Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 5 May 1998, p. 38

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22-Tho Canadien Champion, TuesdaY, May 5,1998 170 Davcare CARG MOTHER aNaers daycaro immediatelly. Nulitious snacks and lunches. Lots of TLC and ouldoor play. Refrences. 876-4165. CHILDCARE oponing available. Toddlors welcome. 876-4415. DAYCARE AVAILABLE Mon - Thurs. Full days or part tâme. Our Lady of Victory area. Oeil 878- 9482. ECE PROVIDING Exceplional cars. First aidl CPR training. Nutritional meals. Clean enviroiment. Woodward/Wison 905-878-0787. NEW AGENCY, CARING PLACES. Seeka Providoers for lcensod privaltene childcare pragrama. 876-1514. RAINBOW VILLAGE DAYCARE offering quality programe for childran 18 monhs to 5 years. rats, music & fild tripe. 878-7552. REUABLE DAYCARE available immedialely. VanierlBell ares. Fenced yard, playraom. Reflerenoes & meceipts. 878-8773. 210 Personal PREGNANT? Deosions Io make? Cail us we're hems Io Meln. 875-1245. 230 Vehicles for Sale 1991 AEROSTAR Van. 7 passenger, ail options. Uike new canlition. $4300. Certifled. (905) 693- 0778. 1985 TORNADO, mechanicaly sound, needa bady repair aiso fonder. Clone astee guitar, large tube amp. with numerous inputs. Beat mearonablo offer an sacti. 878-9926. AUTO INURANCE. Best rates for moat drivers incluing higher riks. Cal Warren, 519-853- 4284. 250 Business ODortunities SANGSTERS HEALTH CENTRES: Own a franchisai Canads #1DlHealh Retailer ik recruit- ing enrepreneurs. Join 43 locations wth a new franchise Milton. Ph.<306)653-4481, Fax 306)653-4688, 433-34th, Street East, Saskatoon, SK. S7K 0S9. Make it RICHARDSON HEVROLET OLDSMOBILE To lEease or purchase your car or truck Hwy 25 S. at Derry Rd. 878-2393 6 Rt u p SALES & LEASING NEW & LISED 410 STEELES AVE A FAMILY BUSINESS WITH FAMILY VALUES WE - BUY - SELL-. LEASE LARGEST SELECTION 0F USED VEHICLES IN MILTON 875-2277 210l Personh PREGNANT? Decisians ta mal.? CatI us wer hem b lhatan. 875-1245. ABUSED and sfrald? For help cail 878-855, a 24-hour riis line for abusod wanien. Haton Womnens Place ks an emiergency shelter aval- able for abused women and Iheir children i Hat- tan Region. AI colis are canfldenliat. ARE YOU BEING affoctod by somoono 01800s drnklng? AI - Anon Family Graup meeta each Manday night 8 p.m. at St. Paulis Unied Churcit, back door parking lot entrance.) 1-800-891- 4862. ___________ MOTHERS DAY IS SUNDAY, MAY 10. Send your Mcm a Spectat Greetlng In The Champion Phone or Fax your greetlng te Sheena at 875-3300 Fax 876-2364 11290 AaRlments for Rn BfIK 112 box amilii.. 1/2 mmpty. 35 acre, Glon Edn or meuh box eli WoJmonth. 854-1668 (T")y. FOR LEASE. Two be"wm bunglow. Main Street location. Cail Joseph Manchisi, Sales %ep., Century 21 Realty Professionals, 875- 1110. 286 Townhouse For Rent LARGE TOWNHOUSE, 3 bedroain,1I11/2 balhrooms, full basemenlt. Indudes fridge/stffl. Suit tamily. No dogo. $920., first/Iast month. Available May 15 or June lst. Cail Nanicy 875- 0048 or 1-416-622-1308. MILLSIIE TOURIS - 82 MNLLSIDE OR., MILTON NOW LEASING 1 & 2 Btdrooms available on bus route, freshly decorateti, 2 appliances, on-sitt aundry, includts ail utilities (except phone & cable). Free parking, nu pets. Reftrencts rtquired. 905-876-1249 8y appelntment onfly I agniricent Inaoor r-ool & Fitness Centre a Utifties & Parking Included e Fantastic Location! To v1Ew cALL (905639-8583 IPlease present this ad attUme of vewing. Saine restrictions apply. BURLUNOTON IA PA RTMEN TS 2 2&3 Bedrooms Also Avallable li, 295 Shared Accommodation LARGE ROON, llIon. Use Of al faciles. Aval- able immedately. Air cancltioning. More infor mation oeIl Conrad, dlays 63"-M, eveninga, 693-216. 300 Rooms Avalabte CLEAN, COUNTRY settlng. 2 min. ta 401 a James Snow Pkwy. Separate entranco & bathiroom, kitohe. Suitable for wording persan. Non-amoker, no pets. Avail. immediately. References. 876-4112. 310 Vaation esorts & Pro,. PORT ELGIN, 2 bedraom, passibly 3 bedraom, insulated Bungalow, overlooks Port Elgin harbaur. Furnshed. Asking $139000. 519-832- 989. 315 Commercial & lndust. REASONABLE INDUSTRIAL UNITS for rent. 1,600 - 3,200 sq. ft. Loading docks & drive in. 905-819-8035 or 1-90-277-9347. 320 Ofice & Business oc SMALL PRIVATE OFFICE, beautifully appainied. Hwy. 25 & 401. 906-19-003 or 1- 905-277-9M7. ___________ AI ONDI ON G M.A.R.C.H. " Water Fumnace Systems - as Propane and " Heat Purnpa - Air. Ground Eleclric Fumaces & Waer Sources -*Hech Efficiency Air iters " Central & Poors Air & Humiditers 785 Main Street East 876-1138 (SerMce) 875-2700 (Sales)j AI ONDITINIG ~fJ M.A.R.C.H. MECHANICAL LTD. PARTS FOR Washers - ryers - Rangen -Freezers -Rerigerators -Dihwanhers 785 Main Street East 876-1 138 Across trom the GO Station- WHO Ce.C. LANDSCAPING0 DOES UT!B aLown e Garden Cree e Household Maintenance 0 It dge6au iMmêa ewmi .d&»' ASK FOR CHRIS or GEORGE (d4 905) 876-8782 CaR g79-2341I Ceirul Air Condhitumg e Naturel Cas & Propane Wl £ Ase alaprn Interior and Exterior Painting Sale an Sevic B Q P RTS We Solve Basement Problemrs For e FUR ESTIMATU, sali; Gas Propane & Electric Furnace Ail mates and modls el J : Pegor (9s0693-3113 YERRY ROWLEYd- TERRY ROWLEY r 4905) 878801 MN'm MhnllMehanica Ine,. FoNnie rotieOT ONLY PAINT, Wl DlCORtATEI Vint Eur S-wromaVt e8Sow8o197889179 Lifetime Guarantee Transferable - cc.VUUTLUEOa __________ CO -o- OSENORS - NOVAToN DEIREX ALUMINUM LIMITED -Daviuon Wooworlda *Ealumlnum igs -Strmanopis E&OFC FREE ESTIMATES and Renovations .Esvesrghs WinowDs Adtos lsRenovations of ail knds *Rooing -asi WKENndHOEowsOVMETFfflshed Wooduîork *Sdn Fsi Softii in Living Colouro ahom e om 1l , ýW Refînishhîg Aso s fullineofotreplacement windows Dcs Grg 0 -7 -6 5Ca/I Mark for estimates 877-5383 _878-8625__________( 905) 693-0458 E &oIS l 1i :týI- l Individual and Gronp counselling sesion MAST R G OSS TD.avalable for isuesn conceming: Vinyi & Aumnum ijoyal C.ct ODler eif-esteen -anger and grief S i dmg& Wndowu çonflict reseiutiles -preiniem nlvngI 5" SeamissGutters - ' pernonal growth ERROL MACPHEE Cunseliag previaedfor Wemen, Men, 32 Years esperience Adoesecents and ChUdires FREE .(905) 878-5337 ý Donn L. White Miton/Geph (9051 878-6358J ESTiMA %ES 1 MAS~oNR SHER-BOND MASONRY *Block Feundations *Chimney Repair *Retaining Watts *Fireplaces *Generai Masonry Work Cal Steve McDougail 878-4196 SUPTUC TANK PUMPUNO Robet Noei.d. 180 t. of hose for cronsing lemns, 3 radio dispatched trucks 10 serve you. S..'ei hW *«euws. u -p 6.1... h"b '..Wei (Shouit pump et boni every 3 neers) Never une ceiorsd or double ply toilet PePer. tg519) $53-0500 Ado. Anuwmrlng Sorvco 8704-09 OVER 20 VEARS EXPERIENCEI ACTON, largo & brdght 3 bedrooffi porUofls, $850. plus parking. 519-85-58 - 519-853- 5352. DOWNTOWN MILTON, large one bodrocin apartment. 2nd floor ad house, $750. Cal Nancy 875-0673 GEORGETOWN - 3 Bedroom. Main floor apartanent, availabis May lot. 2 bedroom base- nient apariment. Avalable June lot. Narth of Milton. 876- 4552. ONE BEDR0OM apartmient. Aval"al June lot. $730. utiWies inicludod. Wth balcony. 878-3023/ 8268150 4 pe - 9 prn. ROCICWOOO - prival 2 bodrocet argekichen. Solf aontained main floar entrance. $795. Avag- able May 1. 519) 856-4900. SMIRT-TERM - RentaIs, 3+rnonfts. Spaciaus1 & 2 bodroames, utâlis, indoar pool, work-out main. Burlingon Towers, 639-8583. TWO BEDROOM apaflmont. Villge on tie Parc. Mark Mallalle, Rat ad 7-0633. 6ý AP CE PARTS SALES --l BARBECUES --j PAINTERS LEAKY BASEMENT ALUMINUM à

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