The Canadian Chamnpion, Friday, September 4, 1998-19 Milton InterChurch Mixed Softball League (Final 1998 Standings) hl'ani G(,' W L. Milton Bible 24 17 7 0 St. George 24 15 8 1 New Lifel1 24 15 8 1 Hilicrest 24 15 9 0 Alliance 1 24 15 9 0 Boston 24 14 9 1 Knox 24 14 10 0 Alliance 2 24 14 10 0 Holy Rosary 24 10 13 1 New Life 2 24 7 16 1 New Life Deaf 24 6 16 2 Grace 24 6 16 2 St. Pau's 24 3 20 1 Milton Ladies Softball Team GP W L T Crickets 13 13 0 0 Basebitters 14 10 4 0 Sbifters 13 8 4 1 Fitzwhiskey's 15 7 7 1 Cruisers 15 7 8 0 Shooters il 5 6 0 Weasels 13 3 10 0 Hardball 14 3 il 0 Harrop 13 1 12 0 Milton Service League Sto Pitch Standings Team GP w L T Firel1 18 15 1 2 Legioni1 19 13 5 1 Legion 3 18 il 5 2 Hospital 18 10 4 4 Kinsmen 19 10 7 2 Jaycees 17 7 9 1 Ffre 3 18 6 9 3 Optianists 19 5 il 3 RCMP 19 3 15 1 Town 18 0 14 4 Fax your standings to 878-4943 PIS 34 31 31 30 30 29 28 28 21 15 14 14 7 P'rS 26 20 17 15 14 10 6 6 2 PTS 32 27 24 24 22 15 15 13 7 4 Ban tams knock out AND SWIM BOUTIQUE 2» Brut. . 5 Slte 9 05-878-9747 top team Milon layd te rleof poîer o ctî (Only $400 more per casos) Royal Laèe saving 1-2-3 - Leaders Prograrn cal acclaim last weekend in bantam girls Semi Private - 3 cildren per class Lap and .lquacise Prograin softball pay.R.e. ve Y... Spo»t T.dag The Expedite Plus sponsored crew .ë didn't quite reach the finals of the Peel- Halton Championships at Lions Park, but managed to elîmînate top ranked Brampton before bowing out themselves. Grne e The teams each split their first two e* re ie * Speedoe Tyre Solare e Chrîstina0 games of the double knockout toumamentPrm Spe br8ht i2h,19 before hooking up Saturday afternoon. Fo etm e t o1t,19 Brampton had gone undefeated through 25 B on e S. . w Ion 8 8 9 4 regular season play and finished fourth a 0 B o t t .M lo 7 m 7 7 the recent Ontario Summner Games. But continued dominance was not to be as ace hurler Lindsey Harrold needed just /J tt-'î~ 60 pitches over seven innings to lead her i-c crew to a 2-1 triumph. Sharing the hernics wai Laura Anne " Sheehan, who posted two singles and ThaL*rtprogram là available to people with obesity scored both runs. Other multi-hit perfor- or medi cal complications of overwelght mances came from Alicia Taylor and * GUftIOSII p o r omrspair Meissa Difrancescantonio. y.- i tora A couple of hours later the hometown Ba"aiMabhlle Rats Auesaaist put out byeventual hamps o Pet Asalysis girls were pt utbyeenua camsMau-di Ina HoIW alth Gare T" Chinguacousy, the same team that had * t anl tali lsoa rel handed themr an 11-2 defeat Friday (905) 337-0040 evening. EfluGcriflogy Or visiî Milton fared much better in the retum& 1245 Trafalgar Road, Suite 207 engagement, enjoying a slim lead early on (2 îghs north of QEW) before losing 5-2. Metabolism also avallabis: Melissa Parcels had a pair of singles Clnia Studi while Harrold and Leeanne Boreham split Ronnle Aronson a rsf the pitching duties. Round two featured anotiler one-nin vic- M.D. FRCPC tory for Milton, who eked out a 6-5 deci- sion over Georgetown. Pandora Lewis and Tasha Lewis led offensively with two its each, with Boreham working her magic on the mound. Rounding out the local squad this year were Stephanie Funston, Lindee Haringa andJen Wilson. Mi (ton 7Var fins Swzim 'Ièam Plctured above are: Stoph Shaskers, El! Dimtrov, Kassis Shaekers and Jen Porenta' Congratulations to Jen, Kass and Stoph who competed in the Junior National Swim Meet, held in Calgary, Aberta, accompanied by their coach Eli Dimitrov. Qualifying for this meet was a significant evant in the swimming careers of these girls, and attests to the remarkable coaching skills of Eli and Emil Dimitrov The swimmers would like to thank the following for their support: The Town of Milton, C.M. Morris Design Ltd., Gorrud Motors. Optimist Club, Lobtaws, Lions Club, Mark and Penny lshoy and Family, Lynne and Terry Winter and Family, Ed -and Tina Braam, Milton Marlin Swim Team Parents and Fundraisers. orne see US a AT THE MILTON LEISURE CENTRE Loblas BB onSEPT. 14 '98, 4-6 pm Saturday, Sept.5'9 For more Information plomBe refer to our ad in the Leisure Guide o contact DM"bi lessen 878-3690 or Grahasm Mcllroy 8762739 Play one of the Best 27 hole Championship golf courses in the area! Open to the public e Banquets .-J 1 or 9 zm- 1