The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, May 5, 1998-RE 3 -n RfoyalI tPage agmnfts iia of bugirs IssUl ovEr th.etmp («Itsra»gy. L - ,Right now a Royal LePage sales rep is pre- - sentlng someone ln your netghbourhoocl11111111111E I with an offer from a fanilly at the other end RYLL I of the country l-ow? Royal LePage has a P G - national corporate relocanion servcethat f inm A D - every sales1re0 can acoess as vet another z KINSALE - source of potentil buyers. Hwusfind anrt aisate aget z Suies Representatue liii a i iii . lii a lii a ilii î~ 878-8101 This brand new listing teatures -new windows, freshly painted oestral decor, ensuite bath and a tiuished base- ment. Cati Now tor au appoint- ment. $1 28,900. BARBARA This listing sas tue rîgut zuuîsg lur anysue ana wsuld liete lu ra a hume business, repair sbup, etc., sud bas the advanlage ut beiug su close tu tuas that ilssu n auter Sslid brick bungatua ivles oue the cunvenieuce ut wurkiog trsm hume. 299,900. 11 ý IM El t" CAROLE D. BUDWORTH Sales Reprosentacive 878-8101 473 Soi St 94 Miii St. 618 Joyce B3iset 10444 Sixth Lina 341-35 Wilson Dr. la Laurier 82 Prince St 739 Coison Ave. 3104 LakeshoreBIvd. CROWEm,,, Asmaciate Braker Market Value Apprammer 878-8101 Great starter home. Large eat-in kitchen wlth apgraded tlouring & E OU<JA coanter, spacious master bedroom mu a with semi ensuite bath. Asking "I .1 only - $174,900.00. Barbara T P K Crowe M.VA. Associate Bruker. Rpeettv - flOt sCflUfl~as .ana Gractous formai roomi 3 Bedroom sudeuplil and a 30' s 40' nsslated and heated iry M thF â ab Asking - $189000.00. Barbara Crowe M.VA. Assuciale coueil8esalats lhome a tiI BRAZEAU* R.N. 8 788-10l SaesRprsettie Toronto (,905) 338-4838 hTop 5% of the Royal LePage sales force nationall A *INE O LOW A back sptit with many upgrades throughoul: Cent air & vac, 2 remodeled batha, tone f.p., Huge dock & yard plus furnaca & roof updated. Most maor ticket items dona. JusI moveein & just place the fumi- ture. $200900 DOUS HOWDEN Associate Broker 878-8101 Attention business owners. Property on Steeles Ave. with Ml azoning & legal non- conforming residence. Perfect for the right entrepreneur. Large 4 bdrm. home with naturai gas & municipal water. $299000. *Townline Milton Heights, town water $84.900. 5 rural subdivision lots $119,000 includes GST & well. *21 acre subdivision property $1 59,000. *23 acres, 2 ponds, well. $179,000. 1 Placed on appx. 2 treeded acres where Mother nature reigns. Open concept style with floor to ceiling windows, walk- outs galore plus sunny decks. Principal rooms more than spacious. (over 2000sqft on the main fi. plus L.level offers same with 2 walkouts) Potential lnlaw suite. $349,900 on 820 ORT OAKVILLEIMILTON BORDER. Complote prîvacy and seclusionl Overlookiug 16 Mile Creek. Wiudow walis to enjoy the magnificent setting of nature ut ber beut, wrap-around decks, huge principal rooms, excellent outhuildingu X2. Separate nanny quartera. Cati for details - tbis opportuuity may not be duplicated for some timel BARD LAFLECHE Sales Representatîve 878-8101 r - s1;1ir4 ry- o 7 Hoge, pie shaped lut and low lrallic s01maI makes Iis hume especially appealing lu pour poong tamily. Nicely spgraded aith main ti. lamitp ruom sud diuing roua additious, reuovaled bathu andt spacios deck. Excellent salue? HMe l i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O 1.36~.:aq~p ~Oui~ acres. Worm uniqe aonehomeaili IMeican file fluor through cne adtions ane d thkelches & loyer, main I a ditosadfluor sIlice sud lumlly interesling crooks and roua wllh F.P sud el oui cranniest 4 acre proper- b5usd.4bs, bsanad- I bthbr adcttg ood. casers,ouisbard- wtth~ ~ i banadcolger W/I closels, 3 sali- witt appeal 10 the entre- rn0uls lu wrap arouud preneur or hapPY decc. 9' blgh ceilingu, nesîral decor large principal rusas. tarmer. Perlect fer enlerlslnlng and laly de. $349000. os. n. .- -71 1,200 sq. fi. with 2 bedrooms & 2 bath- rooms. Woodstove and ail appliances included. On steel chassis. To be moved to your location. g , pe.nialny soe. opaciouas eaetey come, appros. 3,000 qft. feaure man fuo faivoram il fir c, lare II lhene.nan.,n,.A.M 0VIW O $3-0 Ll- a ý 1