Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 3 Jul 1998, p. 7

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The Canadien Champion, Fnday, JuIy 3,1998 - 7 theÀ MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Ontaro St. N. e 878-2022 10:00 arn. - Breaking Bread 11:45 a.m. - Sunday School 6:30 p.m. - Gospel Service Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Prayer Meeting and Bible Reading 'afaits a fMsayiq hat hM ss5camie into the worid to save simnrs!" 1 rn.î.15 123 MAIN ST.1 MILTON, ONT.1 Monise: Re. Bob Hyde - Re. flan Hut Oiredto f MuecJudy Cnter Cne go Weeahp SUNDAY, JULY 5,1098 10-30 AM WORSHIP rOOME AS YOU ARE" Th. Service ciii be conducted by the youth af si. Peui's end wilii iature the youth band. Vste«,W.d. ýtNneamoe -hWiisl pm*kvlt LAi7SU KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 17o main Street E., Milton Miniter-The Rter:. Iod Lewis Diaconlat Miniiter-Coiietfl Smith SundayV Worship 10:30 a.m. 9:30 Grades 7-8 & High School 10:30 a.m. Sunday School & Nursery For informaltionl cail 878-6066 parking onl Mary Street IrI Wbeelh*f s a m d w vffli1eric se ihat atiMay Corne aMd rahp. - ,lllW r , SBANAI MERCY çondrthe mercy of God and His giftt. He enjoineth upon you thot which nhoit profit you, though He Himnelf con weti dispense witt att c reotures.- rom the Bahai Writings iLCAL ...................878S0011 IREG.IONAU.........1-800-433-3284 NATIoNAL .........1.905-889-8168 GLOBAL ...........www.b" ..............or 'wwwI.oneesImtiy.or u On the move Rob Labelle's A.B.C. Pallets nc is movlng from Steeles Avenue to 281 Alliance Road. Though lt willl soon have a new location, the companys practice of giving away free firewood, ln the form of old pallets, to local citizens will continue. Photo by GRAHAM PAINE Boni Sat.nhsv, IBOs 21,1998 Joshua Blazina Weighing in at 8 pounds, 9 ounces. Proud parents Joanne and Robert. Ecstatio grandparents, GeraldineL and Ted, Mary and Mike. lo alul« Te, fuliblo" HOLY ROSARI PARI1UhtH httpl/rwwgolden.netl-wt&saltnu/p-holyruoryrsto HOLY ROSARY CHURCH 139 Martin Street Mass at 5:30 por Saturday 9:00 am, 10:30 arn OUR LADY OF VICTORY MISSION Mfilton Heights No Masa ST. PETER MISSION 9th Lina & Britannia Rev. Earl Tabot, PTP Celebrrzting aur 6th Ànnivereary Sunday, JuIy 5, 1998 10:45 arn.: THE APPOINTMENT WITI4 GOO Pastor Nagge wcliibe apeaklng The moessge entitled.. "THciNS TO CONSIDER HEFONE SATUIO ... 1 QUIT" Nursery Care (Ages 0-2) - Jr. Chitrens Church (Ages 3-6) Sr. Chidrens Church (Ages 6-10) 6:30 pm EVENUNG EVANGELISTIC RALLY HOLY COMMUNION "THINGS TO CONSIDER BEFORE SAYING 1i QUIT" Il Nursery Care (A es 0-2) - Kids Club (Ages 3-5) Kids Praise (Grades 1-5) Vaca.etin Biis ScoolanG0ly '4.'108 '3»CONTACT MELODI AT THE CHURCH OFFICE, 878-3358. TO REGISTER VOUA CIiILD TODAYI on CJMR 1320 AM Radio evety Fniday erereto - 545 - 800 p.m. HOW TO FIND ~41 E LeEYORCRL Grace Anglican Churcýlh 317 Main St. E., Milton the Church onte Hil 878-2411 Rer:. Dr. Mark McDenstt SUNDAY SERVICES 8:00 arn - Hsly Communien 10:00 arn - Song Euchariet (Nursery Prrgramn, Chrrh Selson, & Prayers frr Heaing) THIURSDAY 10:45 arn - Holy Comsmunion li:eelrlusir o.'ress tîrrougle parking tot doues vicTroRy mEULK OHURON Are yoa bored with charch and Christianity? Has church atendance made littie difference in yoar life? Is Sunday morning service just a routine or tradition? If your answer is yes 10 Ihese questions, and you want more out of church, then 1 encoarage you to check ost oar services that will excite, challenge. und equip you each week. 10:00 -11:15 A.M. - MORNING WORSHIP MILTON LEISURE CENTRE (BOARD ROOM) (separate services for childeen 9 years and under) Ministiles ai VicorrBible *Eate MJn.tmary fousiag on songs rentrd rourd the word of God oui rrtationship with Christ. *Eecing. tht eqoîps the helieser to bave a deeper rettrnship with the Lord n flfit Gosis plan an yor life. -A*&bsdend.shlinaist that oui train chitiren in the Bible so they cou tearn mure ahout Jesos Christ ani apply His word in their ises. -Bbl tuds a totare oiusos mteuns ofourh to the o onmunity as wel as grswth for the heieser. (Hlton police stody, Satnrday momning stody. Syt Appt stody, Sonday eseoing tuiy) îîmmntyQOtsmach throogh weekty Bibte teueing segment ons Cabte 14, weekly teen talk show. "Living A l4ctoriousU Lfe By The Word 0f God" Pastor Charles Boyce (905) 875-2162 Email: eboyce@iinterhop.ttet J ____________________ J____________________ HOPPING ONTO A PLANE TO GET TO SOME EXOTIC DESTINATION is casier said than donc for some out Ihere - hecause of a 'fear of lying' that sels in even with the thought of it! Breaking into a sweat, heuts racing, knuckles turning white, are al real happenings for those folks (witnessed this when on a flighl with Carl Brewer back in the hockey days, when he had such a grp on the arrus of the seat, we thought he would squeeze the pulp out of theru'). THE GOOD NEWS 15 THERE 15 HELP, and this 'phobia' as irrational as it may appear 10 be, ean be managcd. Avoiding caffeine, which increascu anxiety; aleohol, whieh is a depressant; praeticing deep brcuthing, which helps 60 relax; doing isometrie exereises 60 'humn off' the adrenalin buildup; are ail ideas t0 help prepase for the takeoff M/ \1/ \1/ NOW HERE ARE SOME, IDEAS FOR VOUR PERUSAL! VISIT DAWSON CITY THIS SUMMR Joinceclebrations of the centennial of their lamed 'gold rush' era; AN AFRICAN TRAIN TRIP leaves Toronto on July 13 (by air lirst!) 10 sec that eontncnt's 'wildside' on a vintage stearu engne train; PRINCESS CRUISES want you to know they offer highest number of whcelchair accessible staterooms and supporting needs in theemrise industry - a great cruiseline offering more for everyone; PLAN TO GO TO ISRAEL FOR THE MILLENIUM FESTIVITIES in celebraing the year 2000; 110W ABOUT A TRAIN TRIP TO THE MARIIMES! OUR PROFESSIONAL TRAVEL AND CRUISE OFFICIALS can assist you with ail your travel planning and hookings - whether travelling by air, or sea. We have il ail for you, with friendly, personable service for your individuai needs. 74 2e Trff7. 878-2886 16 Martin St. (downtown) Aiso in HaitOn HUis, Omkvile and Misssmaugal dially Signifiant Obesity- LAtr,. program is vitable thrortgh s'our farily pttysictan monthly visits - 1 pear progrr one-on-one counseling by: dietciao exercse phyilogist occupationait herapist medical & psychiatric asessmenr 05 337 0040 or visit 1 L a 1 a 1 --r- a

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