22 -The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, Apntl 28, 1998 Ccii Steve LeBlanc with your sports story at 878- 2341 Sheridan College presents the Targeted Wage Subsidy Program (TWS> to Job Seekers and Employers in Halton and Dufferin regions. Job Seekers (El Recipients> -We will market you to employers. Benefits include: " Extensive employer data bank " Faxing, phone lines, networked computers and a comprehensive resource centre *Employer subsidy ta aid both employer and employee (currently in receipt of El beneits) during job orientation period. Employers - We wiIl pay you to make the right choice. You receive: " Needs analysis of your employment requirements " Subsidized employee wages " Highly motivated individuals. For more information, cali the MiI office today- (905) 459-7533, ext. 8026. A Sheridan Colege progran funded by Human Resources Development Canada. OU ffl IlN-P-- SHERIDANI COLLEGE ' Walczak a vet of pressure hockey e from TROY on page 20 Arena dcmons were buried by Walczak, the oinlv Merchatît to previ(iusly win an Alil Balîik (Àq), Ilie did so with the Metro League Caiedon Canadiens in 1995. -l hadnt scored ail seies but this was def- initeiy worth waiting l'or," added Walczak, of his îally thai came with 58 seconds remaining in the first overtime period. He stressed that winning up north look a lot of hard work and discipline as well. Miiion's 48-25 shots on goal advantage served as prool. Emotional edge Rookie defenceman John Nadalin didn't discount the emotional factor cither, staling ihat iheir game four triple overtime victory may weii have been the final boost they needed 10 win ai Chelmsford Arena. Another piece of the puzzle lay with third- string goalie Ryan Penney of Bowmanviiie - who was surprisingiy sharp in hts tîrst , 997 Chrys#sr !U»!, 4ir, white ...>*ý..$ game in almosi two months. Said director of hockey operations Nick Slaw non, -We had Iodot soniething tii tuesi JQiiii WCcil anid I Xîiicliîrlu 1 easy, but hed been wîirking hard in practice and we knew he was ready.- Penney nervous Penney, who sported a 2.9 goals-against average with the mediocre Eagles this sea- son, said he was definiteiy nervous heading mbt such an important game. His hutiertiies hardly showed however. The OHL graduate came up with some game-saving stops in the second period, including one on a Malt Faicioni breakaway. "The guys piayed excellent in front of me, 1 rarely saw a second shol," said Penney. Serge Duhe was the only Sabrecat to beat him late in the second on a powerplay shot. Matt Bannan capitalized on an carly Merchant powerpiay to give his team an ini- tiai lead. Drawing the assist was Darren (Mini) Haydar. ___ Troy Walczak FIE= LASE RîICES. CHRYSI \LèYLFJQ9 ~ JU AI *C N ITI IN M.A.R.C.H. *Waier Fumace Systema Gan Propane and *Heat Pumps - Air. 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