The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, March 17, 1998-25 145 General HeID Wanted GENERAL LABOURERS Requîred in Mlton area Work boots a must, Own car an asset S8.00 per cour Positions available NOW Cali Monday to Friday 9-4pm John (905)876-0272 (905)825-0113 Bel-Mac Services INC. Quality Greens Q Food Centre GRJg ê 228 Main St. E. Has immediate openings for the tollowing full &part-ime positions: *Grocery & Produce Clerks *Cashiers Please apply wvithin. Expenience an asset, however are willing 10 train. FINANCIAL PLANNING ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT for Mlon cempany lx cuver malerxîtyl axe. Muet undeîsland tht paper f low ut Mulual Funds & GICs, as well as eing computet lierate, peuple orîenled and have xwn ranperlafixs. Heurly rte depends un expeience. Apply in Persen betmeen 9am-l2noen, Men-Fri The Steady Force Fax: (905)336-2045 2201 Brant Sir, Suite 102, Burlington ASSISTANT YARD MANAGER fr Okvlle whlesale LUMBERYARD. Mast huve supervisery skills. Wareheusîng / erder prepaîvîles management preferred. Rupîd udvuscementl FAX: (905) 842-3536 150 Sales HelD SALES PERSON Requîred for busy local Toyota dealership. Apply in person mvith resume. Attention: Kevin Wood 15 Mountainview Rd. Georgetown or Fax: 905) 877-4619 155 SkitIed HeID One of the leadiqg Transportaton/LogiStics ffl ln tihe nation is seekng candidates fo entry-level management positons i dle Milton area. If you have a tollege or unmversty degree or relevant expeniente a. ,faacaed, dynamc environment, send your resumne today W. offer: X 0 On-the-job training e 0Excellent compensation and benefits a Promotlonai opportuinties Send your resume in confidence to 'Director of Recrutelent P.O. Box 4266 Conterline, MI 48015 eFax: (8 10) 754-9806 Equal Opportunity Employer il A dysiamîc frezen food processer localed ix Milles is pursuîng as Indusîrial Maintenance Mechuslie ilh a heavy emphasis os electrîcal skills especiully PLCs. Tht successîxl candidate milI have a mini- mum et 3 yeurs experiesce ix tht feod isdustry and have experiesce wîlh Prevenlalîve Maintenance Syslems. An elecîrical trude cerlificale would be as asset. Tht successful candidate ix a team player ilh excellent leadership and inlerpersesal skills. Tht perses thrives ix a tast puced ever-chasgisg envirosmest. PIeuse fvrward your resume in confidence by Friduy, Mrch 27, 19981vo: Jana MeLean Human Reseurces PO. Box 176 Milion, Ontario 19T 4N9 160 OfficeHeID CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVES, Flexible part time boums with no teiemnarketing. Suies articutate candidates with protessionai telephone manner and dependabte work ethic. Somne other office dulies. Smoke free environment. Bilingual Engish/French an asset. Global Genealogy Suppiy 875-2176 9 AM - 9 PM or Fax 875-1807. Look TV ID Administrative Assitn Look TV is a sem, Mita-based compasy that has bees amarded a licesse le provide digital television services te residestial customers in Southers Ontario Usisg Multipoint distribution System (MOS) techsaiagy. Were seekisg as Administrative Assistant for aur Engineering Deparment te provide support services such as typing, filisg, account recosciliaties, pur- chase rder trackisg, fisascial reparting and other administrative duies. Candidates muet have 3-5 years et reated experi- ence, and possess a Business Administration certifi- cale/diplama ramn a cemmusity coilege. Peuse fermard your resume in confidence lv: Hunan Reseurces Departirent Loek TV 8250 Lawsen Read Milten, Ontarie 19IT 5C6 Oxix canddates unuer active cuxxuderatiîxx viii e cxtactxd. No telephouve cnus r suexcien pusase. ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT Loug Esubished Milton Company Requirco IExperieuced accouuîiug persounel five days a week. attractive sataey, emptoyee benefits. Must ifctons, pas experence aud refèrences. 160 Office HeID- 155 SkiIIecI Help INDUSTRIAL ELECTRICALJMILLWRIGHT Industrial Eleccrcianl/MillwriLht. The successful applicant must have a mini- mum of 3-5 years experience troubleshoot- ing in a machine shop environment and familiar with hydraulic. pnieumnatic and mechanical repirs. Also imust he able 10 ser- vice elecîricul control panels and have a province of Ontario Certification or equiva- lent. PLC convrois an assel. We offer a competitive satary and excellent benefit package. If inerested, pIeuse send resume to: Mueller Canada PO. Box 1001 8069 Lawson Rd. Milton, Ont. L9T 4B6 Fax: (905) 878-3888 A dynamic traces fend processor located in Milton ix purxuing a Shipper/Receiver. The successful can- didate ii be lift truck cerlified with a minimum ef 3 years esperience je the food industry. Duties would include an understanding ut docsments und prucedsres in relation te inventery management systems. Tht successful candidate is a team player milh excellent leadership snd inlerpersenal skills. Tht persos lhrives in a fast paced ever-changing enviresment. Pieuse terward your resumne in confidence by Friday, March 27, 1998 te: Jana McLean Human Resources P. 0. Box 176 Milton, Ontario 19T 4N9 170 Davcre EXPERIENCED DAYCARE given, any age, hot lunches provided. Private home. Reasonable rates. Recipis given. 878-0118. FULL TIME DAYCARE avaîlable. Fenced yard, ptayroamn, receiptsakaiays given. 878-8773. FULL TIME Chiid Care availablo. Sam Sherratt area. Cati Carnon, 878-6376. FULL TIME Babysitter required in my home for 3 chiidren aged 8, 6 ad 3. Cali 876-3743. HOME DAYCARE available. 7 years experience. Infants wocomo. 876-4415. RAINBOW VILLAGE DAVOARE offéring quality programs for chmdren 18 monlhs ta 5 pars. Crafts, music &field trips. 878-7552. 166 Careers ACCOUNT ADMINISTRATOR Canadas iargest automobile auciion cam- pany needa an account administrator ta worie in tihe corporate fleet & tease department. Ma- ture individuai, minimum 2 years off ice ex- perience required, able ta work under pressure, weti organized and dotait orionted, customor service skiiis an asset, oxperience on IBM IAS400 computer. Please contact: Rlck Banks at 875-2915 No Tunsday catis psu GOODLIFE FITNESS Excitîng career opporlunities nom available wifh Canadas largeut fitness companyl Goodlife Fitness nom bas a location in Milton, requiring fitness/aerobics instructors. If you are an energetic, molivated team player, then this ix tor you! Please forward resurnes by Friday March 20 855 Steeles Ave., Milton L9T 5H3 Attn. Gennifer Van de Haar Fax: (905) 876-0807 We are looking for an independent worker, with a technicai background, 10 work in our electricai safety test iab. The ideai candidate wiii have a CET designation or equivaient experience. Proflciency wvith Mcrosoft Office wouid be an asset. Please e- mail your resumne to mnarioheûlri#g- or mail to: 10 Oak Ridge Drive Georgetown, ON LUJ 5G6 -l Mndcy .........8:30-3800 T..sdwy .........9:00300 W.d..sdY... 9:00-5800 IhmsdWy ........8:30-3t00 FIrdwy ....... 9:00-5:00 amouis.- ÂIF« SPOUSE CHEATING?? E.R. Psychic Answers. You can know Rated #1. Police 100,000+ Cdns. Use Us. Catis conidential. 24/hrs. $2.99/min. 18+. 1-900-451-4055. ABUSED end utraid? For heip cati 878-855à, a 24-hour criais lino for abused women. Hatton Women's Place is an emoergency shelter aval- able for abused women and their chiidren in Hal- tan Region. Ail cais are confidentiat. ARE DRUGS causing you problems? Narcotics Anonymaus can heip. Wo meet Friday nights at Grace Anglican Church, Main Sireet, Milton, aI 8:00 p.m. ARE YOU BEING aftected by someone el&sa drlnklng? AI - Arion Family Graup meots each Monday night 8 p.m. at St. Pauls United Church, back door (parking lot entrance.) 1-800-891- 4862. 230 Vehicles for Sale 1986 MUSTANG 4 cylinder, excellent condition. Beat offer. 905-693-0458. AUTO INSURANCE. Best rates for most drivers inciuding higher risks. Cali Warren, 519-853- 4284. CREDIT PROBLEM? No credit or bad credit. On UIC, FBA, WCB, Bankrupt? Need another chance? Short of cash? We can helpf Future Car Credi.905-339-6700. CGORRUDS SALES & LEASING NEW & USED 410 STEELES AVE. A FAMILY BUSINESS WLTH FAMILY VALUES WE - BUY -SELL -LEASE LARGEST SELECTiON 0F USED VEHICLES IN MILTON 875-2277 Make it RICHARDSON CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE To lease or purchase your car or truck Hwy 25 S. at Derry Rd. 878-2393 260 Income Tax INCOME TAX PREPARATION. Ron Neweli. $20 per retum. Phone 878-251. INCOME TAX RETURNS propared. Ploase cai Steve Weltwaod, 876-4279. GEEAACCOUNTANT Fast paced Georgetown manufacluring fîrm seeks a iC f oiva te. iIiui ii.t IIU r rn Responsibilities include General Ledger maintenance, journal entry preparution, account reconciliations. govemment remittunces, maintenance of Fixed Aset ledger, mterialu costîng. and inventory management. The ideal candidate will have the following qualifications: Minimum 3-5 yeurs uccounting relted work experience. Enrolled or completed CMA/CGA Progrum level 3-5). Profîcient with Lotus t23. Competitive ulury and excellent employet henefitu are ffered. tntereuted upplicunt pleuve suumit revumne with alury requirementu in confidence ta: Box 2395 C/O The Independent/Free Press 2 11 Armstrong Ave. Georgetown, ON, L7G 4X5 ýii mm 170 Dayoare OPENING MAY 4TH CIRCLE 0F FRIENDS PRIVATE HOME DAYCARE Àr.epling flntf-r.IJJu Yeart *Early Childhood Educalor with ten years experience. Current First Aid and CPR Full day programn Newly renovated classroomn setting Fenced yard, outdoor play Hot nutrtîous lunch and snacks *Reasonable rates Referenced and receipta For mare information please cali: (905) 878-8380 RELIABLE DAVOARE availabis. 16 years experience, snacks & lunches, lots of TLC and references. Phone 875-0188. 200 Tutor WANTED, TUTOR for OAC Algebra. Cati 878- 1573. 210 Personal PREGNANT? Decisions ta make? Cati us we're here ta listen. 875-1245. CLASSIFIED HOURS,