prote doerdâild... Pkaisew tuni ,obsuw md oWey4pedlhez cvowakL Congratulations to the Ontario Steam & Antique Preserver's Association's 38th Annual GOOD/?EAR No 4-way stop By BRAD REAUME The Champion No, ino, andino Milton's community committee recently turned clown a request for a four-way stop at Joyce Boulevard and Wilson Drive. Committee members did, however, ask staff to look at the speed limit, visibility and potential parking restrictions in the ares. Area resîdent David Stark brought the issue to committee, cit- ing children's safety. There are two schools in the area. The crossroads is officially a 'T' intersection, however the pri- vate access road for town homes at 341 Wilson Drive enters the roadway very close to Joyce, almost forming a crossing. Mr. Stark poînted out there is poor vîsibility due to trees and hedges and added parked cars cut off even more visual access. Councilior Rick Malboeuf agreed, as an area resident, that the so- Scalied 'sight limes' at the intersection are poor. More police presexîce While a speed study showed 85 per cent of drivers are traveling less than 56 kilometers per hur in the area, Counicillor Lieven O Gevaert said is concemn is the 15 per cent which are traveling faster. He suggested more enfoivement by police. <ýc.Tf Q Phil Antonlaw, Mlilton's co-ordinatar of engineeing services, said the speed of 85 per cent af the vehicles 1k within realistic imits. hie 85 pet cent cutofi is the standard measure used by traffic engineer. Mayor Gord Krantz said înitiating more police enforcement would only likely get local residents more tickets, rath,.r than addressing the attitudes which compel people to speed. He sug- gested dtttu many stop signs cause people ta speed in order to . make good time in the face of frequent slowdowns. He also wamed that too many stop signs and heightened park- ing enforcement would bring people ta coundil ta complain about * lys,.. changes. Comniittee was not unanimous in its decision. Counrcillor Art wo prte- Melanson said Milton should have more four-way stops. He cited bl etbfrermv the two installed on Mill Street, saying they have been working. Ing any moldfound et the localI Mr. Malboeuf voted against the motion, saying Wilson Drive is .<*~c WOWtU ~ ongested with cars, bas two schools, and that the intersection this past wk Ini pr.paratlon for with Joyce is dangerous and hlind for many people. th fteshe er The recommendation was be reviewed hy full counicil on Monday (Aug. 3 1). Details were not available at prestime. Runway tickets already sold out The latest styles by Canadian fashion designer breast cancer research. Lrnda Lundstrom will be featured at this year's Green Doors open at 5 p.m and dinner is served at 6 p.m Ginger dinner and fashion show for breast cancer Tickets cost $45, or $35 (mezzanine) and can be research. reserved by calling 338-3344 or at Joleen's women's The event Sunday, Oct. 4 at Halton ilis Place on clothing store on Main Street (878-0606). The $50 Steeles Avenue will also include entertairiment and tickets near tse runway are already sold out. prizes. Organized by former Green Ginger women's Theneslomfa designer clothing boutique owner Lesley Goertzen, nu bri.8 84 4 the show annually raises thousands of dollars for ~ ' "' , -k- REMEMBER... You must stop in both directions when you see a school bus red lights flashing, 1