1-The Canadian Champion, Friday, May 1, 1998 lulv1 THE LTEARTBEAT 0F OUR COMMUNITY AAA1 NEWS AND INFORMATION FROM MILTON DISTRICT HOSPITAlV The monitor is sponsored by these communily minded businesses and individuals: Halton Automotive Industrial Supply Ltd., Bill Currie, Bob (Pie) Lee, McCuaig Insurance Ltd., McKersie-Kocher Funeral Home Ltd. FINAL HOSPITAL RESTRUCTURING REPORT A POSITIVE ONE The final report of the Heaith Services Restructuring Commission on the GTA/905 area was released on Monday, April 27th. Overali, it's a very positive report for Milton and Oakviiie, the two commuruties to be served by the East Halton Hospital Corporation (EHHC) the working titie for the new amalgamated hospital com- prised of MDH and OTMH. In its final report, the Restructurmng Commission: " confirmed the amnalgamnation of MDH with OTMH. An amalga- mation plan is to be compieted by May 3lst and nur two hospi- tais wiii become one on August lst of this year. The Commission acknowiedged the progress being made on our amalgamnation planning. " Confirmed that MDH will continue to provide acute and chronic in-patient care as well as out-patient services. A new level of care called "sub-acute care" wili be provided at both MDH (5 beds) and OTMH (19) beds in the future. " Preserved maternai, newborn and paediatric services. MDH wiii continue iow risk (Level 1) obstetrics program, whiie OTMH will continue Level Il obstetrical and paediatrics. " Provided for additionai inpatient beds at the OTMH site in Rehabilitation, Chronic Care, as weil as Aduit and Child/Adoiescent Psychiatry. " Identified the need for 55 additional acute care beds between our two sites by the year 2003 due to population growth in our com- munities. " Retained aggressive efficiency targets that will impact on the number of inpatient beds available at both sites. However, the Commission has acknowledged bed reductions and resuiting budget savings may not be achievabie until such time as invest- ments are in place in community support services. ANNUAL - WELLNESS FAIR A BIG HIT Judy Collins, MDH Emergency RN, tests - blood type for a member et the public attending ~ the Wellness Fair on April 4th, 1998. ~-'HIKE FOR HEALTH .. Lr will be here on Sunday, May 3lst. ~ ~itGrab your running shoes, walking -,jTi shoes or mImie skates and join us for a GREAT time. Check out the entry forms for the terrific pledge level prizes. For more information contact Donna at 878-2383 Ext. 2170. MARK VOUR CALENDAR/ The community of Milton generously supports the Foundation each and every day throughout the year. Please mark your calendars for the following great fundraisers! May 2nd - Halton Sportsmen's l8th Annual Charity Breakfast at the Club House, 5155 Steeles Ave. 6 a.m. to noon. Please remember to purchase your ticket for a chance to win the great BBQ donated by Superior Propane. May 6th - Milton McDonald's McHappy Day - $1.00 from each Big Mac will be donated to the McHappy Day fund* and will help MDH reach its goal of pur- chasing an Autoacoustic Emission Testing System which will test the hearing of each and every new- born baby. Visit McDonald's on May 6th and help our dreamn become a reality! *75% of the proceeds will be donated to the MDH Foundation. 25%/ of the proceeds will be donated to Ronald McDonald's Children's Charities of Canada Ltd. McDonald's Fun Fundraising Day held April 15th. Left 10 right John Tarnawsky, MDH Plant Manager, Mary Dsvlin, MDHF Board Member and Tom Logis, MDHF Board Vice Chair stand- ing in front of the helping hands which seii for $1.00 each. May l3th First Hospital BBQ of the. season! On the grounds of MDH between the hours of 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Great food at the rock bottom price of $500 per person! May 23rd - The Milton Meat Shop and Sargent Farms BBQ Catering will be holding a delicious BBQ on the grounds of the Milton Meat Shop at 342 Bronte St. S. Just drop in between 11 arn. and 2 p.m. and have a deli- cious sausage or hamburger on a bun accompanied by your choice of pop for only $3.00. Remember to visit either store for the great in store specials. m -. Milton SKD) Oldstars Hockey Team financed a sur- face Electro Myography (EMG) for MDH's Rehabilitation Services Dept. Back row left te right - Olstar members Glenn Turner, Joe Auger, Bob Lee, Peter McCuaig and Brian Brady. Front row lefftot right - Rehab Manager, Helen McKay and MDHF Board Vice Chair, Tom Logie. FLOWERS AND MORE FLOWERS.... Thanks to Sardenail Greenhouses the MDHF will be holding a flower sale just in time for Mother's Day. Visit the Hospital on May 8th fromq il a.m. to 3 p.m. and May 9th from 9 a.m. to noon and purchase Momn's special gift. This event will be followed by a bedding plant sale which will run from May l3th to May l6th. The quality of these annual flowers is A-i and they wiil certainiy add beauty to your garden throughout the summer. MDH CELEBRATES '£1.J& .L - -'q NATIONAL PHYSIOTHERAPY WEEK The Physiotherapy MOTHER'S DAY ... REMEMBER.... Department celebrated will be here on Sunday, May lOth. Drop into the to visit the Hospital on Saturday, May 2nd and pick Natona Phsioherpy MDH Gift Sbop and buy a very special gift for a up your special treasure at bargain prices at the Nationalpi th to 25t very special mother. Remember the Gift Shop is Garage Sale. It will run 8:30 arn. to 12:30 p.m. Lots wie rl1th anOe ouse.h always GST free! of wonderful items and great finds! Remember all withan Oen Huse.proceeds will go to the MDH Auxiliary. Therapists demonstrat- ed exorcises and equip- . THANKS TO YOU, Peggy's of Milton and ment. Physiotherapy the Trafalgar Golf & Country Club - the Fashion studnts romMcMaterShow held on April 5th raised over $6,00W. This is an University are shown annual event and will be held again next year, Corne using the wlss-~ kon out and join us- we guarantee you a grteat tirn& Exorcise Bail. A'BERRY' S1ECIAL EVENT.. HEATH AREOFFCE OT H t ,j4will soon be here! The Strawberry Fair will be, HEALH C RE FFIC - TMH'Yýheld on Saturday, June 27th and Sunday, lune The Ministry of Health has recently established a Health 28th. Read this page over the. next two months Care office at the OTMH. Any individual needing a new or MOH Auxillary Members displaying a few of the for aIl the exciting details. * Reineniber - th q , replacement health card can make an appointment by calling beautîful pieces of nightwear available In the MDH Foundation will again be otttrint, those berry (905) 338-0792. This office is a more local alternative to visit- MDH Gift Shop. delicious non alcoholic strawbe rr%, d n uini. ing the next closest Health Care office in Mississauga.________________________________________________ MILTON DISTRICT HOSPITAL rhdTh).Quality Care for a Heaithier Community.