Classic 1850 bit two slorey, ice bedroom ONE 0F THE PRETTIEST FARMS on home preserved le rettedt the ara with a tIhe escarismeet caald be your sew home. The chanice taawen tIis 35 acre Nannys quarters addition (1989) ta total dreern terrn is a rare oppaetuslty witIr as approx. ,000 sAe .Tire cenre halt plan, the imemculele eaely 1900s bulle home eltI higo caeings, wsod flous aed exsetr m front asd aide ceraedahs, 9' maie flesor revealihe grace of yesleayear. Locaîed on celtlsgs and hage principal rooms. The 1.4 ceno aces elcen Mlbonaed complete package Iscledes mais barn & 1.4Sc9IC cre bewee Mitonand driveehed wth heated workshop 001011 enhesced by rolng tend witIr extensive TO vie CI mieI$M". haratwsod bssh. Vaay close ta lowe. S*&WOa oùglue bfho mu me Sq. VOILAGE PAMC k .s,.s grjqe m ,o m flegr îwçunrCAMPBELIVILLE ESTATES I an celra Isble iand wP israshaci*b.e L MP u ras mmnStately and appealiig this custom-built brick J rom cwend th e en,ra O4wmMbwxmhqmm m CANPSELLVILLE HORSE FARM home on 2 acres wih eehcuious andscap- Ipleasant dacer and &uiq paW »I Sà'4 ou pne Fo bAw Situated on hardrop road iis very scenic 96 ing and circulai paved drive, Features 4+1 Ihgh paeeramlciW of '" --iUdmI iJiLi » .. 9N$ acre tarer bas a 4 bedrouer bouse wirh bard- bedroomo, 3 1/2hbaths, sunken LR with erar- for tm hode s boe a .hrse haro wirh Up to 26 sialis, large drive kitchen witb B/i appiianceo, main-Iloor FI manteance free lits- shed, 1/3 mile standard bred raining track, withbrick ireplace, roc rer & games rrr style aed conenenece approo. 55 acres workahie, and a 2-bedrouer ingroond pool and spa, ligted tennis cour, et close te dewntewe. oel conlained mobile home. For lriher irfor- 4-car garage and mach more. For torCher Lidsay J. McLaren.. moion or lis 4b generaion tarm please cati details on this ine home, cati Lindsay J Aattna$135,9W0 eat Faémiiy locaflo, Linday J. McLaren. Aoing .... $44990. McLaren. Reduced 10 $6100090 wms roker/Owner ..................................... 878-7777 .................................................. 875-0067 .................................................. 875-3039 ..............................................854-9949 ........................................................ 878-3337 ....... ............................................... 875-1121 ......................................... 875-0771 .....11..ý ................................. 878-3333 .... ....-. ..............................878-5806 ..................................878-7777 ......... ........................878-7777 .................. ...... ....................878-7777 COUNTRY PROPERTY o - laie. Pide of ownershipelainee throeaghout Iis baaelboetteo . Lot a recerat ugradee, aknoelt att new windows, new roof siingles (96) new addition (95) (Sunroore, bedrooen, bathroom and faiy roomf) toalty suiabe for lnlaws. Newr subemerm e au!Tihis hoere as a sngle attached garage and 12x36 detached wodkshopgarage. Was 6249,9Q9 Now $234900.00onmsas this dice. CatI me today for more dtals GORCIEOUS RANCH SUN- GALOW os 9.43 pcteresque acres. A reai anterlainment home with large principal moims. Large couantry kiloben room tlocated off of lâchen euh wood burning fireplaca & 2 sflls. Suroor lsoinag eut bacle of propesty jacuzzi bath, inlarcoen, Peila wiindsws, heaied eave- strosghs, huge 32 x64 wonishsp wth 200 amp service & two do0m 12x16' & 12xl4. Localed oen a couantry road meinules to 401. Uisted ai $473900 RICHARD HIERA Sales Reproeentatlve office: 1878-7777 Toronto: 825-4485 1 -0 Reer: 878-58016 hierman@globaserve.oes.Ca h SERIOUS k WORKSHOP t Heres a terrific family ik home with a unique Rg layout and a major teague separate er garage and workshop. ( M ike M organ ....................... . .............. -.... Paul Page .................................. Scott B. Prior.......................-................ 878.777 e Jean .Snowden .......................................878-3155 Anne Taylor........................................ 854-9833 Glen Thomas....................................... 876-0987 AIV01p .......................................................878-7777 Florence Walter ...................................8 80 3 KatrinaW alton .......................................87&1588 Re,:87 -8 93 ;V osal ove oeanangon thre coverd decle ovariooing lhe treed open -. -., pace beyond lbe fencad yard. eaming hardwood fiacre accent an open concaept living roo and OflrSaUIaIUIIMiêdeIitaoald place. Tihis unique homne aso alem te ,sgaE"4»0.e. mat»aqu aumt-m in chon, cary epaclaus 8**IS 10Ce~temeCWW. bedromaneelower levai dan and ~podIuaiehomutaeOde. acreation room plus a double &Fo* eaae mb Oe *",9m. garae. Ca4 Wu. $204900