The Canadien Champion. Tueeday, December 30, 1997-21 CLASFD Clssfid MONDAY TO FRIDAY Classifi.e9:00 AM -5:00PM &Z>Wjiles tou es See Today s Champion for our new "Milestones" section. To announce your special event, call Vie Champion ' Classified Devartment at 875-3300. ENGAGEMENT p OW ( IN (O MU.T *URRA-GW.11TARD - Antis aid Anctew & big braise Gerdd af Milaon, Ont.r, eit~ls la ai- naunce Uic blrth af ihlr à siser, Rebeoc ElsoVe 8 l"t. 9 aze., at Milan DIatia Hospital on Frilay. December 19. 1907. ruts graiddwught.r for bail Ectua Wilts a Grandps John af Freeltan & Croi Kell of Oalliie and Uic laie Graidpa's Peter luira a Gereid Guitard. Wlcomed by al ber ante a uncles. Special ilaka la mWntcl Shirley. Dr. Gien Hunier. Dr. Suppai aid ai ile heliul nurses et 0.B.S. PROCTOR - John & Shelley am pleec la ai- notunce iln qulci birl 0f ilei con Srcdy David Prootor 7 ils. 14 oua.. ai Milan Disticot Hospital an Monday, December 22nd, 1007. Waiting la greut their baby liroler m big esient Krpcta aid Ridi. Praud graicdoarents mesNa aid Freld Coghlai of CarbyMil aid lits Practar of Bllnglon ni grec graidparen Lae aid Radial Post of Apslsy Ont SM"ls ilm"s Io nurses Cerais i Merls. aIle 640111AVAILM11 E,11aieot 0 30 Deaths BORSONKE, M. Hlen - 87 yesrs. Sundsy. Deoemhar 201h. 1907 et London Heeli 'Scoen-, cms Centre. Westmnster Campus. London, Laie of Londan and fanncrly ai Laaniingla. Bslovcd aile 0f Uic laie Frais Bareclik <1978). Doew mother of Franks aid Judy Borscilie, Troy, Michigan; Margaret and Danilo Zannier, Tecumseh; Marthe and Pst Gleeson, Canipbeivle; Bonnard aid Jayne Borschise. London; Helen aid John Garner, Guelphi; Gregory aid Ladn Bareclike, Bndhton. Dear esier of Edytii (Sisier Edil Hogan (Igmdta)). Maunt Saint Joseli Londan. 17 graidchildren aid marry nmuee ani nsphew aieoatsuv"v. Predeosad by 1 uleter, Doroly <Sisie May Matis) aid 1 liroiler Gregory Hogan. Vlsitn et Uic Joh T. Danoise Fumerai Hom. Londan, 362 Wat.rlo al ng Imm 2- 5 à7 - pi&. Tuesday. DecemberSOli. Paleli Proyers Tues- dey et 7:30 p.m., die la Uic Raid Fumerai Home, 14 Russell Slreet, LemmiiMa for vlling froni 2 - 5 a 7 - 9 p.m., Frldey. Jaiuary 2. Funcral Saturday, January 3 as 10:30 sàm. te St. Lichai Cluah for Mmetss ailIcm. Failher Ed- ment A. Seczai end Fithe Gay Gaysau aflbathWt. Interaleot Lieic Ceme(iy. Leawiqtm~ C.WL- Ppe. lFdday ai. $.i. Ruseh P e.fflilv ai 7:30 >mr. t! o donon mq hamé .il asi 211 nongth-Q :Fras/DriedArrangemneuts - Carda *i Wreths - Gourmet Baskets lb487 LAURIER AVE., 878-2881 BENTON, UUlen Amise <mcc Devin) - Peace- tulyaet the St Joseph% Hospital and Hom i Guelph on Decembelr 271h. 1997, i ler 8»i year. Beloved wife of th. fite, John Ritchi. Loving motiier of Franks and hie wile Margaret of Milton. Loved by grandcdiiren Robert and hie aile Jud aid great grendchilcîren Couru"e aid Mme of 0,1k aid Paul and hie aile Peggy and great grandchidren Devon end Jordon of Cambridge. The km"ra service as held on Mondai. December 2011%, 1997, frmi Moen- Kooher Fumerai Has 114 Main Street, Mln Interment followed at Uimehous Preebyaa Cemetsry. Donations la the chanty of ans choie wauld lie apprscltsd by ic faaifly. COMPORT. Pur" Waem Hsm" 1901-1907. la wlUi Vea eadiees *Wai t l4 af Cowupon amaunos hie pasey on Deomber 29, 1007 at is ai of6. wils thelh dMsrcsatie Mwine aid the Torant. SSlttleh Rsg doung W.W. Il. Psrcy ms anse af members of dmc South West Pf Deperlnent valunlan and e vust.c Rouge HM Sdiaal Bonrd. peuc aU _ c rermmbsred by hlm belaved aiHs Etul years. hie dalaghbtr Malan Grea <hIdilegai U.SA). duMgh Juns aind lie hboid Jiin Cruilbehaik <Bsadsy, OuiwIa). con Raben d hie ails Barba Compors (Milan, Ont) and prdocdly son Gordan Coniport and i-bmw Ja Grâes. Cherishsd grendiatie of 1 graidchlldren 32 grMe graudcldrn and 3 grecs grecst gruidchilld.n. Percy ail ha remem- bered by maiy relatives aid friende ahoce pale h. h baslucisd Uirauâglout Uie years. Hie gent.e strsngUi.aid caling wu ai Inspiration ta ai aho hun hlm. The faiiiy aauld ise ia Uiaik ai tie csnng aid dsdcatsd dactars. nurses aid st who loolsed aler Percy tiroughout Uic bl two ycare. Friende wilI lie rscelved et thc McEaohmbe Fumea Homus 28 0Wd Kingston Rload, Ajax (P"cktn Vilage) 906429-48 from 6-9 Tueaday. Funeral Service in thc Chapelon Wechiesday, Deosmlier 31, 1907 et 11:-00 arn. In leu of flacre, donations la du chartty of your choie would ha appreciated liy the laiuily. FORD, Frnkin , At Hamito Genera Hospital on Manday, December 29, 1907 i hie 551h Yer. Son of Raiph a Miêsrd Ford, iovhig fatiier of Raymond, and hie ale Suean Mary Lynnc aid Seam Devoied graidfather of David aid Canieron. Husbaid 0f Gail Rose. Brother of Diane & Mutfin Smolenaars. Yvonne and Jii Glen. Restng al: tec J. Scoit Early Fumerai Hame, 21 James Ste"t, Milaon. Vieiting hours Tuecday 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. Funerai Service Wed- nesday 2:00 p.m. at J. Scot Early Funerai Hom. Interment et Evergeen Cemet.iy. Milaon. In lieu of flam, donations la tiie Hear & Strols. Foun- dation aauld ha appreciaied. WERGELAND, limer - (A slled Carpenter for ove 25 yea' and ai active member of Calvary Baptst Churcli, Oeikvib). Suddenly on Tuesday. Decanihar 23. 1907. Inhiliton, as a recuit of ai automobie accident. Bime Wergelad bon i Miaclon, Briich Columbia, Jaiuary 12, 1952, wuetae homne la ha with hie Lord et th. q.e of 45. lIEr, beiloved husband of Sharon <Browne). Loving father of Michelle and Rebekali. Cheriahed son of dhe lite Aataug aid Sigurd Wergelaid. Loved son-hi-lc of Garfield and HIl- da Broane. Dear brotiier of Sigmund. Lad, Unda, VIctor, Joai aid thc late Sylvia. Naphea of Hakon Wergeland and Solvelg Nebon. Lovingly mrmemhared by maiy f.iy aid friend i Nolr- wey and British Columbia. A Service of Remenibuunce aill ha held 10:00 &.m. Tuesdcy. December 30, 1907 as Calvary BapUst Cliurdi. 1215 Lakeahore Rond West Oakivlis. TO Al, SO Àuctions ANTIQUE AUCTION SALE Mien. Jan 5tu et 12:30 pà.m. Preiawlrim 11:00am At tht Agricultural Hall, Milon Fairgrounds, Robert St. Selling on hehaif ot Jos Courtnsy; a quantity of fresh picked furniture (dresssrs, harvest tables, cup- boards, washstands, etc.), Dsprsssion & Carnival glass (incl. whit), chuna, adveitising, lots of primi- tives etc. Usual tsrms, no reserves. Delivery available. FOR INFO FAX OR PHlONE ION MIlET AICIU1111EII 905-07-2647 78 Firewod FIREWOOD, 100% hariwood. 16 i. cut qplt &id delivered, 1 buah cord, $190. 2 bush corda $360. 4 bush corda, $730. 5 bush cords $875. Green wood, 5 bush cords $750. Aleo loge avallable. 906-75-0877. 80 For Salg 27 IL ZENITH Stere T.V..$6.25Aeek. Fisher Surmound Sterm Pacage: 520 watt.s. $12.501 wecis. 1-400-267-948. CMLADIAN Mir Dish. Dtai sound aid picture. Over 100-diannels. $5.75vesk. Frae dsivery. -1-000-287-Of66. CHERRY maliogaiy 6-pc.. dinng suit. $1.500. 1 1-pc. bubble gtasa8 chaire, $3,200. Twln/ doube/lOn sae bedrom suites. $1.500. 5-pc. feadme maiiogaiy 0~useaize hactooni cuit., peame.$2*0. Dae. add tables. places et. Bea Golty. Sae $1,000Y$. Conipete Frise daietl (906 227-945. COMPUTUEUIAU.Pumeai 106C: IeX C.D.. fxmdi 3 A u. 1 .u1