action and a soft beush only. Cima between Osly 15 percent of Canadians floss their tecili eveey day. If you don't floss a thlrd of your toolh lsn't gettlng cleaneii. FIons wipen decay caus- ing agents oui of Uic space betwecn icclis asd btwcen lise teetis and gisas. Ea, drink, but hae wary Try ta avoid stlcky siceels as lhey cas damage your toolh surfaces. If you do cal swelts, do it duelng maial Ure when yo.sr saliva cas hast flus away tugae from teelis. Sweet snacks, even sot drinks, will put your teeUs a rlsk for a leasi twenly ainsutes after you've caten. Opi for more nuitlions altenaives RIe fresh fruit and cal a well-balasced diet. Like Ue ceai of your bsody, IeUs asd gisas need vitarnlns ans imnerals. Chek yaur gusu Look is Use attlror for early signa of gua i dlaase. Guais should ha coral pink in colosse, fans, realient, have a tippînd texture asii fit tlgisUy arousd Use tee&h Redncsa, puffness, liad breaUs, blceding ssii sifisg or looscnsg means Usai your gisas are is need of attention. Don't walt usUl it burti We'rc litre ta hlp ssii sa cas do Usai hast by prevcsllsg prollema before Uey necii extensive trcalmnenl. So cor ndsi sec us regtilarly ssii keep your dental healUs good for life! UJMONEY r~iCONCEPTS FINANCIAL PLANNING CENTRES Fnancial Planntng - Rairumont Planning Matual Funda - R.R.S.P's-G..C.'a - R.R..F.s. Lita and Disabuiity tnsuranco - Tas Shotern TOI: (905) 876-0940 Fax: (905) 876-2934 420 Main Street East, Miles, Ontario LOT 1iPO Lou Mulligan CFP1 .Should I soU my investmeints now? A: Selling investments 10sa decialon whlch should ha liased on persors- ai need ssii investment slrategy. The old taying "liuy Iow ssii sdI igi" applies nosa as muci s aa any other Une. Tiint about sehat Uic mutual fundo faind manageai are doing. Thiel professiotial responsibliiiy 10 Use fund osaners la 10 give Ueai Use licol valise for Ueir money -, givon Use mandate of Use futud. Wliether Ue markt is weak or alrong, Use fund manager welîl ha looking for attraclively prced invesiaients consistent wilh Use fand's objectives. Tisey sl ha monitoring conditions ta asses sahether lhey should accumutlale more, isold on 10 sehat Uey have, accumulate cash, or oeil aI a profil. By Useir very nature, misîsol fonds contain as elensent of volatIlity (natk). Your fund selections are liased in part on yoisr sillngnes 1 accept UsaI volaIlity. Some mutual ftrnds are masaged more defen- sively ta mltalmize dosanside rat or Uey may invest in areas Usat tend to move againsl other markets. A stralegic asset allocation approacli con heip yois redisce Use overail porfolio volatility. An appropriate asset mlx cas ha your licol defence and your greatesl slly. Concemed sabout yosr investlment portfolio? There are over 1,500 matisal funds avoUlable in Canada. Do you have Use rglit funds? Cati Money Concepts for a complernentary revew of your rsk tai- erasce level ssii shether your aittual (miii investments are Use rglit ones for you - in Milton, 876-0940. Mutual fundu are souli y prospectusa only. PIease read Use prospec- tua carefully. Unit values and total invesiment enmailil fluctuale. "AffiI i th "MOueY tcacesOuap CqtiaiCaip. aid Naulmdi tlamcinlMnstiag , September 1 lian Chaff