22-The Canadiean Champion, Tuesday, July1, 1 Classilîed HOURS MONDAY TO FRIDÀY 9ý00 AM 5ý00PM Vrbm-lmMIl GRACI- Tony & Jas/a (nea Sedita) are p/eased ta announce the b/r/h of their sec- ond son, Glusoppe, weigh/ng 5 /bs. 12 ozs. t Grand River Hospital t Kitchener- Wateroo on Sunday June 7, 1998 at 2:23 am. Giusoppe is the second grandchiîd af Joe & Carmeina of Miton and four/Il grandchi/d of Ange/o & G/na of Kichener. Second great grandiparer/ts Giuseppina Sedita & the la/oe /gnazlo Sedta of //ay groat grandparen/ Giovanna of Kitchener & second t/me great grandparent Afonsc Crisci and Maria Crisci from M/ton. Lots o /ove from second U/me Uncle /gnazio anc Aunt Maria Sodita and trom al/ your thou sanda aofther re/atives. Specia/ thanks te Dr. R. Raby and the wonderfu/ staff a Grand River Hospital for sale da/ivery. Sarah: "YOU DID IT!" Congratulations! We are se proud of you!! Sarah wl/I be attending Brock University this fa/i. She received lat C/sas Hosours snd wiU hae receivng a scha/arship. 1 Lave Mom, Dad, Frank Mat & Snokev- GRADUATION KRISTIAN JAMES CURRAN Dale and Lynne Carran are pleaseri /0 annouace /he gradua//an et their son, Ks/an, rom McMas/er Un/versty, Hail/I/n, On/., as Jane 4, 1998, wl/h an Itannaras ache/ar o Science Degren, Geography and IEnvrnmen/al Science C-sp Programe. Kris/an Ihau accep/ed a pan/t/an 5/ Dahoanie University, Ha//tax, NS., pr/ar ta cammencing a Man/er at Science Degree /n Part/c/e Hydranica. MacARTHUR, Anne - (Anne w/Ilba remem- bered by a/I for her 27 yaars of teaching at C ETV Mil/on District High Schoo/, frst woman Counci//or and Rleava of Nassagaweya, her NE O IL service with the Niagara Escsrpmant Commission and the frt soman lec/ad an a fuît time Mayor of the Town of M/ton.) JmSr/ Anne MacArhur pasaed away auddan/y on 190 Ontario St. Thursday, Ju/y 2nd, 1998. Be/ovad wfa of Mi/on 878-6522 the la/e Char/en MacArhur and /oving molfi- MouetarrsBoneakr, er of John MacArthur of Mil/on. At the Mon metMrk e, ronzaMras requent of Mrs. MacArthur, cramai/on han aa/m 1/an taken place. A Public Memoial and Comm/t/aI Service w/l be he/d on Satumday, Ju/y il/h at 2:00 P.M. at St. Day/d'a -- m Proabyterian Church Cemetery, Canipbel/vi//e (Guelph Lina junt sou/h of FOR OUR PRECIOUS AMBER Hwy 401). t han been requested that n lieu A bud the Gardenen gave us of flowers, donations be made in hem memo- Apueadlvy hd ry /0 the charity af your choîce A peanlve /y ch/r eeId Arrangements through the J. Scott Earfy Ha gae s eil u eep Funeral Home 21 James St. Miton. And jut an/tl sas opan/ng ITo/tho glory 0f the day Dowe came the Heaven/y Father - And took aur bud away W. Lave Yau a Mammy, Daddy, Brandy Grann y & Pappa, f,2 Unc/o M/kote, Aunty Manique, Uncîo Dan, e Aunty Candi, Danny, Oas/oe &Dravan 1- 487 LAURIER AVE. 878-2881 in the form of donat/ons to it Sk.w ru eao- SOW4 'V[wv The :Mil/on District Hospital Foundation Fanuly oaned for airer 30 years ara apprac/atad. 37 4) spacial w/le, mother and grandmno/har who Bi passed t rom this wodd much too soon on Ju/y 7, ne 1997. fu One year aller your t/ma w//h un a Had corne/to an end, P We wondar aach day4 Il evar our hast/s will mend. 6 Sad/y missed and always /aved by c husband Peter, son Michael, M daughter Jennifer and granddaughter Emi/y. e Dear friands Brenda Howard litDaner Finn. fi VOLUNTEER HOST FAMILlES s are urgent/y needed for International Exchange Students. "YOUTHS FOR UNDER- STANDING" needs homes for these students q for anc year.1 For information ca/t: 1-800-833-6243 h WNNERS FOR LIONS DUCK RACE - JULY 1198 F/RST PRIZE - JOHN GRANT SECOND PRIZE - NELLIE SAMAROO & MICHELLE MINAKER THIRD PRIZE - C-21 REALTY PRO FOURTH PRIZE - NERMYS HALL .OST, Smallgra Parrot wi/h Pink beak. F Dorset Park ares E Answers /0 Gabby. P Reward. 875-1545 KEYS at Mili Pond. 875-2957t/0 c/aim. FIREWOOD whi/a aup I plias last. A/I hardwood, mnapla, oak, hickory, sp//t, da//varad, $175 Bush cord878-8251. 4 - P185-80R-13 Good-I year t/ras on 5 stud Pon- tiac A/umninumr/ rms. $100./sat. F/la any GM. Also 6 Aquariums. A/I a/zen. Soma w//h l/ght, pump, etc. Vour dho/ca $20./aach. Sizas trom 2 gaI 10 25 gai. CaI 878- 3790. POOLS. Free heatar sale. 16 il. X 24 li. o.d. ratangular aboya ground Kayak pools. inc/uding dacks, fenc- ing, lier, 2 /adders, sand fi//an, pump & mo/or etc. $5,395. 1 - 800-668-7564. PERHAPS the moat tender, sweeteat peas that you hava aver tas/ad. Fresh/y picked, sha/lad, washed, b/snched, individus//y Iflash trozen. Avai/abla nn s apadial 20 lb. aize/$1 9.75. Swaet peas avai/abte. MacMil/anas Hwy. #7, 1 mile wast of Acton. (519)8513-0311 (The Muffin & Cookie Batter People). IREEZY CORNERS aqu/ras experianced ull t/ma ws//ress/wa//ar and axpar/enced tu/I me hos/esa. Apply in person to 1480 Hwy. 6, North, Freel/on. 905- 659-1556. CHEFICASHIER For Milton location. Knowl- edge in cafetan/a opena- tions. 6-day waak. ransportation raquinad. Excellent aary and Banal/ta. For informa- tion ca/I 905-878-5571 EXT 2104 or Fax Re- suma 519-652-2325. COUNTER Ha/p re- quinad Mon. - Fn. 3 - llp.m. and part li/ma ha/p ton waakends. Must be experiancad. Apply /0 Coffea Tima Donuta, 405 Mat/n St., Mil/on. TRAlTORiA DOMENI- CO raqu/ras Junior Chat $8-$10 par hour and diahwaaher $7.00 par houn. CaI tor appoint- mnt 8/7-0499. EXCELLENT PICKING! RASPBERRIES & BRAMBLEBERRIES, BEETS, SPANISH ONIONS, PEAS, DILL Pick your own - Ready pickad (pleasa cali) "THE FARM" De Paoli 873-2050,* 877-7976 Mon.-Fn. 8-8, Sat. 8-5, Sun. 8-2, Hol. 8-2 Ca/i for availabiity 15 Sideroad, 1 km west of Trafalgar Rd. f rat farm on north s/de, Stewarttown. RASPBERRUES PICK VOUR OWN AT CHAS. GREIG FARM Bob & Mabel Deva/in e Free Recipes! 15 Sideroad, 1 m//e west ot Tratalgar Rd., 3rd drivaway west of R.R. tracks. Open 8 am to 8 pm Mon. to FK1 8 am - 5 pm Sat. & Sun. Waather & conditions permitting! 877-7484 PASSENGER VAN DRIVER The Haton Work Programme is a commu- nity basad regional vocational rehabi/ita- t/on program, sarving individusls with sari- oua mental i/mness. A continuum of ser- vices la offered, inc/uding rahabi/itative workshops, supported emp/oymen/, com- munity placements and affirmative bus/- nasses. We require s driver 10 operate a modemn e/aven (11) passengar van for four (4) houra par day, f/va (5) days a week, from our Acton location. Tha successful candi- date w/I hava, a C/sas "F On/ar/o Driveras Licansa. Compatit/va wages psid. For fur- thar information pleass forward rasuma by Ju/y 15, 1998 to: ANITA LLOYD 8 Commerce Court Acton, Ontario L7J 2X3 Fax: (519) 853-5244 (à, In,