The àCganenChampIOn, Tuesday, September 1, 1998 -19 Libe rais will host lectures on business in Burlington [he Ontario Loberai Party woil host sev- eral lectures on issues concerning business. The first, entitled "How the 1999 Provincial Election Will Affect You" will take place at the Burlington Golf and Countty Club on Northshore Boulevard on Thursday, Oct. 8 at 6 p.m. Tickets cost $125, with a political dona- tion tax credit available. Tickets can be purchased by calling Dr. Gamnet Maley at 878-0539. Thse lecture wîll feature Philip Olsson, co-bead and co-managing director of Royal Bank Equity Partners, speaking on economic issues in the context of Ontario hostoy. He will also provide an economic fore- cast andi discuss how key election issues miùght affect Ontario business. Mr. Qisson began work as an investment banker for Pitfield Mackay Ross in 1979. He later moveti to the Royal Bank's Dominion Securities operations in Alberta, where he managed initial public offerings of TELUS Corporation in 1990 and Petro Canada in 1991. He holds BA and MBA degrees from Vanderbilt University and bas pursued postgraduate research at the London Scisool of Economics. Dateline from DATELINE on page 17 Everyone is welcomne. Friday Sept. 4 The Milton Resource Centre offers busi- ness consulting - 'Get Individual Self- Employment Information' - in one- hour appointments. For further information on thse service or to book or cancel, cal 876-9828. Thse Fourth Annual Women's TriathlonlDuathlon takes place at 8 ar. sharp. The rain or shine event is open to al women aged 10 years and over. AIl pro- ceedo go to Big Sisters of North Halton. To register, caîl Sue Leeder at 878-7329. For information, cali Marg Teskey at 878- 2691. Hefty donation Members of the third annuel Leslie Wells Softball Tournament present a choque for more thon $8,000 to the Salvation Army. Making the presentation to Sandra Rose (centre) of the food bank are (clockwise tram bottom loft) Mark Ollerenshaw, Grog Ollerenshaw, Brait Lewis and Corinn Jeffrey. DANCE FIT (P) FIRST CLASS EDUCATION SERVICES (P) *SHOPPERS DRUG MART *SPECTRUM FLOORING (P) .ZELLERS Milton Girls Softball Association REP and SELECT Tesm Managers Now accepting applications for tise positions of Manager of REP and SELECT Teams for tise 1999 scason. Apply in writing by SEPTEMBER 5, 1998 stating experience, qualifications, and accredita- tion. Mail applications to: MGSA, BOX 532, Milton L9T 4ZI AMe oups for 1999 ar: Squirt - payerr born 1987, 1988 Bantam - players bons 1983, 1984 Novice - players born 1985, 1986 Midget - players borts 1981, 1982 REP TryLouts for 1999 Open tryouts for REP Teams wil be beld thia fail. Playero regtered with MGSA in 1998 must participate in fait tryoutss o beceigible for slection to 1999teamis. For information please contact Roy Hamrod (876-3357) or jim Carwright (878-3918) Ail intereted players bons 1981 - 1988 are welcomc. Previona REP experience not required. 1998 Annual Ge-neral Mee*n Monday, Sepember 28,19"8, Toneli Arasa Community Room, 7:00- 9:00 PM. MGSA would like to reognize and dank tise following sponsors for tiseir support in 1998: Kwik Kopy Haiton Community Credit Union Richsardison Chev Olds Bruce Hood Travel Tise Financial Planning Group Milton Machine Shop Expedite Plus Neill Transportation Hunt Plymouto Clrysler Creative Mesuorial Key Centres Kniglots of Columbus lions Club of Milton Royal Canadian Legion And a SPECLAL THANKS te tise coaches and many volunteers who contrbuted tiseir time, talent and energy te help make 1998 anotiser enjoyable seasn! Wach for ont 1999 regstration in February. Look for aewa about a NEW, FUN PROGRAM for plsyers bom in 1989 - 1991. Dateline listings are free to non- profit groups. Fax your item to 878-4943 BRAKESVCPAKG For most vehiCIeSsand light trucks Replace front or rear dîsc brake pads guaranteod for as long as you own your vehicle. And much more! M mI a mc$mM Mwso r lt g ot:nO'q ns Auo vsMd »mu5l5KfiMr e e t LidPms ,al tyssas 0 sd dl ~ See shop for details. 420 Steeles Ave. E. Milton Car Care The way it =sOssiS 0,e.l RAD SERVICE Radiafor & Fuel Tank T U; T :HE-, E T SURF THE NET CAN GIVE YOU: INTERNET FREEDOM Intemet Freedom lets you choose the hours of acoess you typically nee, and gives you the peace of mnd to know that you will neyer receive any surprise bils for any extra charges. Unlimited ? WhySubsidize the addict? CHOOSE FREEDOM Il! SURF THE NET SIMPLY THE BESI INTERNET SERVIC , ANYWHERE ONLY --NTHS *t Covers ail charges until March 1,1999 *t40 basic hours each month. * UNUMITED INTERNET FREEDOM HOURS *t Free N4iOME SET4P *t Fuil customer service CALTODAY 873-2602