Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 31 Oct 1997, p. 23

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1 / MJ jr i «L --IJ« m% _R Jw mu.-I rfi ah) TE HEARTBEAT 0FOU MUNT NEWS AND INFORMATION FROM MILTON DISTRICT HOSPITA.f The monitor is sponsored by these community minded businesses and individuals: BESTBUYDISTRIBUTORS, BILL CURRIE, BOB (PIE) LEE, MCCUAIG INSURANCE LTD., MCKERSIE-KOCHER FUNERAL HOME LTD. THANKS FOR YOUR INPUT.. Our appreciation goes out to those 104 Miltonians who responded to our recent planning questionnaire. Your feedback and opinions are helpful as we plan for how best to meet this coinmunity's health care needs. The survey resuits were provided to--over 35 hospital and community representatives who came togebro October l8th for a one day Planning Retreat. Tise day was a success, witl worthwhile discussion and debate on what services the Hospital should provide and how we should offer them in the future. We'll be sure to keep you informed as our future plans unfold. HALTON MRI SCANNER SERVING MIL- TON PATIENTS Our new Haltoîs MRI service bias beeis up and running for almost one moîstî - and tIse quality of tIse images tise scanner produces are faîstastic! Our scanner is trîsly a state-of-tlse-art nmachsine - perlsaps the best oîse in Caisada. During our first iostîs of oper5stiois, 13 Milton patiensts hsave been scanned, witls anotîser 12 booked betxveeis îsow and 'early December. Wiitlsout our new~ MRI machsine, tîsese patients would have waited miany intls for service elsewlsere. RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS PROGRAM BEGINS AT MDH Ais educ5stion5sl series for tîsose witls rhseuîaatoid artlsritis is being offereci ai MDH (luring Novenmber aîsd December. Thsis series of four weekly sessionss is co-spoîssored by MDH and tIse Artlsritis Society. Funding is being sup- plieti by the Ontario Miîsistry of Healtîs. TIse sessionss are sclseduled over four consecutive Tuesday afterîsoons starting on Noveîssber Ilts. Preseisters xviii be Maureen Stoskopf, Occupatiolsal Tlserapist asid Ai Beiisis, Plsysiotherapist. Call for Hospital at 878-2383, Ext. 2360 for more infor- mnatin or to register. HOSPITAL RESTRUCTURING - UPDATE We are stili &waitiisg word on when the Healtîs Services Restructuring Commission will release its report on Haltoîs and the Creater Toronto Area. It is isot expected to be available before late November or early Decemnber. DID YOU KNOW... At tise end of our first six mioitlss of operation in tise 1997/98 year, MD H is operating witls a sliglst budget sur- plus. Our year to date revenues total $7.72 million while our year to date expenses total $7.67 million. Thsis is a solid fiîsanciai positions, particuiary given tise increased number of patients receiving services provided tîsis year in obstetrics, diagnostic imaging, laboratory and 1our emergency department. HAPPY 2ND BIRTHDAY MONITOR! We wauid like is thank air spaissors, BESTBUY DISTRIBU- TORS, BILL CURRIE, BOB (PIE) LEE, MCCUAIG INSUR- ANCE LTD. AND MCKERSIE-KOCHEB FUNEBAL IIOME LTD. fort therrosslertiil suqport andu ps.iterosit)! SEVEN SWANS A SWIMMING... Yoss cai heip jista twinkie tin the Mon Fo>lii(lt<ions "Tr-e of' cadtsp" h> donatinp ts the Buy a BuIb camiipalpai. This is thte st"eatit Christmtas of* tis vvtry wssritss'kiit projtct wstis (Wr$220t,000i. hesttp raisesi as't tise tasst yvar. This yt'as , tse Foisittskisoa, is apasai iius'itiissp >055 us share in sup1t1sstfitt tut' Hospital hy liihting a bssih on aie Tnt' ai Cariiap. Ail it takes is a gift of 51<>. orasmore. Yotir gift wil i eip) MDH rais' tise fittads ssecessity ia oilp ta [itrcsase a st-st carsisac niiititaritis sstt'ss fotr tht ici>. The [ire- senit one is tt'a y'tars aid ansdaittiktes. Tise a'w systess wil etistre elic li in the îc i s t'tjttippled stiti titi' i.îttst and ilas reliabit' tecittaktpy. Tise iithtrtttaitioil gatheted lit the besiie sîil lie dis- play lta tise 1siîrsesstatisl so tisai eaàci patienit 1isa). isesett hyv tise ctistti1t suirvetillance. Dattatians iii tise Buy a Bulb catss1saigts isa>i lie ittade in 1ieeatt ait the Fotindatiasi ofice Iacated ini the Hospsital, sîr ou tia seiai your cot ibustioni toc Miltoni District Hspiitali Founitidtitin, 'Bit a Biiili cattisiitt ', 30t Deres Rîstî E., Mtiltont, Onît. UT 2X5. Titis Year. witis ysstt lieijs. tise 'Tree otsi-stt" stili se isripiter tisais KINSMEN CLUB'S FIRST ANNUAL FESTIVAL 0F TREES Tie KisssiCis'iiisnCu w ehoingiisti firsttssiiisstFestivalsst Ti'es tis.yesi. FXst..tree s'ii ieii;as ocaibuinesso atssociastionii. Ssossrsisjiscis. 1sssils.sing .555 suze srtificiai ttee andiesssrastii t. Tise tiees ssii lise rstilesi tif iss tickets ssii1 hiefo $.() titictis:3 fit $2.(X)t toi 8 fur $5.(X>. Tise siecoiate trets s ii onsispsaY ri ni N tsi îier iStis ts Oceiiiiei tti ,ît titi itonts Miii. Ssososrs tsi slite siîiue Ms4ke's Barbser sop. Liiilsiervilie, CiJPE Locasl 815, tue Hos,>al Batik. Tise Wltiiziisp WVelsei. caISIists'. asti Ma1sieisti Cstiectiosiali F.tciiity. Prssctess bille sitisates tsi tise Fssiitiisstis. if'u aii re ititerestesi ini sposor-s isp a t ree conttact Kiîîsssess Css.Prssject'C,ieis, Piesrse DeBie ai 876- 1757 Kitîsîseit Club tir Stasi Whitie 8i76-40i23. Tise siran' ss'ii take pac it tise Mai tit Deceiîer fitis at 5 p. A BIG THANK YOU TO... The Co-operators fi)tei r gettetissit>' Titis sissites $12ti2. aisic repesnt( tise itroceess toi tiiee it arasi issd csss>oate sdsnaitiaon. Milton Co-operaiors Sales Represenialîve, Susan O'Connor; Distict Sales Manager, Paul Byron, MOHas Executive Director, Allen Halls and MDHF's Board Chair, Jane Copeland Brunello Ristorante Fisr tus-jr wiiisentt doniationt trtîin tise Gourm iiet Es'tiis'! Titis est'it ratîsei last jeistis 2itt Marilyn Bosnjak, Brunpllo Risioranie co-owners Michael Marra and Chaingaz Khan at the fabulous Gourmet Evening. BOOI! liyst ire sisittip tise Hspistal tvise titi iisiitsss'ts sieskt'iiiiN isas> nostice eaîtt'si scar> issskilispsisssns 'ne Fusssio suusssn Hatiissns-ii Nurtsintp Stit tsi/Oeistt sîi ssst or csststst CXsstest. IVSBEINNNGT OO A SUPLIE CRSTAVNSI HEGF TheAuxliry nnul hritma Lnchon ndCft lo î Fair is e 2els on r 22îî o Noviiir 2s and aturay, ovemer 2nd t MD Luch isd b seved fr9ont R 1:n0einr tse:0 ift lo h is Lwys. Ticetsar avilalein heHosita. ropinAuxhaei liary u M ember Joy Ct a ir shows offafe If~~~~~~~~~~~ th ol iet priiaei heCatFi lae benatifu l iemsr aital for8ale680th CUE HRSASG TIEME THE is ere Prcîaseyor tckes t acos o $1flOcais r 3fo $200 s c an younthn wl avge a chace tes wîtsea beatifl wodn asge, said kited fglano tndwen et. iets are oîs sle foae ithMI every Satrday or vsit tiseGift Slpaîydy ftsewe . CHRITMA TIM te EAN TH MILTON DISTRICT HOSPITAL Quality Care for a Heaithier Community. td

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