The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, July 7, 1998-23 OUALITY GREENS 228 MAIN STREET, E., MILTON requires FULL OR PART TIME DEU CLERKS PART TIME GROCERY CLERKS Mus pssess a validi Ontario Drivers Licens Please apply wthin:ik PART TUME LUMBER YARD STAFF Part Tme Yard Staff requred ta work 2 evenings per week & weekends. A basic knawledge of lumber and building materials s required. PART TIME SALESPERSON Sales persan required ta work part-tme in aur plumbing and electrical departments. Applicants should have a basic knawledge in bath areas and be able to wark a flexible schedule. This is a permanent part-time pasi- tion ideally suted ta a semimretired individual. Applicatian frms may be picked up t SCHUYLER HOME HARDWARE 3"5$11.11113AVE. *LTON AZ DRIVERS STONEHAVEN FARMS Requires dependable, expenienced. fuiltime and part-lime. AZ drivers tar local and high- lway work. Must have clean abstract. Comnpetitive wages. Benefit package avail- abe for fulltimne emplaYees. Fax resumne ar lelter includlng naine and phane number la: (905) 875-3900 FAMILY GUIDANCE INTERNATIONAL Requires residential staff for a variety of co-ed adolescent therapeutic pro- grains. You must be responsible to ensure that the daily structure ix followed while maintaining a safe and nurturiflg environirent. & valid first aid certificate and ciass G license are requiremnents of the position. Onty those setected for an interview will be contacted. Forward reuet:1470 Bronte Rd. Oakville, ON L6J 4Z3 Melraiand Prntng, Publishing and Dislribuing in Miltan has an immediate apening far an experienced Telemnarkeler ta jin aur sales teain. As a maivaled self- starter wth a praven telemarkeling back- graund, yau wili be respansible for the ca- ardinating and selling of numeraus fea- lures and sectians. yau must be able ta, wark under deadllnes, and undersland haw la juggle numeraus lasks. We Offer- a base sal1arY - lucrative cammissian package - sabnles work enviranment POSrION AVAILABLE SUPER VISOR - MEMBER SERVICES We are seeking an individuel ta supervise the member service functian in aur Milton branch. The successful candidate will have several years af experience in a financial institutian, wilh a lharaugh knawl- edge of banking pracedures, as well as advanced knawledge of praducta and ser- vices. A license ta seil mutual funds wauld be cansidered a definite assaI. We are seeking an individuel with slrong leader- ship and arganizatianal skills and a proven track record in a supervlsary capacîty. The successful candidate will be a gaod mati- valor wha can lead by exampte and can adjust ta change readily. Please send yaur resume, atong with a hand written cavering letter ta: Haiton Communlty Credîl Union Limnited 44 Main Street East, P.O. Box 40 Milon, Ontario L9T 2Y3 Attention: Mr. Eari Doimage, Brmnch Manager. M Metroland Printing, Publishing and Distributing in Milton has an immediate opening for a Fult Time Distribution Service Representative. Ibis is an entry level position with many career apportuni- tiet. The successful candidate must strive ta work in a fast paced environment and have a natural sente of urgency. You must - have polished telephone skills - work weIl with children - have excellent communication and organizational skills - have a warking knowledge of PC based computer systems - be able ta work flexible hours (weekends and mornings) - have a reliable vehicle Send resume attention: General Manager Milton Canadian Champion 191 Main St E Milton L9T 4P4 i EsJOB 198 M7hiNGN - Accoî - Micro - Offict * Medic *Dents *Fina *Placem *REG.1 Please farward your resume by February 10, 199810O: Davd Boa General Manager Miton Canadian Champion NEW AGENCY, Caring 191 Main St. Eat places. Seeka Pravid- Mîtois, ON L9T 4N9 ers for licensed prî- Fax: (US5) 876-2364 vatelhame chidcare porarrls. 876-1514. MATURE Nanny re- quired in my home la care for lwo children, aias 1 & 3, fuît limne DENTAL H-IGIENIST - we require a persanable, daYs, MOnIday Frlday enliiuslalind"dal in aur Milaon Family praclic beons August 17. 876- for one ta lMo days par MIeL Perlontal experi 3641. an- an as-Fax reswne t 905-876-28 enting m computers ,e Adnistration iLgalAs it RELIABLE persan N Doton V giTw- required 10 cars for 3 one bedroarn apart- home. Pitield Rd. chldren in aur home.I ment. Available July 1 i. Lvng/dining rooni, (Milton-Dorset Park[ $575. incusive. Cati open concept. New oak area>. Full ime postion. 653-1996 10-6 or 905- ktchen, Oak stircase, ECE. an asse. Pease 854-2309 9-6. 4 bedrooms plus ful cail 876-0750 for fax BRHTCeareh bathroom, new, resume ta 905e693- ly Panted 1,2 W3 Bed- top sta battom.he 0928. roam Apartments rom Dowemntr, finshe $SgSIma. Well-main- roomn plus shower, doar tained Builington high- f rom garage ta base- rise. 333-9845. Noon- ment. 878-6111. HOMEARELiv-inor pm.FOUR bedroam Twn- HoI. A Fu i r ar-ime.r LARGE 1 bedroorn hause. Central Air, Ga- Mi. l Or 878-1105 . apartmrent, Actan, avait- rage, Close ta schaols Miltn. 78105. abl August 1ist in. and shopping. In excel- pies. $530/month in-. lent nove in condition. cludes utilities. 854- Ak $35086 2317.2802 ?eave message. ABUED nd fradONE BEDROOM, large TOWNHOIJSE for sale ABUEDan arad? unit, qiet building, yonri desirable For help cati 878-8555, w/eievator. Availabte byOnrin tee o a24 horcii 9efrAuutIt 70rot cation. Fuliy upgraded, abused womnen. Haton inctudes utilities. 878- central air, etc Wamens Place' s an 8097. - $137000. 876-8383. emergency shelter ONE BEDROOM, nice- avaitabie for abused ly decorated, indluding women and their chîtd- laundry, N/C, utiities, no 10 dren in Halon Regian. pets. Available August ail calta are confidentiat. 1sf, 639-8777, Conrad. ARE YO BEIN TWO edroom spart- ment. Clea, include affecled by sameone al utilities $900/month. elses drinking? Anon Cati 702-8709. Famiiy Group meets UPPER floar af renovat- each Monday night 8 ed duplex, aider Milon. p.m. at St. Fautas United Suitabie for couple. Church, back door $lBOJ1plus utilities. u (parking lot entrance.) Available Auguat. 875- 1-800-891-4862. 0935. 'NE. RICHARDSON CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE To tasse or purchase your car or trucki Hwy DenryRd. 878-2393 w- GRRUD'S SALES & LEASING NEW & USED 410 STEELES AVE. A FAMILV BUSINESS WITH FAMILV VALUES WE - BUY - SELL - LEASE LARGESI SELECTION 0F USED VEHICLES IN MILTON 875-2277 AUTO INSURANCE. Best rates for most drivers inciuding higher nsks. Cait Warren, 519-853-4284. HOUSE in Milton for profeasionat persan with famity. Phone 876- 4739, between 8 ar.& 4 p.m. Aak for Chria. 1 or 2 RUUMS, use ai itchen, iaundiy, dining- room, country near Ac- ton, garden, $60/$50 weekly. 853-4988. WI Keceptiofltst HOUSE for rent. 3ioea- ATN ealsoeo -a i a i vi room bungalow. Milton. ATN ealsoeo it AistManbe Aai. $l3SOJmonth plus utili- off ice. Excellent down- ýmentAssisance ies. 905-875-2763, 1- town location. 550 sq. I. MIN. COLLEGES& 416-741-8449. Barb. $575. inclusive. Available immediately. Caîl 853-1996 10-6 or 905-854-2309 9-6. SMALL PRIVATE NANNYI Holusekeeper TOWNHOUSE for ranI OFFICE, beautifiilly reqiired fulAV part-ime. 661 Chitd's Drive, Au- appointed Hwy. 25 & Reliable, respansible, gust 1sf. Att appliances 401. 905-819-8035 or 1 - own transportation. indludd. First/tasI 95-279347. Please cati 878-9940, manths required. Kitbride area. $1,100./month. Tele: TWO offices fumished xpr-phone (905)876-2157. or unfurnished, goad RELIABLE exer- screara & ffic enced poie. ALWAYS 100K I eNS ue arig Indoorlautdoor pay TECASIES services included.878- Clubhouse, swings, FRf large playraam. BelNanier ares. CASFESSL Receipta. 878-650. P ONE85-30e FAX 8626 * T dy ida ae *Generate extra $$$ 4 e Receive a tree GARAGE SALE KIT é Excuse 10 Spring cdean é Aboveal -have fun! Place jor gange silo ad wiM Shieonial 875-3300 à. LICOME% SÇ sAGON SINCE 1930 a*New in town? eHaving a baby? *Establishing a new business? PLEASE CALL US: COMMtmnify Welcome Linda ...................854-1563 Mariiyn ..................875-0519 Bridai Jackie ...................878-1907 Baby Gaii ....................878-6540 BusinesslProfessioflal patl.....................876-4040