The Canadian Champion, Friday, September 4, 1998-23 RECEPTIONIST/ ORDER ENTRY CLERK Qualifications " Capable of handling multiple tasks " Experience with US/Canadian Custoni/Carrier documentation " Computer literate - Mcrosoft Office 98, Windows 95, Excel " Must be a team, player/good inter-personal skilslwritten and verbal " Self motivator Dulles " General office and receptionint duties " ShippingTraffice arrangements " Order entrylnvoicinglPurchaser orders Please fax or mail resuâmes to: Human Renource Manager 521 McGeachie Dr Milton, Ontaro L9T 3L5 Fax 905-878-2735 Phone catIs will not ho accepted GEORGETOWN TOYOTA *Newi & Uaed Car Salea *New & Used Car Leasing * PVt & Service * pnSaturdaya le MOUNTAINVIEW RD. N. GEORGETOWN L0aa uda 5evte'pee SALES& LEANG 1 NEW & USED 410 sTrEELES AVE. A FAMILY BUSINESS WIT8I FAMILY VALUES WE - BUY - SELL - LEASE LARI3EST SELECTION 0F USED VEHICLES IN MILTON 875-2277 ___ THREE oeoroom rAu house/tovnhouse. Veey N., dlean, retiable tenants. Lini Required Oct/Nov. la. nov 878-3916 days, 878- Ref, 5088 evenings. 519 Michete. Frlday, Sept. 4 " Campbellville Foodiand (rurat) " Canadian lire " Crnbof Cornnce Terny Fox Run " Food Basics (ura) " Fortinos (rural) " Halton Romnan Cafholic School Bd. Coetinuirig Ed. " Keloggls Chidrens Flyer (P) " Moores the Suit People " Seas " Zellers Weekend sept. 5&6 " A&P " BiWay " Loblaws " Maxs & Co 0 Seas RMn'JUbt, 1 ZKm of 401 on Guelph e. Avaitable w.$1 000./month. erences. Eveningai Our Centre is a naltor proit wotiptace, communit based Schld care acility designed ta meet the needs ot57 hildren, infant through preschooler. Il is also a placement site tor Sheridan Courege ECE sludesf s. We are csrrefliy seekng a qualifed indvidual for the position on Chld core EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Reportingtot a Board of Directors, you wili be responsible for the day-to-day operation of the Centre, overseeing ail staf and program implementation. Candidates must have a degree in child stodies or a diploma sn E.C.E. and at east 5 years eperience in the child care ield, preferably including supervisa- ry experience. A.E.C.E.O. certitication would ho an asset. Please torward y ur resume,, quoting compeitios #HC-5 by September il. 1998, f: S. Dobson, ?.151 Bronte Rd., Oakvile, ON L6M 31-1 Fax: (905)825-8821 No telephone catils please. W lhank ail candidates for their inierest. Howerer aniy those selecîrd for an interview ii be contacted. Attendant Service Worker $11.25-$12.85 hourly Joyce Scott Nos-Profit Homes Inc. seeds persons with good personal skilis, are physically fit aod havesa desire ta assist aduts with physical disabilities in a Supportive Hosing envirooment. Empisyment is part- ime and must be available on weekends. Tranng is provided and successful candidates wiII be subect 10 a Criminal Reerences Check. Contact: Programf Manager Tuesday or Thrsday @ 878-6722 or tax resome @ 878-6449. Are you planning a special event that would be of Interest to those In the communlty? Advertlse lit In 19bitCanabian 4l»jmpion "Your Hometown Communlty Newspaper", Phono 875-3300 2 beidroom house, big livinrooml kitctsen/ 2 washrooma/ garden, $800/month+ or negoti- able for maintenance. 1 - 416-787-1125, even- ings, 1416-781-9410. NEWER home le quiet neighbourhood, gas heat, fenced yard, close to parts and sctiools. 1 & 2 BEDROOM Apart- ments. (519) 853-5080, (519) 853-5352. BRIGHT cdean, resht painted, 1, 2 & 3bed- monm apartinents ram $595lmonth, well main- tained. Budinglon high- rse. 333-9u46,non - 8 p.m. Fax us pour Classifieda 878-4943 BRIGHT, recentv reno- vated 1 bed- se- ment Se-~ MILLSIDE TOWERS- 82 MILLSIDE DR., MILTON NOW LEASING 1 & 2 Bedrooms avaitable on bus route, freshly dec- orated, 2 appli- ances, on-site taundry, includes ail utilites (except phone & cable.) Free parking, no pets. Reterences required. 905-676-1249 By appointment only rLEAN, quithm near Milton Malt has confortable roon for woring maie. Use of living ares and laundry. Meals available. $95/week. Available September 5. 878- oW82. LOOKING TO SE5LL OR LOOKING TO BUVi ALWAYS LOOK TO lTE CHAMPION ffltffl CLASSFIEDS DO PAY PHONE 875-3300 OR FAX 876-2364 ETENDER Tender tor concrete stab on grade reptacement at 371 Broste St.S.,Milton, Ontario. Condon n ni wnhomeSs, sngle garages Pick up specificatins ai TMilton Property Management at 420 Main St.. 2nd Finor Mlton, Ontario, betwees 9Oam and 4:3Opm, Monday ta Fniday Tender Closes: September 16, 1998 TENDER Tender for Landacape and Snow RemUent Contract at 371 Boste St. S. Mitas, Ontaio. Mt115 Usits, Full Service. P ck sp cotract specîfictosa at Mlton Prsperty Management, 420'Mai'St 2d Fnr in Ots rbetween 9:0am and 4:30pm, Monday to Fndoy Tesder Closes: September 16, 1998 MOTOR home for sale. 1987 Corsair Surpreme, 26 ft. 58,000 km%. Clean and in good condition. Phone Jira, 878-301 S. BUILDING LOTS Lakevlew Helghts, Belwood, ON From $34,900.00 Remerve your lot todmyl BuIId now or next spring uv=iiicnan- Qèu n.5 Rami Estate A Vendor Financli CALL: 51"- OR 519-84 ~JAGON " New ln town? " Gatlg nwned Ina3 mnditaorme,? " Havlng a baby? " Etabîllhlng a naw buainuaa? I THS SALE CONTAîNS OVER 400 LOTS of exoeptionai items f0 ho soid in numericai order Bir: imi. Sot ClappisonsCamers, (Hwys 15),1 1 lOni Mt u f ii4raiWnfHwy6,viaYork Rd tii bd'. GEORGETOWN CINEMAS 235 GUELPH STREET 873-109 Protct.d0 sg Avallabla 843-7936M 43-34840 w Tracy ...... 876-4330 pat . ..8764040 - FPermanent Hoir Removai for Men & Women Vith Verif jable Steilization e eFacial eBikini ~ a *Back e*Chest *Eyebrow * Arms Legs *Underarms LENNEA C. MORLEY C.E. Graduote of ECC MmberofSOE,C.OP.E FR EConsultation byAppointmeflt (905) 878-1546 348 Maplewood Cres. Milton Yugiveshlsprnssyye Idies iecs ant to go for your licence? auj IE ITrying to persuade your folks? Why flot bring them to a free par- hI iJ et-en co-driver session at Young Drivers of Canada? (or cau us for a free video brochurel) We can show Mom and Dad that with YD- s famous risk perception, emergency maneuvers and collision avoidance training, SEPTEMBER 14 MON. & WED. you'Ul be able to handie the responsibiity of a licence. After ail, we've already trained over half a million people to drive as if their lives depended on it. Just cail Young Drivers, and say the word., We'il reserve your seats. And maybe they'il let us put you on the road! OCTOBER 17 4 SATURDAYS 6:30 Pm - 9:40 Pm9:0a -345m 4 weeks 90 r :5p W8 5 04 0 Young Drivers of Canada coâvRAM8 5mO4 01% haVswhat parents are for. a 11 r mmýý 1 Ili 1