4-The Canadian Champion, Friday, October 31, 1997 WÀTC OUJT FOP Oup C14IPPU T41 Visil Drian's loday Io ?el y our car ready for winterl Sr I u0zu atyourseuioe.. everyw! PHARMACY AWARENESS WEEK SNOVEMBER 3 TO'NOVEMBER 7 During thîs week, remember that pharmacists are uniquely qualified to help you gel the most oui of your medication while preventîng or solvmng medicatton problems! We are the most accessible health care provider - corne and talk 10 us, we are here 10 help. Register your- self with your Zeller's Pharmacist and form a healthy partnership ..you and your pharmacist. We invite you t0 visit us and participate in these pharmacy awareness activities 10 promote.. YOUR GOOD HEALTH MON., NOV. 3, 3-7 PM TUES., NOV. 4, 3-7 PM Diabetes Clinic. Free testing and see new BAYER GLUCOMETER DEX HALTON ARTHR ITIS SUPPORT GROU? presents information & video on keeping fit, healthy and active WED., NOV. 5, 10 -4 PM FLU SHOT CLINIO THURS. NOV. 6 3-7 PM HALTON LUNG ASSOCIATION Check your peak flo0w. Information on asthma management and smoking cessation. FR1. NOV. 7, 3-7 PM HEART & STROKE FOUNDATION: Know the risks and learn about prevention. SAT., NOV. 8: KIDS LOOK OUT FOR ZEDDY & ENTER TO WIN A TOY OUR FLU SHOT CLINIO DAY IS SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 5TH 10OAM - 4PM AT ZELLERS PHARMACY. PRE BOOKINGS ARE AVAILABLE PHONE 876-0644 PRICE $9.99 PER FLU SHOT' ENTER FOR CONTESTS ALL WEEK FOR GREATIPRlZES AND -....FREE CLUB Z POCiTS Mega-j il opponent slamns candidates over expansion By STEVE LeBLANC Special to The Champion Libby Walters docsn't buy the argument that Milton council has little say in the Ontario government's expansion plan for Maplehurst. Claiming that an addkional 1,000 inmates would hinder public satety and cost the town thousands of dollars in bast property taxes, she asked mayoral can- didates Colin Best and Gord Krantz what they would do to fight the mega-jail. Their responses f'ell far short of her expectations. Said Mr. Best, 'There's very littîe control we (town council) have over the mega-jail. There are a number of items surrounding the plan that need lu be resoîved and I would hope the governmenî cornes dlean with the numbers very soon." Mr. Krantz recalled that similar concems over pub- lic safety were raised when Maplehurst was first built, but that very tew problems have ever occurred. "They can fight il, they just need to gel the guts 10 do it," charged Ms Wallers aI terwards. -There have been communilies in Ontario that have stopped mega- dumps because they banded together and spoke out. "We'l lose property taxes with a mega-jail and our kids' safety is at risk with more inmates and less supervision." Her comments came Wednesday at the Milton Leisure Centre, during the Milton Jaycees' Meet the Candidates Night. The meeting - which included mayoral, Ward 2 town counicil and public school trustee candidates- drew only 78 people. While mayoral carididates off ered little hope l'or a fight against the mega-jail, Mr. Krantz voiced opti- mism for Halton Region's stand against provincial downloading. "If we (Halton and other GTA regions) have a uni- lied voice, I think we stand a very good chance of not being downloaded on," he said. AIl other candidates echoed the neç~d for a strong opposition, though Ward 2 town counicil candidate WalIy Hunier stressed he did no support counicil spending money on an advertising campaign againsi Ontario's plan bo pool social service costs. Going against the grain, he said he couldnît endorsed counciî's plan of action when final figures had not yet been provided. He likened the campaign to -propaganda" and sug- gested counicil was sending its constituents informa- tion that could very weIl be inaccurate. Haîton Region is mounting a $100,000 ad campaign against the province over what is being depicted as threatening tax hikes due to downloading. Milton shares costs proportionatcly in that exercise - putîing in about $10,000. Mr. Hunter's comments likely won points with Milton Ratepayers Association membner Pat Kelly, who criticized counicit f'or 001 being abte to sponsor the annuat Santa Claus Parade while ai the saine urne allocaiing funds to the regional advertising initiative. The iwo mayoral candidates and Ward 2 counicil candidate Art Melanson argued the caînpaign is nec- essary to f ight a possible $350 to $45t0 propenly tax increase per houselhold. -We had the righi to spend ibis rnoney, we're look- ing ai a fieavy down<sad and we need to fight it, said Mr. Melanson, whoso vision oit Mition's future includes another hockey arena, branch library and new arts centre. Ward 2 counicil candidate Frank Wilson suggested provincial downloading is inevitable, but did speak oui against dev'cfopment projecis in rural Milton. "They're (developers) înessing with our water, -see CANDIDATES on page 8 "B11RIGHT IDI HYDRO COMMISSI< 39 VEARS EXPERIENCE PAST CHAIR: Municipal Elec PAST CHAIR: Restructuring Electrical Utilîties-Halton TREASURER: ont. Minor Hc MILTON BUSINESSMAN: WARD 2 WITH THE LAS" ONER- trical Assoc.-- Committee Hydro . îckey Assoc.I 45 Years I - RE-ELE4 IWC. (BiIO ROWNEY lxi r 39 VEARS 0F EXPERIENCE HYDRO COMMISSION W.C. (Bill) ROWNEY