Barnes does it ag'ain DELREX ALUMINUM LIMITE[) -Aiuminum Awnings Caflopies -Eavestroughs -Storm Doors .Roofing -Windows *Siding -Fascia *Sofft in Living Coloors Aiso a fuil ine oi replacement windows 877-5383 MUA.R.C.H. MECHANICAL LTD. PARTS FOR Wusirers - Dryers - Ranges - Freezers -Refigeruiors - Dishwashers 785 Main Street East 876-1138 Acroos frors the GO Station r-. 'T ndvda nroup cossel tii g esion -Addiii esl tion s - Trb ims lnn C Deopaidds Weee Garag dolesem nge and grilde 1Donna L. White Milton/Guelph (95) 878-6358 DOe OBe: s N W sk imejrves o!!n K9 Ohediene e Chimney Rebuilds Tuck Poînting 11ÉP oGroup, privale, puppy ciasse Caps a Liners e Small Roof Repaira a SeinreAvne oSriq&Tann *Turbine Vents eBasement Leako I e beionr Consulante e BEuoare CD Traîoi eChimney Sweep BeainrCnuio KEdcoreDCas (OU5) 877-4217 nuE (mS) 885476 Cali Toru 905-875-1465 for more înbonnatloo Harry Bamnes was once again triuimphani l inrathion compe- tifion recently - ibis lime ai Guelph Lake. The Campbellviile resideut covered the 750-metre swim, 30km bike, 7km mun course in une hour, 31 minutev sud 14 seconds bo win the men's 50-54 year age class. H-e tiuished over 13 minutes ahead of runner-up Burt Long of St. Thomas. London's Colmn Kelly placed ihird. Milton's Anus Morris ws less than s minute behiud Susanne Trerise of Moffat for second-place honours iu the MERIDIAN EL E CT RI1C LT D A #uEl service II«eece Confeo MICHAEL). CONRetN Oorer/Operoior 11111 (905) 876-2452 Pomen (416) 339-8509 M.A.R.C.H. *Wofer Furnace Syofems Gas Propane and *Heai Pomps - Air. Oround Eieciric Fumaces & Wuler Sources High EOîiciency Air Filfers *Central & Room Air & Humidifiers 785 Main Street East 876-1138 (Service) 875-2700 (Sales) if you are an owner, consultant, representa- tive, coordinator, agent or distributor of a home based business, cail tu register in the 1998 Home Business Directory. Only $121!,ear. Cail 1-888-EVENT-95 Locally 905-878-3177 gINTERIORS lVe wilI help you decorate the honme of your dreans! Cal] us today! 875-2617 june Wilson Harry Bornes 40-44 women'v division. She clocked iu ai 1:58.01. Tins Brssm of Milton fin- ished second in the women's 50-54 loop, in s lime of 2:01.36. Hornby's Peirs Halk crossed the finish liue 36 min- utes Ister for third place. *l =6 SHER-BOND MASONRY Block Foundations Chimney Repeir P'-110 Retaining Wells *Fireplaces *General Masonry Work FREE Cali Steve McDougall ESTIMATES 878-4196 SEPTIC N PUMPING Robert Noble Ltd. -180 ft. of hose for crossing Iawns, 3 radio dispatched truckis to serve you. Dn'f Wglf l ferub - Puusp b.foere 5*', tao lfai (Should pump ai least every 3 yeurs) Neyer use coloured or double ply toilet paper. 4319) 853-0500 Atden Anewerlng Service 878-6869 OVER 20 VEARS EXPERIENCEI GLENVGARRY TENT RENTALS 'Tentsfor aff Occasions éFamily Rernions *Sporting Evente -Auion Sales *Lawn Parties Colleen & Kenneth MacDonald (905) 876-3785 0V Certlfled Provincial Arborists -HYDO LUNE CLEARING TRDLICB IEE TO MMING Titul Sulaic]3 HEDGE TO MMING ________________ STUMP REMOVAL -GO NS NG OVES 25 YEAO5 EXPEAIENCE Ya on evc FIJLLV INSURED "erRudSrie FREE-ESTIMATES CALL BRIAN L .~I e e ein belgs eco e 1.- j Every time you drive the 407 ETR without a transponder, you pay an extra $1.00 charge. Pick one up at most Driver & Vehicle lssuing Offices within the Greater Toronto Area for a fee of $11.50* including applicable taxes. Zip A cross Town 407 2Mi *This fée is a one time only payment fot an annual fée. Express Toli Route