a. hf~.*I~ J - 40-The Canadian Champion, Friday, May 1, 1998 lntroducing the. truly affordlable 1438GS Lawn Tractor. Buit Deere, the Sabre is equipped witb les. fealtures: " l3hp OHV engins, 5- speed gear d rive " Welded steel " 18-inch turn- P&y U NR ing radius " 38-inch cufting width Every Sabre Lawn Tradtor undergoes rîgorous testmng ta ensure it meets John Deere's high standards for quality and $ dependability. Drp in today andi see how easy itis to a frdte 1438GS Lawn Traictor. *iasecon selling price of $1 ,799 hmn $36327 clown paynient (taxes, setup and clelivery charges are entra). Balance of $1,435.73 to bi fhancedi with 36 monthlypayments of $49, totaling $1 ,764. Based on 13.9% APR., the fui) cost of bar- rowrng wil! be $328.27 Ail transactions subject ta John Deere Creclit approal. Sors. restrictions may aPply. Bulit To Pe Priced Just Put tie high qualily, d Tractor Io work aroundy a month. This work-ior tbese great featuwres: *High torque, 15-hp engin *5-speed gear-drive transm *Welded steel frame *20-inch turning radius *38-inch mower rap in and ses us today to great values. * Bsedonselingprce o) $3875 lens $75221 down parent (ae'setup an elvery charges are extra). Balance cof $3, 117.79 ta Be fhnanced with 36 monthly paymentn of $99, totralling $3564. Based on 8.9% APR the Full cota)f borrowing wiIl Be $44621.Ail transactions subject ta John Deere Credit appreval. Some restrictions may apply Ninui RUNs LIKE A DEERE per mo>nth *I Lots 0f Loaded with John Deere qucliiy and dependability, the. 300 Series Lawn and Gardon Tractos corne wii thes. rugged features: 17hp i-cooled HVengine uid-cooled engins (345> 0 Quik-Tatch implement mountung systemn . Convenient hydrostatic Twin TouchTm lwo-pedal foot control 0 38-, 44-, 48- and 54-inch mower decks avoulable Drop by and see us today. * A minimum 10% down payment is required if waiver cf finance charges for 120 days s selected. Ai this tirs. yen may elecita a the balance owing in Mi, or continue your finoncing agreemnt Ailj trannactions subject ta John Deere Creclit approval. Somne restrictions -ay apply. ~33O Off NJO INTEREST, NO PAYMENTS FOR 120 DAYS* Big Tactor Features Without The B Tractor Prîce NO PAYMENTS FOR 90 flAY~* M The new John Deere LT 133 Lamn Tractor is superbly engineered. Check ouf lisse big tracrtor feasres " Powerful 13-hp Kohler OHV engins " Cast-iron cylinder lier and full pressure lubri- cation " Hsavy-duty, 80-pound wslded steel frame " 5-spesd, shift-on-the-go transmission For years of dependable performance, and mors value for your monsy, corne n and let us show you the ITi 33 today!1 * A minimum 10% clown paymnent is required if waiver cf finncech esfor90dcrs s selected. A tistine yournay aIrvl. S=s.restrictions May applY. 'W NO INTEREST, HALTON CROUNDS (ARE -EQUIPMENT 1589 Steeles Avenue East Milton 878-2121 SaleEdsI Y6e1 98 1 - m r --JIL à il...U X y' in