The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, July 8, 1997 --23 Crowds cluster around Flyers' superstar BY STEVE LeBLANC Special to The Champion Erie Lindros may no( have brought his game lace to Greystone Golf Club Sunday, but his star was every bit as bright as it always is among Canadian sports l'ans. The Philadelphia Flyers superstar head- mcnd an array of sports and entertainment personalities during the Celebrity-Amn por- tion of the two-day Altamira Charity Challenge. The fourth annual golf extrava- ganza raised $700,000 for eigbt children's charities. It's rare that I'm able to be involved in an event of this magnitude, with such a large sum of money going to s0 many char-ities,- said Lindros, just prior to his shotgun start. "Most of us bere today have been lor-tunate enough to realize our drcams. 1 hope that the moncy r-aised will enable a lot of kids to pur-sue theirs." Retlecting back on this spring's Stanley Cup playoffs, he said hc was definitcly disappointed at how badly bis teamn "fal- tered- against Detroit after such an impressive r-un to the finals. "We did gain a lot of experience howev- er, and bopcfully the guys will take that int next season. 1 know 1 will. Detroit went through the same thing before they actually won the Cup, and 1 guess we're in that predicamrent now." Lindros shied away from weekend reports claiming former Boston Bruina captain Wayne Casbman would become the Flyers' new head coach. He did admit though that these type of media leaks often Jprove to be valid. His popularity witb fans, both young and old, more than made up for bis 4mediocre golf gamne. He poised for count- less pictures and signed everything from bats and programa to cardboard cut-out, orange and black coloured 88s. Joining Lindros Sunday at Greystone were former Blue Jay pitcher John Cerutti, actors Keith Carradine and Peter Jason and Canadian Olympie cycliat Curt Hamett. "This year's Charity Challenge raised $400,000 more than lasi year when we had (Michael) Jordan in Brampton," explained Altamira public relations director Paula Oreskovich. Tbe Pro-Am haîf of the annual fund- raiser was held yesterday (Monday). Fred Couples, David Frost and Jeff Sluman were among the big names scheduled to compete. Details were unavailable at press Photos by Graham Paine Erie Undros (rlght) celebrates his slnklng putt on the thîrd green as fans wlth thelr number 88 signe watch the star hockey player at Groystone Golf Club. Olymnpic cycllst Curt HemeItt (top), who algo attendsd the fundrasler, showed hîs frustra- tion on the puftlng green. Above, Marianne Roooto (left) and Patrîzla Ventura <rlght), both 14, watch the star hockey player from behlnd the Uînes. Leworthy won 't mask playoff disappointm eut By STEVE LeBLANC Special to The Champion A championship by another name won't be nearly as sweet, according to Jim Leworthy. The Jr. B Mavericks skipper didn't mask bis disappointment after bis team failed to qualify for tier 1 post-season play. Placed in a must-win situation Friday by Guelph - who beat Spartan Il - 6 nSt. Catharines the previous night - Milton felI 13-12 to Scarborough at Tonelli Ar-ena. Despite a 13-8 triumph over Brantford Sunday, the Mavericks îtnished one point back of Guelph for tbe fourtb and final Founder's Cup playoff spot in the West Division. Tbey'll now go afler tbe Blair Tropby (tier H championship), and Mark Biesel. They scored just once in tbe final frame and with their lirst challenge coming againat Brantford in a best-of- allowed Scarborougb the game-winning goal in the last three min- five showdown. The senes opener is Friday in Milton at 8 p.m. utes of play. "bt's disappointing not to be going after the Founder's Cup alter Hartholt lit the lamp five times and Leworthy Jr. assisted on the great mun we had," said Leworthy, whose team was 10-5-1 at every one - plus those by Biesel and Jeff Currie. Also scoring tbe end of May but ended up Il - 10- 1. "Its (Blair Trophy) a were Graham Darling, Cory Leigh and Brad Moyer - who along Junior C cbampionsbip and not nearly as important. Basically I'm with brother Brent made a rare appearance. going to use the playoffs as a tesbing period for bbe younger play- Along with Currie and Adam Cunningham, the two have been ers. Andrew (Hartbolt) and Jimmy (Leworthy Jr.) aren'b going to fulftlling work commitments over tbe pasb few weeks while miss- be cballenged in tbese playoffs." ing gamnes and practices. Milton surr-endered an 11-9 lead in tbe third period Friday, Another five-goal output Sunday in Brantford secured despite a near full lineup and disciplined efforts by Leworthy Jr. e see MAVERICKS on page 24