Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 3 Jul 1998, p. 28

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Classified ICL4SSIFIED HOURS MONDAY TO FRIDAY 900AM 500PM Li---- i ne %,anauian unampion, r nuay, juiy a, i zizio BOWMAN -Rab & Debbie (fiee Wisen). The miracle has inalty arrrved Debbie & Rob are thrilied ta annaunce the arrivai of their iraI clild. Troy William, 8 Ibs. 6oz. an June 26, 1998. Praud grandparents Vema Wilsen, Bob Bawmen & Great Grandmolher Cara Price. Aise welcamed by Aunts, Uncles & Cousins. Special thanks ta Dr. HunIer and L& D staff aI West Lincoln Hospital. RYEWI C Keith s t riedta anneh Tuesdeyn June 301h,1998atLonoElleTaalge Prlod ret rran & rende. hank G Jad frEWC -ale's ef ar triva. Th an 10ail heus es and Dr. Andrighetti and special thanka to nurse Fran. nrom l 10 I 0 persoull. featured with leeal for sport teama, par- photo i ou fies, banqueta, rmeetngs Bb dto and ldubs. Nascar Sport Bb dto Lounge, 878-1880. in januarIy. ADAM, Jamtes - (29 yeer employee with P.L. Rabertsen, Mlton). At Mlton District Hospital on Tuesday, June 30, 1998, James Adam of Miton, husband of the laie Margaret Adam. Loving fattrer af Jirn and hic wille Sarah af Miftc -, Andy end hie ville Liz of Waodslee, an and has wtte Dora and Daug and hic wife Charlotte al af Milton. Alca loveel by 9 Grandchlldren and 6 Great Grandchldren. He cs curvived by his iter Sarah af Scotland. Funeral Service was held on Frideay, July 3rd., (loday), tllowed by crernatiani. Aragmei through the J. Scott Eerly Funerai Homne, 21 James St., Millon. BARNARD, Helen Marguerite (Ureli) - Went ioyfuly ta, the arrnc at Jesuc and her hucbend William Donald, an Tuecday, June 301h 1998 et te Milon Ditrict Hospital. Helen Bamerd, loving mother of Mary & Marcel Zwlatra, Dephne & Cyril Gallant & Bihl & Sharon Bem- erd. Special Marna ta Nicole, Ben, Tracy & Kyle andl great grandmather ta Samenitha. Dear sister af Eeen Edwards, Rita & Gord Bot, pal & Jirn Stonehause and Marion & Franik Verani. Predeceesed by Gladys McCart. Helen was a member of the Miton District Hos- pital Ausîlrary, IO0DE. and a reeding grand- mother t Robert Baldwin Schaai. Funeral Mass Friday (Today) July 3r 1998 aI il1:00 arn trrm Hly Rocary Roman Celholic Church. ti- termant Evergreen Cemetery. Danations in Helens rernary ta the Charity af ones chaice would be epprecieted by the temily. Arrange- ments Enrusted ta thre McKERSIE-KOCHER FIJNERAL HOME, 114 Main Street Milaon. REMEMBRANCES Mýn the tarm it donations ta Th iton District Hospital Foundcation are appreciated. MCDONALD, Robert (Bob) - Passed away at General & Marine Hospital, Collngwood, Sunday, June 28, 1998, in his 73rd year. Beloved husband o Betty (Wright) McDonald o Wasaga Beach. Loved tather 10 Barbara Piett, Calgary, Joan and her husband Paul Thickett, Banff, Aberta and Kathryn OBrien and her friand Jan of Samia. Chenshed grand- tather of Janna, Natasha, Aaron, Wendeil, Katelyn and great grandson Justin. Predeceased by his parents James & Roselia (Brown) McDonaid (Scotch Block) and his two sens Robert Edreard (1955), Jirn (1977) and three bramhera Hugh, James, Gardon. Brother ta Georgina Bibe, Mono Mils, Clittord McDonald, R.R.#3, Georgetown. Visitation et the Watts Funeral Home, 'Wasaga Beach Chapel", 132 River Road, E., Wasaga Beach. (705-429-1040) on Tuesday, 2-4, 7-9 (June 30, 1998). Funeral Service wili be conducted by Rev. J. Anderson on Juiy 1, 1998 et 2 p.m. in the Chapel. Interment Stayner Union Cemetery. CLAYBURN - In laving memory of aur brother and brother-in-lew, Michael, who pesaed away July 10, 1990. Mike, as time passes thraugh the years, Our memories of you are kept very near. Our ime tagether was se preciaus. Yau wiil ba in aur hearts farever. Love elweys Tracy, Paul, Steve, Peula, Jesse &Korey. CLAYOURN - In laving memary of aur deer sen Michaeel. (Ake) wha pessed eway suddenly July 10, 1990. No langer in aur lite ta share But alweys in aur hearte and minds yau'tI elwayc be there. We'Il keep aur memories ever sa dear. Sadly missad but flot forgotten, Love Momn & Ded GLEESON- Fanny, In iov/ng rnerory of a dear mather and grandrnother who pessed away Juy 3 1968. Il's hard ta bel/ave 30 years have gone by, ince we lest heard your va/ce, ince wa lest ssw your smle. But I/me cannal arase the mernoris we hald dear, o a spec/ai moîher and grandrnothar ailia ae w/ah waa tIl here. Lovingly remembered. THE GLEESON FAMILY E KEYWORTlI, JOHN S. JULY 1, 1994 Aiwaya lovad and rernembered Carolyn, Joanne & Jacqueline LEWIS, Doris E. - Forever dear and ovng memory ai my loving iter Dons who let us June 24, 1990. No malter how our lives rnay change, Or whatever we rnay do; We w/Il neyer forget those previous years, The ones we spent with you. We hold you close %within our hearts, And there you shall rernain; To walk with us throughout our lives, Until we meet again. Sa sadly rissed by her sister Emmna. We wilI meet agein. PAMELA Do flot stand aI rny grave and weep 1 ar n ot there, I do flot seep I arn a thousand Wînds that bow I arn the diamnond glints upon the anow I arn the birds in circled lighl I arn the starts that shine at night Do flot stand t rny grave and cry I ar nfot there, I did flot die Forever greteful for knowing e f riend with such trernendous courage and strengtti. CONNIE, ANNE, ROBIN, BLAIR, SHERRY SCHOUTEN, Chris - Juiy 3, 1997 n loving rnemory of my dear husband. Wonderful memonies woven in goid This la a picture I lenderly hold Deep in my heart, a mernory la kept To love, 10 cherish, neyer to forget. Your Ioving wife, Dine SCHOUTEN, Chris - July 3,1997 n Ioving memony of our Dad. nSornejs yu used 10 let us fail down, Js ow' earn how to cimb back Up again. Sornetimes you would try 10 keep us tram doing something becauae you knew we'd be hurt, but we would do it and hurt ourselves anyway. Sornetimea yau were away when we needed you, but we knew you'd be back to help us soan. Sometirnes you cnied because you were so proud of us and sarnetimes we cry because we love you and miss you, Sa much, Always, we are thining of you... Linde, John, Chris, AI, their wivos and your grandchildren. WtIALEN - KENNETI4, JULY 1, 1997 - n ioving mrnory of our Dad and Papa There now are folprints in the sand Where once our Dad used ta stand There now resides an empty space Where once our Dad taak his place. There now is an echo of a sang Where once aur Dada voice belanged There naw sits a guitar untouchad The one our Dad loved so much How we w/ah that he were here We al ioved him, mast sinoere Hes wortced se hard He's done his best There God blessed hlm With eternal rest. A special thank yo4to Joyce who se nicely ar- ranged i with the help of Launie Ann. Ase ta my sister Blle and lwo of my "Guiid Sisters" Lou Bradey and Mary Flippance for their heip. Thank you 10 ali relatives, frienda and neigh- boum tfor comiag ta my party and for ail the flow- ers, gits, carda and telephone oels. Sinceoely Leure Plent. 'We oo#/tot /ank aur rma nryrelatives 6frienasnfor tr//e/rlrd'nens, 6eatiful floraltrniue.r, dataionrs e&car& durng aurfiuof a wanderfull/usban*land fatîrer Sineere tîrank/s ta y ina sçters &h brai//ers for t//e (unid/ provided after ilhe service. Drs. D). Reyrra(iL andl S.P. Pandja 9Médical sraff fram O.'TMi. anal M.U.MC. for t//e/r care e& knd rress. Rudy and l i(na 2(ppriva for tl/eir cansitlerate andl praficient service. 2//e Rev. Ya-Mes9cKraWq/t anrd fPastar .rtudjy 9eynarilfar t//e/r corual/'rg wards, ~Ru t// ?eynardffor //er sa ngs of p ra ise. Mary Miford e& Fauni/j POOLS. Free heaten sale. 168fi. X 24 il. o.d. rsîanguiar aboya grouini Kayak pools. inciuding decko, iencing. linor, 2 Iadders. sand f1/1er, pump & motor etc. $5,395. 1-8ffl158-7564. SEAT Sais! Freahen up yoar dinente/diningroom cha/ra! railens otrm $18.95/each seai. Fabiic& labour inciadeit. F/ids Quaiity Cutsom Upholater- /ng. 875-4427, 9-9. Sfl On it. dont Si nhl Re- placement Ioam lfor cuain- ions. Resdoniial/Commer- doel. Ride Upholalery, 9-9, 7 daya/weeli. 875-4427. Fram Canada, between 2-19 ta campat n this NO MONEY DOWN year's 1998 Tronta Pageants. Over $20.000 in Pentim 166, 233 MMX prizea and scholarships. Inclading trips ta Csmputer fram ... $1 ieiwk nations in Las Vegas. Cati taday 1-800-367-2125. 25"-50" Pis insa $5.25/wk Fisher Steres .... .$4Jwk mulacu m Appliasces .... .$6.25/wk Cdn. Mini Dinh . .$6.25/wk Scstt Canne. 14 ft. $5.25lwk t/ding Lawnmswen, VOLUNTEER HOST FAMILlES 12.5 HP ...$13.751wk are urgently needed for International Cali 11-800-267-9416 Exchange Students. "YOUITHS FOR L. ý UNDERSTANDING" needs homes for these ~ students for one year. G A For information caîl: 1-800-833-6243 ~ AUCUn Actio GAAGESALE HUGE SAVINGSI A TINSALE ISAT., JULY 4 SNAY UT i tON :30sue1164TH UNE ROAD SUNAY JLY5nt1 1 2:30 MI - NORTH 0F ai MILTON LEGION HALL STEELES 15 CIIA nat ped, S. oetMâle St., Milon Sarething for every- Importea Clonsn- Buimupi S"oc-*CCtalogue & shopping Cub. one. Hub caps, tires, Large select/es oI Noms Brand Stereos, CB Syslems laya, cloth/ng, etc. Serroanit Soundt Systema", CDs, TVa "Tramantino", Stainlesa Cookware, Elizabeth Taylor White iamonit Pertarnes; Coins; Coin Sels; Stampa; Oner 500 GARAGE SALE Porcelain Collecior Balla; Port. Compresoora, Tools, JUY41998 Comealonga; Wrenches, BrilPress; Sockei Sets:;"Ray- u eBAM Ban" Designer Sangiassa; Huniing Knives; Cordiesa 856 ANDERSON Remington wei/dry Shavers; Braun Razons; Roman, AVE. Victorian F/geres; An/mal Sculpures; iecasi Scale Glaaaware, bedd/ng, Model Cars; Sports Memorabillia, "Babe Ruth" Balla; bath and Iota mare. S/gned pr/ia; Upperdsck Cards; Ray-Ban "Klier Loopa" Senglasaes; Tools; Kitchen Ko/te Sets; Compater Speakers; Pool Tables; "Nikko" Sarround Soundt Systema; Booster Cablea; Wattie Mach/oea; GARAGE SALE Noms Brand Perurnes, Colognes, Bath Prodacta; ISAT. JULY 4 Sports J/E Pr/nia; Carda; Piciares; 10-l4kt, Goid 17:»012:00 NOONI Rings, iamondo, Rb/esa, BI. Sapph/res, Emeralitd Rings, Earrings, Pearîs, Braceles, Fila 18-Speed 81SYRDR. Moantain Bikes w/"Shirnano" Geara; Moalinso Food Fumîture, books Procesors; Designer 4-Pc. Sels Pull-Along Loagage; laya, Vanious items. Princeus Borghese Gils; Kitchen Appliances; Cacatators; Fao Paper; Tea GiH Seis; S/gned Colecti/îsa; Natal/e" Figures; Wid//te Scalptures; GA GESL Lamps,Clowno, Wolvss, Horso. GAT.GEJULE M. FLEISHMAN AUCTIONS (519) 941-8392 1125 TB' LINE 7 A.M. -NOON 1 Block ost of Guelph Une between 151h à FEMALE, Iabby kitten, long FREE Estenmatea Gai wat- 20th Sida Road haired, highi grey & black bly chairs, weak apringa, Gaod quaiity loyc tinpig, daite arber syesa irreel laolng wood hinehee9 dathirig, cr/b, high- Brown & blacke nase. Cali We do i al Cusiors wood chair, car ceata 878-8948. Lad Tuesday, refineshing andlturilure re- mucir mare Jone 301 pairs.F*Ida Cusiom Furni- ture, - daïly, 875-4427. -R Svns!Wr GARAGE SALE greai retum on an oniginal u n. UL FIREWOOD wtiie sup- inesimeni' Sofas tramt 8 AM-2 PM 1 plies alst. al hardwood, $ase.Soiebeda tram $447. 141 SATOK OR. mnaple, aak, hickory, Chars tram $198. Senior Rocking chair, dryer, aplît, delîvered, $175 Discouns. Fids Oualiiiy lys, aid radio& Bushcord 87-825. Cstomd phosiy ng,875-4427ore Bush card878-8251 aiom phosi875-442uh7mre KID'S oniy chiidrens & Wo sCioting. 30% off, M R f BED blac ough Ironno la. 87-1088. R G canopy, qusnol îcc KING beit, Thick oflhopedic GAR G matress/i rame. Neyer X-tick, set/& rame, oril in SALES ON openeel, $1.200. Sacritice plastic, cost $1.500. SsII $490ý 905-567-9459. $625. 905-57-4042. THE NEXT someîfng o elPAGE Phone 875-3300 or Fax 876-2364 ïb- -l See Today's Champion lIr our neii,'Mile.stoies'sctionl. To announce vour special event, cali Thte Champion s Cassilied Depart ment at 875-3300. a 20-The Canadian Chamnion- Fridav. Juiv 3.1998 . dil- l

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