'Me, Canadiarr Champion, Friday,-August 28,19U8 --0 Injury a disappointment tram MONCREIFF'S on page 1 doubt tbat wben 'm bealtby I can bold my Camre-Ann Nichols from competing alto- own witb anyone," stressed Moncrieff. gether. "Right now though I've got to give Both athietes had qualified for the myseif some healing time. 1 don't want to Worlds back in June with sixth-place non n y toot forever.- efforts at the Canadian Championships in Meanwhile, Nichols will defend ber Oshawa. Women's Triatblon Milton titie Sunday, "I'm definitely disappointed flot to bave Sept. 6. She bolds tbe record for the annual been able to compete, but ' ve got no competition, wtb a 33:41 finish. The Fouith "Rude" T opened August 21lst featudg... *Foocdwith atitude (rom around the wod *Lunch & Dinner * Casual Eleganoe *80 Sea ts a Ample FREE Paiklng 119 lones Street Bronte Milton Girls Softball Association REP and SELECT Team Managers Now accepting applications for the positions of Manager of REP and SELECT Teanis for the 1999 season. Apply in writing by SEPTEMBER 5, 1998 stating experience, qualifications, and accrecitation. Mail applications to: MGSA, BOX 532, Milton L9T 4Z1 AMe goups for 1999 are: Suirt - players born 1987, 1988 Novice - players boni 1985, 1986 Bantam - players boni 1983, 1984 Midget - players born 1981, 1982 REP Tryouts for 1999 Open tryouts for REP Teams will be held this fil. Players registered with MGSA must participate on fal tryouts to bce eigible for selection to 1999 teams. For information please contact Roy Harrold (876-3357) or Jim Cartwright (878-3918) Alil interested players born 1981 - 1988 are welcome. Previous REP experience not required. 1998 Annual General Meeting Monday, September 28, 1998, Tondul Arena Community Room, 7:00- 9:00 PM. MGSA would like ta recognize and thank the foilowing sponsors for their support ini 1998: Kwik Kopy Halton Community Credit Union Richa.rdson Chev Olds Bruce Hood Travel The Financial Planning Group Milton Machine Shop Expedite Plus Neil Transportation Hunt Plymouth Chrysier Creative Memorial Key Centres Knights of Columbus Lions Club of Milton Royal Canadian Legion And a SPECIAL THANKS to the coaches and many volunteers who contributed their time, talent and energy to help make 1998 another enjoyable seaon! Watch for our 1999 registration ini February. Look for new about a NEW, FUN PROGRAM for players boni in 1989 - 1991. Got a sports story? Contact reporter Steve LeBlanc at 878-2341 bm;z