12 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, AprI 28, 1998 Cal! The Champion newsroom with your story ideas. HeIp us stay in touch with the community. Dial 878-2341 Brhlter futures stit with KiMIin Kumon helps students build a strong foundation for the future by improving their math and reading skills, strengthening their study habits ond increasing their self- confidence. To find out more about Kumon's convenient and affordable leamning programs... COE TeUR OEN OUe Milton Bapist Church, 900 Nipissing Road (Thompson & Nipissing) Thursday, April 30, at 7pm For informaion, contact: Mrs. Judy Jenner, Instructor at 905-878-1310 or coUl 1-800-ABC-MATH UKUMONW MvATH & READNG CENTRES Learning How To LearnC Visil us on tie web of: www.kumon.c@m False alarm on funding cut, says angry MPP Chudleigh By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion Ted Chudleigh is irale over a communi- cation breakdown regarding deaf student funding - one îhat's got nothing bo do with speech 10 sign tangyuage translation. The Halton North MPP stressed thal despite responsibitity shuffting in the Ontario govemment, there was neyer any decision made 10 wiîhdraw money [rom deaf student educationat coffers. Fears were that the cost of attending Gattaudet University in Washington, D.C. and the National Technical Institute for Deaf (NTID) in Rochester, N.Y. - tbe onty two centres offering universily pro- grams in sign language in North America - would no longer be futly covered the province. "The funda were jual transferred, neyer cul. It realty upsets me that these studenîs were given information Ihat was incom- plete or dead wrong,' slammed Mr. Cbudieigh. "I'm nol sure who's 10 blame for Ibis bad information, but 1 inîend 10 ind out." He and Education Minister Dave Johnson dispelled rumours of funding cuts during a recent meeting with teachers and students of E.C. Drury Schooi for the Deaf' s Academic Continuing Educalion (ACE) program. During the 45- minute discussion ACE members tearned that fuit funding will be grandfathered for students currentty enrolted aI Gatiaudel and NTID. . Ted Chudleigh Students enterng either US. achool Ibis fatt can appty for an Ontario Student Assistance Plan (OSAP) boan up 10 $9350 (depending on their famity's income) while the balance of stu- dent expenses wiil be covered by a provin- cial bursary. Ministry of Education research anatyst Bany McCartan - one of the chief play- ers behind the recent funding shifts - said students who receive OSAP boans in excess of $7,000 are also eligible for the province's forgiveness incentive program. "For example, if a student borrows the fuit $9.350, he or she wouid gel a $2.350 non refundabte allowance," explained Mr. McCartan, ofthIe Ontario Student Opportunity Grant Program. "Basicatly it's an incentive for students who make a serious inanciai commitment Mr. McCartan said fcars of funding culs may have sîemmed [rom the elimination of the Vocational Rehabilitative Services (VRS) program, which previously saw to the post-secondary financial needs of Ontario deaf students. VRS' $4.8 million budget, be said, was simpty transferred to the Ministry of Educalion and Training and ail of ils past clients remain eligibte for funding. U.S. bound deaf students tram E.C. Drury held a victory party last week upon iearning their concernis had been aiiayed. Date Sharpe, 21, said he would have tried 10 finance his education through other avenues but that the money might have cjuickly dried up. During his recent trip 10 E.C. Drury, Mr. Johnson also stressed that living expenses for out-of-town students enroiled in ACE will continue 10 be covered by îhe Ministry of Communily and Social Services. Teachers and students of the ACE pro- gram said they were quite apprecialive of the amount of ime the education minister aiiocated for the mneeting and how Mr. Chudieigh arranged il aI such short notice. WE ) ~VI HAMMERED THE. RATE DOWN as low as Prime . POWERLINE MAKES IT ALL HAPPEN. Now you can renovate, ake a vata- tion, or do anytbîng that catis for extra tunds wthoît being hamnered wth a high nterest ioin or morigage. A Canada Trust PowuerLine" une ot crediet an get you the finances voîî need wthout reaking the hank. Ant it gises you: Low Rates:* Cteerates asli -as rrmen Control: Cet totai tontroi. Spring By consoidating everything from yotîr simiple lans to yottt mortgage, you tan make one consentent monthiy paymenr, which inakes managing your cash flow easy. Flexibility:*Choose letween iow ninrh ypaiteîts or tnterest only paymrents. Tihe Canada Trust PowerLine neans ocrer h.îving to ask to borrow. Powerl-ine is ehere when you need it. And sou neyer hase to reappiy. Inreresteti? 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Note: Tihe AGCO gives lire applicane details of any objections. Submissions ta be sent 10: Licenslng and Registration Department Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario 20 Dundas St. W, 7th Floor, Toronto ON M5G 2N6 Fax: (416)326-5555 E-mailtat icensing@agco.on.Ca