16-The Canadian Champion, Tueaday, July 1, 1997 Double trouble for Red Sox in weekend home bombing By STEVE LeBLANO Special ta The Champion The Milton Red Sox sweated out a dou- ble-header at Brian Best Park Saturday - but flot because of sizzling temperatures. Marred by ineffectîve pitching and non- existent defense, the HJM Insurance-spon- sored crew was knocked around ail after- noon by league-leadmng Erindale. Looking to build momentum before their big showdown with second-place Burlington, the Cardinals bombed Milton 1l-0 and 10-4 (o improve to 12-4 on the season. The homctown boys meanwhile, slipped fuither into the basement and now ait at 3- Imagine the future and thin< of value Union Energy wants to help you understand the changea that are going on in the natural gas industry. The governmelnt-regulated energy industry is being "deregulated.' Union Energy has been specifically designed to operate in the deregulated naturel gas industry and to bring you all of the energy products and services vou'l need in the future. Union Energy will provide you with the same value, comfort and service you've corne to expect over the pat 85 years from our affiliated comparsies, Union Gas and Centra Gas. Ail three entities are owned by Westcoast Energy Inc. We'd like to give you free information that makes sense of what deregulation means to you. Cali toli free i1888 774-2222 and we'll send you a free booklet on natural gas deregulation and more information about Union Energy. emailI@ uniotette rgy. ca 12-I. The absence of pitching staff mcm- bers Craig Holloway and Scott Gadd was another hindrance in the team' s nightmar- ish weekend. Erindale's Ed Stoduaki single-handedly destroyed the Red Sox in the opening con- test. The heavy-hitting firat baseman launched three atraight home runs over the right field fence - two of which eventual- ly crossed Commercial Street. His long balla - in the third, fourth and fifth inninga - cashed in eight runs and resulted in a ftve-inning mercied gamne. Milton starting pitcher George Moore gave up four earned runs in the third inning while infteld errora resulted in two more. Reliever Damien Campbell enjoyed the saine amount of success and support over the final 2 2/3 inninga. Cardinals' hurler Dan Gardiner received ample defensive help from his mates, who made two double-plays and four other key put-outa. He gave up only three hits including a double and a sitngle to Tony Casarin. Rookie Kevin Wilson also recorded a hase hit. The Rcd Sox seemed to recover from a haîf-hour intermnission, with early gamie two signs indicatieg an allernoon split. NVhat they didn't counit on svas another disastrous third-inning, which quickly turned their threc-run cushion into a iop- sided defeat. Erindale's Mick Chur-cher took local pitcher Timn Chapman downtownl wtth a two-run blast that highlighted their third frame. His tcammatcs mustered six other rues to put the kibosh on Milton's victory celc- bration. Like Moore, Chapmatî was relieved in the third by Troy Brady who gave up ose mun in each of the Cardinals' last two at- bats. First-year catcher Jeff Sommer providcd the only bright spot in the Red Sox' offen- sive campaign with a two-run homer in the third. Jeff Carry was credited with an RBI on a ftrst-inning sacrifice fly. Adam Flatt cashed in the final mun for Milton in the fith, bringing home Casarin who again cranked out a cotuple of hits. Duo of wins at triathion Milton had a pair of wtnners at Sunday's President's Chuîcc Triathlon Serics in Guelph. Harry Barnes covered the grueling course in 2:12.25 for top honours in the 50-54 men's clasa. He finished four-and-a- haîf minutes ahead of runner-up Ian Stuart of Toronto. Anna Morris beat aIl comers in the 30)- 34 women's division. She crosscd the lin- ish line at 2:39.04 - more than eight min- utes ahead of Hamilton's June Jcnkins. Meanwhile, Tina Braam and Kathie Key placed third and fourth respcctively in the 50-54 women's clasa. Braam finished in 2:50.34 while Key came in 49 seconds later. GET INFORMATION! REPORT SIGHTINGS! 1-80M-5347711 ONTARIO FEDERATION 0F ANGLERS & ~ HI/ [RS Imagine the future and thinl< of nion Energy mion energy C reatîng energy solutions for your future