,ThepCanpdiari phmpQn, FÉc$ay, Septeber 149,AQ97p17 Com efiiveLeaue hias h I ,'hcaroiHrbs Another successful house league season has wrapped Up for our competitive teams! We'd like to thank.everyone who contributed to making last Saturday's Finals Day so successful. Special thanks also go to the following members of the Under 17 Girls Rep team who worked at the barbeque at Brian Best field: Laura Adamson, Kirsty Goodearle, Fiona Brawley, Vanessa Gunter,,Kelly McLaughlin and Laura Spagnuoto! Nouse League End UNDER il G"IRLS FIRST PLACE: CANADIAN TIRE Cbampionshlp Came: Hawkeyes 3 Hertz 0 The Hawkeyes came out to play, and allhough Hertz put torth a great effort, they fell short and gave up a 3-0 decision to the Hawkeye champi- ons. UNDER il BOYS FIRST PLACE: THE CANADIAN CHAMPION Champîonship Came: TIm Horions 5 Thie Canadian Champion1 UNDER 13 GIRLS FIRST PLACE: COFFEE TIME Cbampionsbl Came: Caftes Tîme 5 Bruce Hoad Travel 3 A close game to the very end, with end to end plays ail gamne long! Resu ifs away Reed, Paul Lemmon and Pat Mindortt. A won- Çmeas dertul season mas had by ail, see you on the If the pitch next season! anette lu ruiteve UNDER 15 BO YS Reed. CIBC losI their tirst playoti game, and wr Liredsey therelore eliminated. Oufferin Aggregates mon is off the their lirsl game, but were eliminated in the sec- FifÈt ond. to Mep UNDER 17 BVOYS i playeI This leam played in an Under 19 league ail sea- prtelding son, and untortunately those two extra years Inth meant a severe disadvantage aitIhis level, and k wele lhey were eliminated in their tirst playoft game. varted Ke rry UNDER 19 GIRLS Jalerie The team lought bard, but with a 3 player short- )ett and age, were eliminated in the semi finals. Thank youa f. ail out d.dicafied coaches!!t Yiour cîm en heIpod to ake this smasou oo@ of aur tout succaWsuî ever!!l UNDER 5 Hui PlyoulhCkrpl. Jeep Peter Casa & Martins Skuja Thonihur PeaaY Lié Pat Haggart & Roger Deinini Dat anéd ssa Rick Harris & Andrew Saunders Mjlea Phpie àSPo*llurgjyClulc Tory Hardford-Scarfte #m4n~ George Schembri Charly FlUwIikey' Tp Esay Ralph Williams Sfae aurer Patrick Shaw & Carrie Stockail Llaa Club Mike Dunphy & Cari Cousins UNDER 6 ZkPMMUY Andre Schader & Mr. Galbraith K"i-RM Tlm Nevins UNDER 7 Nalur's Fire John Stomphorst Axi# Lagisilu Liarn Johnston Valarlawac George Schembri klawaa Dwight Ward & Barbara F Danka Naf #m alla Brian AgIa, fini Hargreavi Cara Merritt La Raaa lalkafy Catherine Mazzocta, Ton Carol Russel, teani man Richnisea Char-OI Bob Burcheti & Doug Th Bah aid S",a Carl Cousins & JohannaI Lladaylcaaa- RUaa Mike Kluge & Anne Desn Naw M(35)Ru*llMaH~ l *M à Mm Fohn1 &Int Dan Scarffe & Leah Pinheiro Krystaî Bard, Ji Ksmu Mrs. Fratarcanç Leo Guidollin & Martins Skuj UNDER 9 Applua *SOka Marline MIDI & Kevi Nagy 5 1 * MinJaeW Nelson Vieira & Ian McMaster & Jacqul Stoke, lOin D.N11M tePmmanager Peter Webb & Juanita warzonek Mark Auger &I hn Crisci eol, tearn iNancy vi Shauna H Deborah B MsdNODuakfaauuaa Kelly Douglas, Dwight Ward& John Armstrong lie Hurla. Dauls Dennis Warzonek, Mary Warzonek, Karen Beaulieu & Kimi English UNDER 9 Bo YS Migu Opliasi club îeming Ian PhiIp & Patty Miller MliIlonJayeis & Chris Goodman &Jeft Lynch George Corbin & Roy Sieben ySgro & Bill Clifford & Stuart Connoîly iger Alpine OMMi Lindsay Dariing & Patrizia Gerace Mnon Ros*wlAmI.Ollr Richard Madge Barbita - o U R#lSWD*Wb Andrew Bowar & Duncan Gilmour Mce iiIDA lO chs Gary Freez, Mr. Richardson, Rosdeen11 & Rubino & Megan Paîlett, tean manager manager UNDER lGIL Nigel Cason nce John Rietman Havia asselteIdt Marcel Waanders lurke Kerry Samuelson UR il BOys MiMai ElotkitcMotua Cari Cousins ia Haua omisa Gus Elliott SarmaraFauly Ma*I Gillian Shepherd citM. Ruai Howard Leaman Dmu1111a18 DuHE ia insR Andre Choules lba Caaiau cheampian Ian Phitp - UNDVER 13 aIS Phil Dimaso & AI Denich swo reiFut Louise Merritt Peter Fazio Loule DiPalma & Chris Horbasz alaaPlua Mandy Johnston *Ma 0001 flUv Gary Keliner UNDER 14 DOvs$ Tm alWlaEqeHuOe Karen Champagne $911891814M Brian Beatty HuilW Tom Anderson Oualily Ila AI Rawson alillyflai"#$ Renato Mastracci UNDER 15 GIRLS NWAwAuôraIaa Steve Reed, -Paul Lemmon & Pat Mindorfi Cwlar' sai Louie Bonicci David Carson Pierre Doyon UNDER 15 BO YS Fred Mulligan ciac Geoff & Gia il Ford, Randy & Kim Adkins, Carole Griffon UNDER 17 GIRLS DevayýFaau MI Bob Rollwagen UNDER 17 BVOYS VIla Phu adl MW Gafry Hogg UNDER 19 GIRLS SwIrooauft Louie DiPalnia -.-- - - ___ - - __1