6 -The Canadi an Ch ampion, Frida y, Jul y 3, 1998 JUHAPPY CANADA DAY Box 2-1, 191 Main St F- Ntîte(o n t 1,)I'4N9 (905) 878-2341 Fax: 878-4943 Classified: 875-3300 Publisher Ass.octate Pabli.ahe'r Getteral Manager Editer Crculation Manager Qllice Manager Production Manager The Canadian Champion, published twice weekly at 191 Main St E, Miton, On. L9V 4N99 (Box 248), s one olf fie Meiolttîd Pwintng, Publu 11111 & Dstol buting Ltd. group of saburban campantes whtch inctades. Ajax / Pickering News Adaertiser; Allistos Herad/Courier, Barrie Advance; Brampton Guardtan; Burt ingtan Post; City Parent; Caf lingwaod / Wasaga Cannection; East York Mirrer; Etobtcoke Guardian; Georgetown tedepeodent/ Actas Free Press; Kingston This Week; Lindsay This Week; Markham Ecansmist & Sus; Midand / Pesetangoishene Mirrar; Missssauga News; Newmarket / Aurara Era Banner; Northumberland News; Narth York Mirror; Oakvtîte Beaner; Orittia Teday; Oshawa I Whitby I Claringlan / Part Perry This Week; Peterborough This Week; Richmond Hill I Tharnhiti / Vaughan Liberal; Scarborough Mirrar; UxbridgeI Stoatinilfe Tribune; Todays Seniers. Adaertiinisl accepted on the condition that, in the osent of a typagraphicaf errer, hat portion et the adnertising space occapied by the errosesas item, together with a reasnable alamance for signature, miii sot ho charged tar, bt the balance af the adaertisement mut hoe paid for at the applicable rate. The puh- lisher reservea the right ta categerize advertisementa or decf ne. Ian Oliver Neil Oliver David Bos ï Rob Kelly Karen Cross Teri Casas Tim Colea 1