Rýý instructors Melissa and Steve, 1 Iearned that strength training shouid always corne before car- diovascular exercise in order to get the best resuits. Haphazard before Without any guidance during previous exercise attempts, 1 would jump from one piece of equip- ment to the next with no rhyme or reason, which probably explains why these workouts were less than effective. And while I had a general understanding of proper exercise techniques, -a few minor points brough up at thc orientation will likely go a long way toward maximizing resuits and minindzing the chance of injury. As someone who needs to be constantly enter- DELREX ALUMINUM UMITED *Aluminum lAwnings .Canopiea .Eavestroughit -Stortn Doors *Rooing -Wndows *Sldlng -Fascia *Sofft in Uving Coloura Aso a fulino of repacement windows 877-5383 MASTER GLOSS LTD. Vrinyl & Alumnuni tlOY Cr esraW Sdtng & Windows 5"1 Seamiless Gutters ERROL MACPHEE 32 Yean experlane (905) 878-5337; over to the cardio theatre, wbere hovering above the machines - like angels - are a dozen televi- sions ail offening distraction from the tremendous physical stress I'm about to put on my severely neglected body. Variety helps A wide variety of machines should help ease thse dulnessas well. With more than half a dozen dif- ferent cardio machines alone, Fll be able to mix it up and keep things fresh. And while GoodLife Fitness has more than 1,000 members aeady, the club doesn't seemn to have an overcrowding probleni. During my ftrst two trips - in somewhat main- streamn houes of 5 p.m. Friday and 2 p.m. Saturday Maturai Cas & Propane BBQ PARTS AIt makes and modela TERRY ROWLEY 111111] 8-u'ýstow'O "f a 78-1979 * -TRATR OFFCEorHOME 1378-O 25S Llàilm ad rtakRov ~Mggf4 k time which could be apent on more worthwhile endeavors. No pretending But since I've ahready admitted to being a lazy slug who sits around watching TV almost every night, I guess 1 can't pretend that my time is ail that valuable now, can I? This one minor point aside, the local fitness club and its many features have killed off my few remainitig reasons flot to start exercising again. So there, now I'm stuck, or fniends and athletes across town can brand me a big fat weenie. I should thank ail the instructors at GoodLife now, because I probably won't be ail that grateful once my workout sessions actually begin. Learn tax preparation from the people who Learn how ta minimize r t iability end keep wrtebook. Study with Canadas number one tax preparation firm, and youll discover how to make the tax lawffs work for you. ouil also Ieam what you need ta know to begin earning money as a quallfied tax > prepareC. EnroilIn an HAR shock tax training course. For more information, cal 33 City Centre Dr. M is s is s a u g a d e1 HOIR BLO, va,. auaran of taf a "m, .1 M.A.R.C.H. " Water Fumace Systema *- Oas Propane and " Hatpumpa - Air. Ground Electric Fumacas a Water Sources - High Efficiency Air Fliters " Central & Room Air & Humidifiers 785 Main Street East ,876-1138 (Service) 8752700 (Sales)] SEPTIC NKPUMPINO Roertv Noble Ltd. 180 ft. of hose for crossing lawns, 3radio dspatched trucks 10 servet you. D'f vWou féer fmuefr- P..bee*-k'a t.#»Dati (Should pump ai iaast avary 3 yaars) Naval usa coiourad or doubia pr toilai papa'. <519> S853-0300 Aten. Answ.rlfg Service 8784869 OVER 20 VEARS EXPERIENCEI TERRY ROWLEY Viuil ur showroom ai 98maiL" st " 0 1 87819791 Great Arc, Great Shot,;s Have you ever made what you thought was a great swing, on plane, crisp contact, great divot? The bail flues square on line, only to fait 15 yards short of how far you KNOW you should hit it. Despite al these clear indications of a good swing, something is not the same as the last time you hit that club the proper distance. To avoid this frustration, you must ensure that each time you swing, the cîrcle your hands make as they swing stays the same every time. In order to do this you must practice your backswing in this manner; 1) Keep your shoulders relaxed; 2) The right arm (for right handers) cannot collapse towards the right shoulder and 3) The right arm "pushes" the left arm straight. This wili resuit in more weight automatically transfer- ring to the inside of the back foot and your arc remaining as wide and consistent as pos- sible. Consistent and longer distances are sure to be your result. Pat rick Bowers is the C.PG.A. Head Professional ai Horseshoe Resort in Barrie. Book a bootis in the show by calling (905) 815-0017 or 1-800-265-3673 T R 0N 9 i TMAVLS~ I - ~ ~ .vw~uawwv ~' - 18 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, September 8, 1998 CNARIC> Is LeBlanc ready to take fitness plunge ? -fromn POTATO on page 17 tained, 1 was also quite concemned about the bore- - more than haif of the equipment sat unused. Thrnugha two f'îvorientation lkd by fellow dom factor assoctated wîth exerctse. That's good news for ail of us who aren't tnter- th- ýmc ndwt in2 BARBECUES HEATING ;MI 1 MECHANICAL LTD. PAM FW V*~ - Drffl - Futegw&M "M.=- 7M MWn 909M ffl 870-1138 AC(M from M GO Stalon