The Canadian Champion, Tuesday July 8, 1997 -7 SO UR READERS WRITE TH AADA ,APP Let's get going on seniors'home Dear Editor: Your readers had htgh hopes more than stx months ago that a retirement home in Milton might have been on the way by now. Instead, there is no mention of progress and seniors and their fam- ilies are asking what is going on, if anything. In the meantime, three more elderly Haltonians have had to seek care in facilities as far away as Guelph. Just think of' how you and your parents will feel in an unknown facility, among strangers, long miles away Irons family members who are already on the road five days a week, and the change of doctors and hos- pitls. This is like being kicked out of your own home and a posi- tive disgrace 10 our community. Where bas our concern f'or humaniîy, and more, your own kith and kmn! Yes, we know it will take time 10 have a facility here become a reality and not be available to the present candidates, but we are increasing in number and need daily. We remind the regional politicians of the backing we were given 10 proceed and build a very-much needed retirement home in Milton. But we hear very litîle of action and nothing of pushing is by our local representatives. We suspect that the necessities to inove on (watcr) cannot mecl the needs of the guests in Halton and families that are our own. It would seem only fair that the powers that be making the decisions give sizeablc tinancial help 10 increase the basics needed for growlh in Milton. Why should we in Milton not be able to have whaî we need? Our hope is lu draw attention to what is going on. We want 10 know who is backing the needs of the local community. Our nuru- bers could change a tally of votes. Humanity should be our first conceru. Please, "do unto others." Audrey Lyle Milton When nature catis who lîstens? Dear Editor: The letter is regardtng your North Halton MPP Ted Chudlcigh supplement on Friday, June 27. 1 was dclighted to read about Mr. Chudleigh's enthusiasm for the Bruce Trail. Let's hope bis caucus colleagues can be brought to share bis enthusiasm flot only for the Bruce Trail but for wild areas in general, so that they may reconsider their thoughts on the Red Hill Expressway, gravel extraction in Caledon, old growth logging in Temagami, tast track approval for property developers and other such guardians of the wilderness. And doesn't he have a lot of nerve claiming credit for the new 12 Division police station? 1 seeru 10 recaîl the Tories were only elected îwo years ago, and 1 suspect this project bas a longer history than that. Bert Jenkins Milton One dissatisfied Miltonian Dear Editor: Whaî is wrong with our garbage pick-up? My daughter took two bags -one in each hand -to the curb. They were left behind with a sticker saying they exceeded the weight limit. What are we hiring - a bunch of weaklings? She weighs 110 pounds. Today 1 lefî brushings on the curb and received another sticker - length and bundling required. Have you ever bundled branch- es? 1 complied wiîh an earlier request in having the thieker stemu facing the road. This is totally ridiculous. No wonder wc se such garbage along the side of our country roads. N. Hadlow Milton ft s ouc fo- sorc fosuc Milton, ON Plc Az cO * * IDAYSGONLY LIQUDATION alchune UnbelevabloU-'q One Step Full Embroidery Plus.. Buttonhoil for ogily or i9 Serger Differential Feed! W '~' HEAVY DUTY A. Semi-Industrial, ifferential Feed' onliy OAKVILLE SEWUNG CENTRE Trafalgar Village Mail ( 442 8 125 Cross Ave. Oakville (0)8 42 8