6-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, September 8, 1998 COMMlENT Box 248, 191 Main St E. MitnOnt. 1)[4N9 (905) 878-2341 Fax: 878-4943 Classified: 875-3300 Ian Oliver Publisher Neil Oliver BEll Begin Rob Kelly Karen Cross Teri Casas Tim Coles Associate Publisher General Manager Edtor Circulation Manager Office Manqger Production Manager The Canadian Champion, pblishel iice weehly at 191 Main Ut E, Mlton, Ont.,L9T 4N9 (Box 248), s on ofTh1eMetrotand Prnting, t'ublnsng & Dstributng Ltd. group ot uburban compa- nies which inclades: Aa / Pcerng Nes Advrisen, Alliston HeralCourler, Barrie Adance, Barrys By This Weeh. Boon Enerprise, Brampon Gardian, Burlington Shopping News, Bwrlingion Post, Cty Parent, Collngwood / Wasaga Connecilan.Rs Vorik Minro, rin Adocae/Contiy Routes Robicoke Guardian, Flamboroogla Post, Georgtown ndpndentl Acion Fee Press Kigston This Week, Lindsay This Weel, Mailham coinornlst & Sun, Midanil I Peneangusheee Mi. rMIssissauga Nows. Newmanletl/ Aurora Ea Banner, Northumberlandl News, Noiih ola Mirror, Oalaville Beaner, OallBe Shopping News, OrIlla Today, Oshama I Whfbiy I Clarngon This Woek, Peeiborougih This Weeh. Rchmond HiIl I ihomnilîl IVugiian LIberal, Scarboroogii Mkm, siobridge I Siouiinllle Tribune, Todays Senons, iani oilaor Goarsian. Avrtneines accepieri on the conditlion filet,,lnthi eveni ni a ypoiapical errer ihai poton o iihe asielsîng space icca- pied by te eronenus Rer, iogethei miii a resonable allomance ior sgnature, iiinti hochageli for, but te balance ai the adorise- mon wlii ho palil ior ai the applicable raie, The pohliiher esenmns the rglt io aiegorlze adorisemenis or decline. ¶United Way donations toucli so many lives There are few agencies in the community that provide the breadtb of charitable relief offered by the United Way. As the name implies, it is an umbrella organization that acts as fundraiser for all sorts of worthy causes, such as Big Sisters and Big Brothers, the Victorian order of Nurses and a host of groups dealing with victims of abuse, addiction, disability and emotional strife. Funding ail that good work is a tail order. Witb the generos- ity of Miltonians in 1997-98, more than 50 programs and ser- vices were financed through 23 agencies. Grants totalling $18 1,535 were disbursed by the United Way of Milton. The first fundraiser of the season for the organization will take place this weekend (Saturday, Sept. 12) at Executive Fairways Golf Centre. It is the annual golf tournament, a mostly fun affair with a little golf sprinled in. Details are put> lished elsewhere in today's paper. On Fniday, Oct. 16 the United Way will hold its annual din- ner and auction at Granite Ridge Golf Course, and on Saturday, Nov. 14 the popular Christmnas bouse tour is sched- uled. Attendance at any or all of these events belps the cause, but s0 do straight donations, whether tbrough company payroli deductions or one-shot contributions. Representatives of the United way indicate that one in tbree people will use an agency supported by the United Way at one time or another. In NMilton, calîs for help have increased dramatically, accord- ing to United way statistics. Consider the foliowing: *Service levels for victims of violence have jumped 191 per cent locaily in the last four years. *Crisis lime cails pertaining to substance abuse, rape and incest are up 200 per cent since 1994. *Three-quarters of women in Milton with cbildren at home are active in the workplace. *One quarter of al Milton seniors live alone. This year an aggressive fundraising goal of $275,000 has been set for tie community. 'Mat sounds like a lot of money j and it is, but there's little reason to suspect that the agency vol-' unteers won't hoyer close to tbe target wben ail is said and done. Over 16 years of local fundraising, the United Way bas raised tie bar from $32,000 ail the way to $247,000, andwie tbey don't always make the target, close counts and they're usuaily close. We ail have our favourite charities and causes, but in back- ing the United Way we're putting our money where it's almost guaranteed to do some good for many people, whose prob- lems cut across the social spectrum. If we al belp a hatle, we might just accomplish a lot. For tickets or more information about die entertainment events scbeduled by the United Way, please cail 875-2550. WOM *OUR READERS WRITE Bramwell 19 way off base Dear Editor: I arn writing in response to Mr. Bramwell's letter of July 28 dismissmng religion. I would have to guess that Mr. Bramwell has an easier urne living with himself by flot having to answer for any of bis shortcomings. This is perhaps due to is lack of open- mindedness and inability to accept anything without first seeing, toucbing or tasting it. As far as a hard core explanation of God is concemed, I can only offer this: On November 10, 1996 in Milton, the room that I was sleeping in lit up at approximately 4 a.m. The blinds were closed and from darkness a ight appeared. This I swear my life on and may I be cursed for the rest of my life if tIis statement is not truth. Since that time I have gained a very strong faith in God and have stopped dinking alcohol, using illegal drugs and gamibling. I now find real happiness in serving God to the best of my abiity. Mt~ Bramwell, you know the sad part is, I used to be like you. Without preacbing to you too much, I know if you sin- cerely pray to God for forgiveness you will find yourself backtracking on your opinion. God bless you. Rob H.ft Milton Thanks for the help Dear Editor: I was the recipient of the Canadian Champion Award at Bishop Reding High tIis year.l would like to thank you and your organization for sponsoring this award at our school. We like to think that we work bard at school to educate our- selves and success brings its own rewards. However, it is always nice to be ecogmized. The money will be helpful as I arn attending the University of Toronto in the fat!.. Karen L Hurley Milton Dr. Bail ight on the bail Dear Editor: On a recent Saturday at approximately 8 p.m., my puppy took seriously ill. We spent an hour trying to locate an on-cali veterinarian, only to be answered by voice mai and non-retumed catis. We went through the yellow pages, as my regular vet who claimed to have 24-hour service was not avaiable. We called Brookville Veterinary Clinic. The vet on-cali retumned our cati a minute later and on a Saturday evening took only 10 minutes to meet us at bis Brookville office. At the time we placed the cati to the vet, we did not real- ize the severity of illness our puppy had had. However, even with the few concemns we had over the phone, Dr. Bal rushed to our assistance and gave the best quality care pos- sible. He is deinitely a devoted veterinarian with great pro- fessionalism at a cost no one could dispute. Thtis letter is not only a letter to thank him, but to make people aware of a wonderful veterinarian hospital tbat's dedicated to what us animat loyers would cati their fan'ily. Thank you, Dr. BatI. If ever anyone needs a great veteri- nanian, you'll find one in Brookville. Trac.y SmIrie Milton Pud by Steve Nease