Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 Oct 1997, p. 7

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j The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, October 14, 1997 -7 O UR R-EADERS WRIT E Here's a lesson about Race volunteers and participants Reader backs Rev. Campbell andeSnobelen teaching a lesson enthusiastic from start to finish Dear Editor: as you might thînk. Many of us agree Saturday moming at the market, 1 saw you whole-heartedhy. And the Honou Dear Editor: D Here are a few pointa from a letter that I sent 10 Mr. Chudleigh on October 2, 1997. p 1 arn a teacher wiîh the Halton Board of th Education and I do not support the w changes that are in Bill 160. How doos this legislation help improve the quality of bit education for Ontario students? in The suggestion 10 use non-teachers for music, library, guidance, etc. makes no sente. How will they manage the diverseW needs and behaviours of the children? Child development and teaching strategies et are essential in teaching a class. Clasroom management of behaviour and <c actual logistica of lime management are in the teachers' realm of expertise. 1 need and use my preparation lime 10 the fullest extent and still plan before- school, aller achool, on the weekends and before achool officially starts in August. 1 use the lime to plan lessons 10 meet the special needs of the students. I do not use laat year's plana or notes. Each group of students is onique and different atrategies need t0 be employed. or example, i[ I have a clasa of children .itih many attention difficulties, more hands-on activities are required, which entails planning appropriate lesson content wish specific manipulative activities. The ideas for a longer achool year and longer school day are flot realistic. Children need a break. They find il diffi- cult in the elementary ochoola 10 pay attention for long periods of lime. Children gel tired in the oflemoon. Each Monday I am aI achool for an 8:25 a.m. calendar meeting with aIl the staff 10 go over the many events that are running in our school. I arn at school each Monday until about 5 p.m. for a weekly meeting, team plan- ning or committee meeting. Janet Clevely Milton Keep fa!! fairs coming (The following letrer was sent to Tom McDonald, president of the Hation Agricultura! Society, and a copy wasfiled with The Champion.) Dear Editor: Our chats of grade 4 and 5 studento [rom Martin Street Sehool visited the Milton Faîl fair on Kid's Day. Before our trip, we developed a survey ta find out how people feel about the faîl fair. Below are tome examples of whaî people said to us: "We came 10 the fair ta show our ani- mala, because of the people, t0 spend money, and 10 teach people about farn- ing."1 "People have been coming to the fair [or up 10 70 years." "Some people spend as much as $250 at the [air." "Milton bas a [ai fair because it's a tra- dition, for the food, 10 bring the communi- ty together, to leamn more about agricul- ture, and 10 share knowledge about [arm- ing." "Milton benefits from having a [ail fair because il brings money and tourists mbt the community and bringa familiea togeth- er." We hope that Milton will continue 10 have a fal fair. We think it's a lot of fun! . . Jtunior stuctenta, Maftkri Strièt School e e c 't ar Editor: f the success of an event ia measured by the enthusiaam of the sicipanta, the dedication of the volunteers and the generosity of sponsors [rom Milton and environs, then surely the recent men's triathlon/dualthon ranks up there with the very best. Ul least 75 per cent of the ladies had neyer done any athietica fore this and ail of them completed the course despite the lement weathcr. Fo ail our event sponsors I would like 10 say a huge thank you. ecould not have done this without you. hoed that they were prepared to do this again ne Rith your continued support, our race commi ritinue to encourage women in athietics. with rable Rev. Ken Campbell with his sign board John Snobelen is doing an honourable held high, condemning our teachers -- a thing with his education reformi in Ontario. voice crying in the wilderness. Bill MacKinnon Weil Ken, it's not so much a wildemess Milton eJffj'HLTON HILLS Working Together Working for You! XI: year. PUBLIC MEETING ttee romiss toGEORGETOWN SOUTH ttee romiss 10INDUSTRIAL CONVERSION Tina Bram Council fsr the Town of Haltsn His will concluct a Race Drector Public Meeting to examine andt discusa proposeri RaceDiretor amendinents tv tht Town of Halton HuIs Officiai Plat and Zoting By-law for lsin the Georgetown South Community. Applications have bets receineri by Halos His Village Homea toc. seeking approval f5 amend tht Halos His Off iciai Plat, Georgetown South Secondary Plan, tht Town's Zoning ay-law and ta conaider fltw plana of subdivision. Tht applicant wishes ta remove the prexent indastrial dexîgnafian in order f0 permit tht devefopment of a new residential cxmmanity of Setineen 8.000 tx 10,000 people. Coosiderofion of this applicafion will involvt an xssessmtflt of aIl industrial land in tht Town xf Halton His. The public is inoited f0 attend the meeting Io asir questions, ruise issues anri provide comments. Cooncil will nt St making a dtcision on the applications ai this meeting Sut wishes t0 hear public cnmmenfs, If a pemson or public body that files an appeal of a decision ot tht Txwn of Halton Hilîs in respect of tht proposeri Officiai Plan Amendmenf anri Zonîng By-lxw Amenrimenf, dots not muSe wrinten submissions tx tht Towt of Halton His Sefore tht proposeri Zonîng ffy-law or OfficiaI Plan Amenriment ix adopteri, tht Ontarix Monicipal Boxard may dismiss ali or part of the appeul. If you wîsh fx Se notifieri of tht adoption of tht proposeri Officiel Plat Amenriment yos mast make a . ... ..wnitten refluent f0 tht Town of Halton Hilîs, t Halton > H Ifs Drnne, P.0. Box f28, Halton Hillo, ON L7G 5G2. Mr Copiex of tht riratt Officiai Plan Amendment andi draff Zot tg By-law Ametriment are anailaSie f rom tht Planting Depatment. Fatthtr information is availaSle in tht Plantitg Depariment Sy calling Karen Pianosi ut 873-2601, extetuion 295. ALL INTERESTED CITIZENO ARE WELCOME DATEITIME: Monday, Ociober20, laa7, 7:800pi. SFILE NO: Dl 2IGeorgetown Soath Industrielf 4 NOTICE TO ELECTORS NTC OE ...... Municipal Elections wifl t e heiri on Motday, NonemSer 0FLI I 4 ."/41 a lOtS, 1997. Poils inil Se open fromt 10:00 a.m. f0 8:Oi p.m. A Voter Notification Card udvising of your pol ELECTORSo location Sas Seen sent f0 tacS residetce. Watch your 5/[o mail! Tht Assessment Office of tht Province eW 'c submîtteri tht preliminary fiat of electors for tht 1007 T Ea Advance Pols Muticipal Ete mionx. AdvncePois ae binghel fo yor cnveiene, Ax ot TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2nd, 1997, these iists Dates andri fmes are as folfvws: will Se posferi for inspection at: Safarday, Nesembor lat, 1997 - 9:08 arn. la 5:08 P.m. Clerh's Departmet Wodnesday, Nevembêr 11h, 1997 - 12:00 sean fa 8:08 Çinic Centre Z ü a t sp. 1 Haffon HuIs Drive AUTO SERVICE AND TOWING INC. Loatio Thofiesesar :0am o4:0pm odyt Werds 1 aad 2 Royat Canadian Leglon, Ttofc or r :0am 040pm odyf Branch Ne. 197 Friday. 15 Wright Avenue Acion Electors are requestei f0 examine tht lîstIo envure thaf Ward 2,3 aA4IainHtt litCar their name anri relevant information iv correct. 1 Hafton Hitte Drive In order for additions, deletions or corrections Io Se R M SGeorgetown marie, tl s necessary lv complete tht requireri fosa. unable fa sote et an Adeance Pafl t oan Pofling Day? These fvrms are anailaSie aut Suhiect lv certain conditivns, an eiectvr may appoint Cierfs Department anvther person us their prouy 10 vote on hîs or Set Greic Centre battait Tht prox mnust Se an elîgiSf e elector. Forms t Haffon HuIs Drive are availaS e ai the Cltrk's Department. Tht person Seing appointeri as tht provo must attend in person utApiain oadaedo eee oronifra tht Clerfi s Departmttt with tht proey form lv have if Apctio ts ly bmadri ario r EDelef oxuEBr o n dm certfiedby a EletionOffiiai.1997 tv MONDAY, NOVEMBER 101th, 1997. Applications Pr000 tsrms muy Se issatri dritng tht fvllioing ptri- f0 delete a oume other than youî owv name wîli Se 0 . 0 oris receiveri f rom TUESDAY. SEPTEMBEIl 2nd, 1997 lv Moaday fa Friduy au of Octeher 14d5 - 8:30 arn. te 4:30 pm. FRIDAY, OCT0OBER 101h, f997. Saiurdaff Nanember lis - 8:00 a.m. ta 5:08 pin. J. Latt Stewart, 2Wedneadaf Novearber Sba beIn 8:38 ansm - 8:88 p.m Tees Cltrk Manday, Nanemer 10th beirn 8:308m. and 8:00 pi. SERVICE HOURS. usSeat BAM98U IO Town Clerr IVI V E .e .n Hw 2ae % bd7.5. e%). 13;x 128 1Halsn Hil) r., H itn nHiis (cgctw () N 1,U 5(;2 1'l IF, CANADIAN (11AMPION 1

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