The Canadimn Roger Hill is coming to show us the kNight Skg!l Bring your telescope or use ours Quality Affordable Educational products, books, toys, games, software & activities. Great Theme Birthday Parties in our Party Room 221-233 MAIN St. E. MILTON 878-0084 >ALL I.JM SI DEWALK SALE JO'LEEN'S .E. 67-00 f9JocSumm er Super Savings! Discontinued Items! Great Brais Don't forget to enter our Monthly Draw' 227 Main StE.87 Tki. Litte Punp' Says Tisere Is )50 linI Yarn to Harvest et Nantyglo W001 l sop NOW ON SALE SHETLAND RHUNKY 'l.99.L Carriage Square 15 Martin St., Unit 8 876*021 2 1CHILDREN'S AREA: Rides, Clowns, Gomes, Food, Poniesl Fun for the. Whole Familyli1 Plus Downtown Glant SidewaIk S A LE!! Don't miss"lb bggst ement to bit Mikltn Corne on DowntownI 1 SPECIAL ATTRACION~ ON STAGE 7-9 PM MILTON PIPERS CELT1C DANCERS CELOIC FIDDLER - STEVEN FULLER & GUEST CELTIC FOLK( SINGERS "ELYSIAN DREAM" END 0F SUMMER SALE Viva Paper Towels '2's ....2 pkgs. forl0 Viva Puifs 360gm ........................*150 Nestiés Cappuccino Chocolate Bars .... 4100 Melba Toast, 100-2009, AllAssorn. ............. $10 Al Campbell's Soup 10 oz............. 2$100 Humpty Dumpty Chips upto 75g. Evy Day LwPrel0 Turtie Boxed Chocolates 200g ....8$ Ferrero Rocher Tl 6 200g .............. $9 SALE ENDS FRIDAY, SEPT. 11, 11:00 PM »#*t SUPIEME DISCOUNT WdThu s ri.Fn10-7 .17 212 Main St. .Tu-.s e'.10-6 878-4 7 ç1 J I -