Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 3 Jul 1998, p. 17

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"SAY YOU SAW IrrIN THE SHOPPNG NEWS" SUN. JULY 12198 NOW ON SMLE LOW...LOW,,,PRICES! Bedding Plants $4 0 Hanging Baskets ...-$400 TAS Ail 4" Pots .,., $1001 NLDI and mach, much more Io choosefrmm I corne and see us noo ai C Mention tihns ad and.. we' I pot i he TAXES GREWAL GARDENS WHOLESALE & RETAIL 6626 TRAFA'LGAR ROAD MILTON (BEIWEEN BRITONiA & DERRY) 905-878-6221 DOES YOUR DOG FRKEE: Gray & white NEED TRAINING? maie ftuffy kittes. Cati But you cant fit obedi- 8764Ç2i6. -7 ence classes into your KITCHEN/ scheduie? Private BATHROOM tessons avaitable in REMODELLING your own borne. Cait European craftsman- for detaits 854-2106. ship. 30 years experi- FOR SALE: Kenmore ence. Custom cabinets chest freezer, 10 cu. ft.. & couster top. Catl ill new, $225. 339-2982. -7 (905) 854-0873 REMNANTS 3'-21' up to 50% OFF Perfect for family rooms, rec rooms, bedrooms, etc. I COMR IuNERIORSI ~845 MAIN ST. E. 878-4280J KEYCHAIN CABINET DOORS Oak, $10 & up. Ceramie tules 800 per square fi. & up. Kitchen tables & chairs $180 & up. House doors, French doors (seconds & used) $ 10- $200. 827-9115 WANTED: Leather- work moots. Need stamps, punches, edgers & other hand toots. Cati Bersie ai 878-2604. -7 1989 CHEV CAVALIER 4 door. automatie. excellent cond. $2,650 cert. 825-2285 EXPERT REPAIRS TO AIR CONDITIONING & AU. MMOR APPLIANCES *Central Air e Friciges * Staves *Dishwaskers e Washers * Drc Reasonabte rates - 1 year yrr *i C.8 8279559 COMPUTER PROBLEMS? IBM & compatibles tecbsician availabte for set up, tutoring, up- grades, internet, consul- tation & custom-made computers. Guaranteed service & reasonabte rates. Ph. 825-0523 or (416) 693-1249, ask for Paul or teave message FOR SALE: '89 Chevy S-10 Durango, 4.3 itre, good condition. 878- 7139 or 338-3778. -7 WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE Good or scrap cars & trucks. Same day ser- vice 7 days a week. For best service & price eau 876-8746, 875-3279 anytime. SWEET CHERRIES FOUNU: Gir's mun- PLUMBER FOR SALE tain bike, Bronte & Ann Commerciat-residen- PIS. CALL 854.999 st. 875-3724. -7 tiai-industriai. Good rates. Cati 878-1529. PRf~',~manr.-rEx O9A lg"t FOR SALE: 4 tires & WLIIaflIE Frnc CuiR rims, boughtinFb , Dnseowuys Had to scrap car. $200 -...------~ Wa kwas, Pas, for the lot. Size, 13". FREE ESTIMATES Sua ,55l, Phone 878-648 t. -7 i5BACK STREET ,90 827-8266 »Cm s'hl 0' 2 ticketýwanted, day o FOR SALE: 1987 BUY 631-1244 Baytiner 2155, aft WHOLESALE WANTF'): Used steel cabin, i130 h.p. t/0, And save huge. T-post. Cati Phit 335. stand-up head, sink & Colorado Spruce white- 2649. - ice chest, dual axie trait- green-blue, $120 each. SAVE LONG er. $14,500. Cati 827- 8 ft.-17 ft. Delivery scr- DISTANCE 6416. -3 vices avaitabie. Milton to Brampton, NASCAR 854-1936 Erin. Ad-Tel Haton, TIICKETS SENIOR 702-1277 FOR SALE FOOTCARE FOR SALE: Covered Brickyard 400 Winston Reasonabie rates. fibregtass iuggage trait- Cap race on Aug. t. Home visits. Gifi cer- er $500. 878-6437. -7 Four seats, turs 4. Face tificates avaitabie. 1986 MAZDA value $245 Cdn. Experienced. RN. Cati 323 878-0695 Marilyn 878-1459 4 door hatch, automat- FOR SALE: Antique FOR SALE: Apple lie ic, $1650 cert. dining suite, mahogany computer. disk Il, dot 825-2285 6 fi. table. 6 chairs, side- mairix printer, Commo- FREE: To a non-profit board & china cabinet dore video monitor, raiain rdei $3.000 OBO. Enter- diskware, massais'gorganizatinfrdein taisment unit, back, 5 DOS 3.3 'bsd.Ak od king Carder.530 - fi.. $150. Cati 827-4123. $75. 854-2748. -3 FOR SALE: Light- SIT ON IT LITTLE LANE weight fibregiass traiter, Dont sit in it. STABLES i3 fi. sieeps 4. Stove, Replacement foamn for Summer day camps fridge, sink, awsing, cushions. Residentiai- Juty 6-10 & July 20-24. new tires, fuity commerciai. Fields Western riig.lasso equipped, cxc. cosd. Uphotstery. 9 a.m.-9 throwing & many more $2,900. 854-2341 . - p.m. 7 days week. fus activites. FtREARMS 632-9090. 876-1299 SAFETY COURSE FOR SALE: Executive FOR SALE: Solid oak Monihi y FAC. course cherry desk, like sew. disisg suite. Round 43" avaitabie froîn Hain Pd. $750, asking $225. pedesiai table. t-utch Firearnis Academy. Plus iap top computer, with glass doors, Cati 844-7048 3-1/2 yrs. oid. Need shelves, ight, 32" wide, for dates. updaied software. $250. $600 OBO. Cati 842- FOR SALE: 26 ft. A 827-2139. -7 2566. -3 Quote Ciass inotor- CAKES FOR 1991 FORD home, GM chassis, ALL OCCASIONS TEMPO 65,000 orig. mites. In Professionaîly deco- 4 door, automatic, air, excellent shape. $5.900 rated for irthdays, AM/FM cassette. cert. OBO. 519-853- showers, anniver- $1.850. 825-2285 0283. -3 sanies, weoaings stars- delivery. 849-6383 FOR SALE: Maytag convection oves with flat ceram. cooktop. immacutate, i year otd, white. Cost $1,700, ask- isg $1,000 OBO. 339- 1786. -7 WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHY Approx. 100- 120 prints, album and nega- tives. Professionat. reli- able & reasonabte. Creative Images, 825-3800 FOR SALE: Bunk beds, Ikea. $165. Fotding bcd, ike new $60. Exercise bike $30. Colonial kitchen table & 5 chairs $150. 875-1074 after 6 p.m. -7 MAN & TRUCK Junk removai. Spring dlean-up. Trees & hedges trimmed/ removed. Demotition. Futty insured. John 257-5952. FOR SALE: Water sofiener. 20,000 grains Echo water, gond cond., $1.000 value. setliig I$300. Cas be secs Iworkisg. Child's Cosco carseat. 876-1530. -7 Fresn up yor dinette/dining room chairs! Roll ends. From $18.95 ea. seat. Fabric & labour inctuded. Fields Quaiity Custom Upholstering, 632-9090, 9 a.m.-9 p.m. FOR SALE: Rottweiter Lab. 8 months, ooks tike a pure Rottweiter with wonderful Lah tempera- ment. Raised with a 3- yr.-old child. Loving & affectionate. Weil train- ed house dog. Moving & sadty must setl. Good home only. AIli shots. 825-2139. -7 FOR SALE: Smith FOR SALE: Royal Corosa portable eiectnic Albert Laurentian îypewriter with memory Snowdrop dishes, tea & Sp et11- Ri ght settilg for 6, icapos, Dictionary. $100 OBO. creamer, sugar, cake 876-4040. -7 plate. 2 fancy mint dish- TRUCK es plss 6 bread & butter. TOTHEDUMP 878-7512. -7 Garbage, rubbish QUALITY removai. No job too RECOND ITIONED smaii. Aiso smait APPLIANCES demotition. 876-3112. Washers, dryers. fridges, stoves. Buy or FOR SALE: 1991 Ford seit. Full warranty. Tempo. 92 km. 4 door, Picase corne visit our A/C. esc. cond., asking showroom. 875-0154 $5.000. Aiso snowboard FOR SALE: 1996 150. used onty i season. green Dodge Caravan, 3 exc. cond. Cai Ryan titr, V6, tilt, cruise, air, 330-8256 aBter 5 week- ABS, tinted windows, night. -3undercoat, rustproofed, $499 WEDDING paint seatent, Staingard. PHOTOGRAPHY 45,000 km. Like new. PACKAGE Cati Kevin 5i9-853- lnternatiotiatiy 4435 after 6. -7 acctaimed award win- SAVE FLAT-RATE ning professionat pho- LONG DISTANCE. itographer. Keep your $ 1tO/month/area. Mitton 1 negatives. Mark. to/from Toronto & 827-2556. . Mississauga. Atso .......... Milton to/frosv HamiltontWaterdown. (905)e842-3738 & ConimFOR SALE:05 Dark2pine îcco* rywi FkingSzE: watrb ie il Sîuds, Rec Rooms înotiosiess, cannonhati te $ i100, bedding inci. ý76-4023 Stove, diaalo, came with house, moust FOR SALE: Fridge & seit, $100. Woodes seif-clean stove, Moffat, sewing cabinet $15. atmond. good cond. Cati 876-3546. -7 Under the counter THE microwave, Hoipoint. DECKMAN 878-7964. -7 Ai decks stripped & FOR SALE: t1,000 refinished to new. BTU air conditioner, Latest technotogy. Att suitable for window or wood surfaces restored watt. Working good. to new. Finest quaiity 26xt8", $125. 878- workmanship. 5046. -3 (905) 455-4624. WILSON FOR SALE: 1984 ROOFING Bronco It. '93 5 LT tilt -Flat hot asphaît front end, 3" lift, C6 *Modified bitumen trans. 3500 RPM stait *Re-roofing/shingles converter B/M shifter & *Repair work shingles more. Headers, dual *23 yeaes experience exhaust, mags. $6,000 -Wilson Smith OBO. uncertified. 876- 875-6815 1765. -7 ER. - ULj'SENIO SUPE SPECI AROCIBE R Z3 SHOC, DIGIROLAMOI'S GREENHOUSES Growers of Fine Quality Perennials, Annuals, Herbs e Landscapers Welcome Open 7 days a week 9 arn-6pm 8890 Eighth LUne, R.R. #2 Georgetown, Ontario T- 5 Side Road St s Av.E S Hwy. 401 j

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