16-bm Canadian Champion, Tuosday, October 21, 1997 Get readyfor Wlnter aLw AUTO SERVICE Only v.Wh" Luise, 011 & Fîlter Check ail tluid levea Ise . tie n £oaei eesrýBaeIseto Multi-million dollar mariena work is poised to go at Oakville's Bronte Oakville's dreamn of a fuli-scale marina along the Bronte lakeshore is about to become a reality. Constftîction of tise multi-pisase, $7 to $8 million harbour front complex could begin as early as next year. Its backers estimate a $1 million annual injection mbt the local business sector, tl*rougb increased tourism and economic stabîlity, wbile Milton Councillor Barry Lee cal led it "thse greatest tising since sliced bread, witis vèry few blemiishes." 1Regional staff have offered resounding approval to tise plan of Marina, Group Inc. -wbo were given a unanimous thumba 'up by Hahon's planning and public works committee prior to a unanimous vote of approval by regional council st week. "I'm obviously very pleased at tie com- plete support ibis committee bas sbown," said Oakville's Bill Miller, onc of two principle finanicial backers of tise marina. However, Marina Group Inc.'s plan bas met wits some trepidation from members of neighboring Ennisclaire Estates, who Region Briefs fear tiseir community 'ma .y become "an eyesore" due to a sizable winter boa stor- age facility. Repoesenting Mr. Miller and partner Find Christianson, lawyer Blair Taylor said landscaping initiatives are being looked ai to screen tise storage area from outlying residences. Recycling promotio backed Halton Region is crazy about aluminum - to tetune of $55,105. Tbat's how much could soon be spent on a "Don't Trass Cans!" promotional cam- paign. Advertisements, which stress thse importance of recycling aluminum soft drink cans, will be placed in community ffewspapers, along the aide of trucks, on biliboards, on transit shelters and on ares radio stations. Halton council approved tise initiative. Appeal continues Despite question over "bona fide (armer" status, Halton Region will continue tise appeal procesa in a Halton His land sev- erance request. Tents Line property owner Drago Vuckovic of 618961 Ontario Limited wisbes to sever mougbly one-tsird (25,of 80 acres) of tise land to provide tenant Mattisew Black witis a single fann-oelaled residential lot. While Mr. Black and his family bave resided on tise property for 16 years, tiseir use of tise land doesn't falI under Halton's framework of bona fide farming - tise purpose for wic tise land is protected. "I'm willing to adisere to any amend- ments in order to make tisis work," said Mr. Vuckovic, representing bis tenants." The decision to continue ta appeal was agoeed to by Halton council. o- BRYBY JANTZEN wi c IR",ue~ .~.* 70% oOFF KORET cco,~sawti 50% OOFF KATES Weeke -Wea 30% OOFF JANTZEN iSdm & eu"~c 40% oOFF KORET 50% /OFF A%$ORTED FALL FAHioNgs 70% ooFF M4ILTON MALL, MILTON 878-1414