Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 4 Sep 1998, p. 21

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11The Canadian Champion, friday; Septomber 4, 1998-21 I. Classified UC1ASSIFIED HOUES MONDAY TO FRIDAY 9:00 AM -5:00PM ijjstoes see Todays Champion for aur new "Milestones" section. To announce your peial event cal! The Champion k Classified Department at 875-3300 I fr}ne~ I I I 'I I I I I y fld «Snakey Ws aeeyac i i ýORTHCOMING MARRIAGE ANNIVERSARY SMr. & Mrs. Richard O'Donnell announce the upcoming marriage of their son Richard Joseph to Sheryl Lisa Thornhiil daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Tornhill of Keamey, Ontario Marriage to take place in ~a ~(94 wajtoI Flatts, Bermuda S Saturdlay, October 10, 1998Moe d ttw et ,19 Annelle & Rogers yeuagesi daugher, ( The couple will continue toso of Alfred aad tUrsula Kar, Otierbora. Quebec. reside in Bermuda WALLACE, Elizabeth -Paacefully af the Milon Districf Hospital on Wadnesday, Sapfember 2nd, 1998, Elizabeth Wallace of Milfon, bloved wife of William Wallace. Loving mothar of Douglas and Stevan. Sadly missed by her sisters Ellen and har husband Mika MacBride, Mary and har husband William Gaga and Wilma Faenay, har brother John and his mife Jaanotte Corrigan and many niecas, naphasos and friends. Funeral Mass mill be haeld on Friday (foday) Soptamber 4th af 11:00 a. at HlyRosery oma Cathof c Church, Milon. Infrment to0 faka place in Largs Cemefery, Hayfia Bra, Scotland.lIn lieu of fiowers dona- fions f0 tho Canadien Cancer Society or Birth- Right would be apprecmafod by the family. Arrangements through fhe J. Scott Earfy Funorai Home, 21 James Sf., Miton. mL I487 LAURIER AVE. 878-2881 FamUy oned for orre 30 years HEIPEL, Chritophor - In momory of Chnisfopher Hipel Sept. 5 1974- Sept1, 1995. lime may of passed and ail thînga have cfsangod, Vt there are always thinga thaf romain the saie.o Tho vacant room, tho losa of laughfor the empty homo that is now a house. Smlthinstht are stolen, thaf will nor be roplacad. Soomod so simple at the fUma, means the worid foday. A simple kiss, a touch of your hand, that feeling dooply missod. A brolcon hearf, nover f0 be fixod. Droams that feel so real, are neyer to be trua. One Ife fakon, part of mina bast, nover f0 be repiacad. The sulent tears falt h oach passing day, nover aasier than the vory firt day. i visit and spk w th you oach and ovaiyday. Expioring Ilie vwith you in a very different way. Gona are tha days thaf could hava baan, unwalcoming the days that should hava bean. Unansworod questions thaf omi novor ba. A deep sense of losa that ouli nover disappear. Memorios aoakonod oach and ovory day, a lit- fie easier fa remember with nof so many taars. Eacfs passing day 1 remomber you, with loveoin my heart, foars in my oyes and a wish of you bade me. Love alwaysanmd forever, Vour famlly & companion Ueo. TEASDEL, Ken - In loving momory of a dear husband, fathor and poppa oho passod away Soptomber 5, 1997. A thoussnd times os noodod you, A thoussnd timos os criad If love ould hava savod you You novor wouid have diod. Ifs lonoly haro otho tou Wo miss you more a L1f i nt de ametAlus TEASDEL, Kennefh - In loving memory of my very specaf Father, September 5, 1997. A yoar has passed since you Ieft us. A day 1 wtt flot soon forget, My hearf was broken that day. A break ao deep it will flot mend, Unfil the day we meet again. 1miss you Dad aa 1Itell you everyday. You were knd, sensitive, caring, understanding andyupwere afwaya thora for me whenever 1 1 arn 1st wfthout you. 1 i s o r l n ta ks, your great laugh and tha f Mifn itrc os of (f C orad v ll Trflo a Hopiand (fOU) efor tgeat cara r1carvad, wich ul tnmatsi ad t y ak ovey anty tfianhs adpeiopl nuh for tardcom- paws ad o n shown eo my m lbeig.. aIs WOULD Iike f0 thank thefDesandKnrsse Mo n eeis edit ri betabsent 0and daughtar Tannga forhrsuppt.SeCiaforthe anaRona frit as orthair helep nul ortecm paso hw eIadIy aer BUMPERolCROP a d &Amber asberres, uth our Ol so flnkourers DahiZn niaerson foa gws Gdo l u s Eder obeabies tanSupeS r f riend forPonlos onp sl Tskend ed&A & nma ora ofRbot0fMltn Sele f abrdeand Sinco you osre taken aoey D -ieen Kmberiey of Toronto. Also loved by grddsml- Thoy sey time heals etl sorrow Da' eked dron Rose and Kathleen, Erin and Alexander And helpa us ta forgef Dreb M wy25NothtoR io Road 12, tors eut to 4tfs and Undsay and Scott. Suwvived by his sistar But so far time has onfy provon Lir, tum sorth (sih) os Ils Lise. 5hfr l noie s. Lok forI maijorie Ford of Aurore. Funoral Service oss H0w much os miss you yot. WhRuetock i a.r îaeos4hi us held on Thursday, Septomber 3, 1998, from f brokeoaur hoarta ta lose you Grae AglIanChuch,317Man Sree, MI- But you did not go aIone Maa rlOrs la0m tisep, Saterday, Susd8y ald MosiaY. to.e Arngicant hroh, 317 MJ.nSctarMiy- For part of us osnt oith you ReaMiarHuas ara Wutfiesday ifvs Susday. Iflmo 6Pte u I to.Arneet hog h .Sota The day God called vomi homo. Tita*SaiOhif am n" Fumerai Homo, 21 James Street, Milton. "Foraver InurHauts" - Sodly mlaaed by wlfe Yvonne, Karen <RI&J Suson Dan Mark (8*l) &à I"""" REMEMBRANCES FnI« MILT, in the form of donations to 111E OMCE O F 111EW The Milton District Hospital CANADIA CHAMPION WILL BE Foundation are appreciated. CLOSED ON LABOUR DAY MONDAY, SEPT. 7 AJilporta5i MODELS WANTED From Canada, between 2-19 to compete in this year's 1998 Toronto P a ge an ts. Over $20,000 in prizes and sch olars hi Ps. Including trips to nations in Las Vegas. Calittoday 1i 800-367- 2125. BICYCLE found. Cal f1 lentify. 875-2630. CAT, Domostic long haired, back/whito, doclaood, neufored maie. Oakville. 845- 1551 Found in Milon. FOUND, iary on Ontario stiSelos. Caf f0 kdontify. 693-0099. SAONED spit hard- oood,$200 bush cord,doliverod. $1051half. Not aplit $160 & $90. 878-8251. Neyer opened, cost $1,200. Sacrifice $490. (905) 567-9459. FREE Estimafes.Got wobbly chairs ooak tpig ired lookin9 oofiishes? We do if aIl. Custom wood rofin- ishing and fumifuro ro- airs. Filads Custom Fuiture. 9-9 daily. 875- 4427. GREAT Savingal Wanf a.groat rotum on an original invosfment? So- tas f rom $598. Sofa- beda f ran $447. Chairs .,o $196. Soniors Dis- ýnfs. FPlda Ouallfy tom Upholstoring. 4427,9-9. ,G BED. X-fhick .ao1,dic Pilloofop, sVtrmstill in plas- tic, coaf $1,500 self $625. (905) 5674042. ýIgM Co Mi Dish t25*"0 58 ls Iras..525Ma FldmeeStom .....14Jwki Appliat ...... 629/e Sterp VIsase rue 3525/at ScotfCm, 14 fi ..5.25Me Perlem il 266, nmaeevftm 312M CM i1400407440 F 1 N F m s c fi

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