YIhe Canadian'C3hamikfl. Fdray, MuY 3. 199 - YOULOAL ONG ISTNC LTRATV A Monthly Neseothe j MinChamer of Commerce Mailnlooal -Trasre Joun Colas - Owner 3rd Line Golf Corporation 6621 - 3rd Line, Milton, ON L9T 2X5 Phone 905-693-0303 Miltons lst exclusive golf driving range open to the publie. Pierre Dnyon - President Adculture Group mc 775 Main Street East, Milton, ON L9T 3Z3 Phone - 875-3170 Fax - 875-3071 Marketing communications company involved in tIhe Agricultural and veerinary pharmaceutical sectors.. Tuesday juIy 28, 1998 Business After Hours Ontario Renaissance Festival 6252 8th Line 5 -7pm il ________________I Campbellville Area Business Association Campbellville, ON Phone - 905-854-1244 Suzanne Bielmann -OsNvrer La Vieille Auberge 269- Main Street South Rockwood, ON NOB 2K0 PbonefFax - 519-856-4170 Situated ils picturesque Roclns'ood. La Vieille Auberge leatnrcs finse French cuisine prepared by oss'er/cbief' Hubert Bielmanîs. Furnisbed witb antiques. Tbe diniîsg room bias a warm inviting atmospbere enbaîsced by original pin board panelling. à M Roger 0 auzon' (905) 878-7217 îâInsurance Agency Ltd. MILTON CHAMBER 0F COMMERCE GROUP LIFE & HEALTH PLAN féatures 'ASSURE CARD» Lite lnsurance - Long & Short Term Disability AccidentaI Death 8 Dismemberment * Dental Plan Extended Health Care 9 Dependent Lite Available toa ai member buaineasea with as few as ane persan Computerized quotes now available Cali today for an interview ta discusa yau needs. Web site: www.chamber.mîltofl on.ca Mail: înfo@chamber.mlton.on.ca V reeomto ci Group of One?? Y' Residential &J Home-Based Business?? -19 Join The Crowd!! How big does your firm have to be to qualify for group insurance benefits??? Under the Chamber of T e Commerce Croup Insurance Plan, even "F' person 01f owner operated firms are eligible. And the plan is open 15Mi t . to Ail industry types. If you run a home-based busi- ness, chances are you're part of the fastest growing segment of the economy. And, chances are your resume includes a previous job with a larger employer, where you enjoyed a wide range of group benefits. tg If you've been in operation for at Ieast six months, i you can apply for the Chamber 0f Commerce Croup ucts for Insurance Plan Benefits. We recognize that "small Let us helF er Golf business", including home-based firms, are a vital part -Reiwy * Bruce of today's environment. - Conier im John -Cnie andard Today, the plan serves more than 18,000 firms requiremie nationally, from 1 person operations to firms up to 25 - Ensure thai empluyees, and it offers a full range of benefits. You Rates and can apply for a base of life and disability insurance, and - Start your add options for drug and hospital coverage, dental to 7,200 C benefits, and retirement savings. There's even - CALL NOI Business Expense Benefit to pay your firma h ills if you CONSUL1 have an accident or ilîness. We regula W~e, at Milltowne Insurance cau give you details of a AI henefit package tailored just for you from the plans many options. Protect yourself and your business, with at UpperP the benefits youve enjoyed throughout you career. (9W0 The Chamber Plan has a remarkahle record of stable m " prices too... So, thmnk bg and fînd out how lttle cy Chamber Croup coverage costs.T inancial CalI for more information0 s, proof Bob Lee Consult golfers, (905) 878-5786 1course. ïHelena robertlee@aztec.net.com icholas Roger Lauzon Educat ýphy. (905) 878-7217 To 'herapy N OW! )CCUPATIONAL THERAPY Iting, Asseesment and Treatment Services "Work station ergonomic evaluations "Injury prevention at work "Return to work programming [onal Services on back care, injury prevention and relaxation training. ro discuss your requirementS please calil (905) 878-8381 CONTRMLS Johnson Controls Ltd. Automotive Systems Group 8205 Parkhill Drive High Point Business Park East Milton (905) 875-2128 Doug Peddie "Planning Today for Tomorrow" M ilton Chamber 245 Commercial St. Auto & Home Group Milton, Ont. L9T 2J3 Representative Bus: (905) 876-4607 Fax: (905) 876-1001 SRoyal Insurance Our expertise is your best policy. The best choice is here.» Ip you: our RSP and Investment portfolios. your Life Insurance and Estate Plan ients. iat you receive the best available Mortgage d GIC Rates (CDIC Insurance on &C's). ýRegistered Education Savings Plan - up Government Grants. )W FOR A FREE LTATION ady work extended hours. %bbey Plaza Third Line rMiddle Road, Oakviiie ý5) 827-8009 20+ Years in the Banking Smelko Foundry Produci Limited takes the winlII Congratulations to the Smeiko Foundry Prodi taklng lot place et the 9th Annual Chambg Tournament et Granite Rdge on June 23rd. Park (i to r) presents Tlm Smelko and thîs terni Leeming, Gary Hunt & Ron Twlss wth the St Auto Glass trophy. Honesty is the best polig For the second year Donaldson Bourgon F Services hec won the "Most Honest" Golfer that they are better financlal advisors than they spend more time ln courses than on Mike Shepherd presents Michael Bourgon, Donaldson, Melîssa DeBrouwer and Dave f with the Haton Community Credit Union trol m - . 1. - F --- ço",Àrp à FLAT RATE & DIRECT DIALI LONG DISTANCE RATES; 1 "!m 1