Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 Jun 1997, p. 29

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The Canadien Champion, Friday, June 27, 1997-21 CLASSIFIED Classfied OURS MONDAY TO FRIDAY ,Classirie9:00 A.M 5:00 PM ~7jji/e~stcrnes ,Mdlestc ýail The i impion lor Our new nounice your special event, 01 Births BERGSMA, Peter & Janine (Boonisma) preise God for the gift of s son, Gavin George born June 20, 1997, weighing 7 Iba. il ozs. A little brother for Elliot. Grateful grandparents are George & Shirley Bergame and Martin & Helen Boomama. Special thanka Io Dr. Ramanna, Dr. Norman, Dr. P. Zeni and ta the wonderful DB staff ai Georgetown and District Memorial Hospital. PRESENTING A CARLOS li JOANNE LOBO production of "Irs A Girl" stanling lisabella VIzzini Lobo. Directed by Dr. Suppal and Dr. Robinson and assistant directors Nurse Evelyn and Denise. At a premler release Jure 14, 1997 ai 11:13 p.m. hield ai Milton District Hospital, Iabe- la made hier grand debut with the aid of support- ing lead actars Carias and Joanne Labo who play Mom and Dad in this Dscar winning performance. Film legenda CarIas and Maria Labo of Kitdhener and Chanile and Carmelina Vizzini of Milton who play grandparents also attended. An after blrth reception followed and was attended by great grandparenta Antonio and Rosa Volpe and aunts and undles John and Us Vizzini, Geoif and Ana Knapp, Tony Vizzini and first cousin Aidia Vizzini. RACZAK, Dan à Karen nee (Vickery) of Westchester, Dioa are proud ta announce the binth of tieir son, Colin Emmanuel, 7 lbs. 1 1/2 oz. at Betheada Nortih Haspital, Cincinnati, Dioa on Jure 21, 1997. A littie brother for Curtie. Proud grandparenta are Dr. & Mrs. Rajczak, Hamilton and Bob & Paye Star, Milton. Thanka Auntie Kelly for being here. In Adnntinns PELLIZZER-MARIN UZZD, Dscar and Dan a returned home on June 10, 1997 from Moscow. Russia along with Chair newiy adopted son Austin Ivan (13 montho oid). Very proud grandparento are Luclo and Vittoria Marinuzzo and Vittorio and Elide Peiiizzer. A new nephew for Nadia and Walter, Vania, Dave and Kelly. A cousin for Dylan and Dlivia. A spa- ciai thanko to CHRC for guiding our Little Angel home. OS Birthdas BIRTHDAY PARTIES at Springridge Farm. Wagon rides, farmn animais, collect a chicken's egg, haystack jumping, privaise Party rooni and lunch. Milon, 878-4908. 1~ Phntnnranhv PHOTOGRAPHY - Weddings, portait. and ape- ciml occasions. Reasonably pniced. References. Cal Steve or Louis (905) 878-4560. 14 Weddina Srvices 30 Deaths. .. . . REICHERT, Alois (Lau) - At Brantwood Uifecare Centre, Burtington on Wednsday, June 25th, 1997, Ali& Reichert, beloved husband of Mary (rne Stephenson) Reichert of Milton. Loving father of Kart and his %vifle Helen of Milton, Lynn and his, wifle the laie Heather Reiner of Alberta and Shamo and lier husband Bruce Bunker of Pari Lauderdaie. Predecesed by 4 brothers and 4 aisters. Also Ioved by grandchmldren Psul, Mark and his vifle Maryann, Bilan and hae wife Dlana, Karen and hier husband Donald Campbell, Ann and haer husband John Legere, Lama and hier husband Paul Volimin, Coileen and lier husband Dennis Faryna and David Reichert, Bruce, Joey, Steven and Laura Bunker. Funeral Service wlli ha held on Friday ("ady) at 1-00 p.m. from the J. Scoft Early Funerai Home, 21 James Street, Milton. Interment ta follow in Evergreen Cemetery, Milton. WILSON, Mervin <Cartuocla) CIffrd - Peace- fully at the Milton District Hospital on Monday, June 23, 1997. beloved husband of Gertie. Loving father of Gwen Crossan of Hamilton, Jean and bier husband Don Purnesa of Camphallville, Marsha Wilson of Dakville, 8111 and bis wife Nancy Wilson of Milton and Marna and her bushand Jack Mayhaw of Milton. He wld ha missed by grandohildren, Dan and bis wife Elaire, Genny, Sheila, Cathy, Jason, Lauren, Jennifer, Mark and Katie. Survived by alater, Mary and brother Eaui. Puneral Service was field on Thursday, Jure 26th. Interment followed at Evergreen Cemetery, Milton. Arrangements througb the J. Scott Eariy Funerai Home, 21 James St., Milton. 37 In Memoriams DUKE, Aian - In Ioving memory of a special husband and fathair, June 23, 1954 - June 29, 1994 Dur lives go on withouf you And nothing i. the samie We have ta bide aur heartache When somneone speiaks; your mmne Sad are die hearts that love you Silent the tears that fali Living aur lives without you les the hardesi part of ail Sadiy Mlaaed Dy Wlfe Dandy, Daughter, Shannon and Son*, Ryan and Adam HARîNGA, Fred - In loving merrxony. Jure 30, 1995. if's been two years ince you've been gore, But dont you wony, your memovY la stilI strong. We thmnk of you each passing day, it helpe ta know your iooluing aur way. So keep on smiling and we wii fao, Keep on watching, as you do. Always remember and dont forget, W. lave you as if you neyer lefi. Wif. Fini, maona Alberi Clarence, Ron, Fred, Daid md thelr f.mMee. 37 In Memoriams RANGER, Philip Richard - June 27, 1987. Tan yesrs have now paased It still seemas like yesterday Dur famniy wiil neyer ha As it once was However, we are strong willed And supportive of each other PhIIp will live lhrough aur lives and memorles forever. Theres some things a dnink driver Can neyer teke tram us. God Bisas PfnIlIp Dad, Mani, Mîke, Suman and Debbie LSHEA, Don- In iavung memory of my dear husbanid, Don Shea - June 26, 1996. We will always walk hand in hand. Loved forever, Jackie. SHEA, Donaid T. - In loving memary of a very special nephew and cousin Donnle who pasaed away June 26, 1996. Not juat today, but every dey, In silence, we remember. Sadiy mlsed by Aunt Laure and famiiy. SHEA, Donald T. - In loving memory of a dear son and brother Don who passed away June 26, 1996. Remembening you la easy, We do it everY day, But missing you la heartbreak, It neyer goes away. Loved and sadiy misaed by Motte, Siatar Margi. and Brother-ln-law Ken. SHONA CAMERON & CRAîG HARRISON would like ta thank everyone who came ta their "Stag & Dos" and made it such a memorable nigbt. Thank you ta ail wha donated prizes. Alan a apecial thank you ta Plana, Uisa, Kirk & Neil for organizing a great time for ail. Thank you one and ai Shona & Cralg THE MANNING FAMîLY wabh ta express their sincere thanka ta Rev. Bob Hyde, staff and congregation of St. Paul's United Churchl and also ta the Kocher family of McKersie-Kocher Puneral Home. 50 Comina ~vents MYRDDIN Summer Riding Promotion, Juiy 1lst ta Auguaf 29, Manday ta Friday. English Beginner & Novice riding lassons. Private lessons, $25 per baur, group lessons $15 per hour. Cail the day beflore and psy as yau ride. 1 km. wesf of Trafal- gar on Maple Ave. Cal Margaret Godson, 877- 6698 and leave message. SAIL à FLY. Would you like Io sai from Meaford ta Wiarton on Juiy lOth for 4 nigbts & 5 day. aboard a 40 fi. luxury saliboat. Trip indludes double privais cabin, fuil breakfast, VIP weekend peas ta wiarton Air Show. Price $250 PP double. Cati (519) 538-3153. 55 Notices LAURA BARBARA DIXON'S third book, "'CHANGING SEASONS" -Celebrating her 90 years of Meinories in Poery. and Hisçtorie Matres. AVAILABLE IN MILTON AT: Doriand-Haight Galieries Harris Stationery Smith Books Spice O'Life AND NEARBY AT: Bousfietd's Apple Farm Cyril Steven Interiors, Campbeilviiie Kiibride Country Store. Kiibrlde 51 Summier Camps MYRDOIN SUMMER RIDING Day Camp, June 30 - Auguat 29. 5 fun filed days of activties 8:00 ta 4:00 p.m., 2 rides. daîly, demonstrations, stable management and a home show, $1 75 + GST par week or $40 per day. Cal Margaret Godson 906- 877-6698 leave a message. 60 Auctions jBCANAD imi So lioSAErs(l~ &) 78 le Fie od nt Cnr spe87 od Gulh Rd., Mu leod es 18 YBU7U IN.DGTLS tellieStNi. 0 Ianns Caesfo oeyr. 'v y $7./e. 1-800-267-t/ old AZTEC i o INTERNETAC C o Srfer Hy 5&6t, w iN o f Halon own1m omew 6 i grw tRne pravider. on.v rates7, lkE' SErc, 60fin wwwzec ne3t.sco d.As » dlg CAPE VALU CaS tupal0eca frol $330. IGILue apelte pdistallaton. anel rie, fax oemar Windo 5. $15week. 1-27 80067-966 DINEINRNES 9ceS chery than, $1750de. beit Fresh J hinpervie, larg bArPefrAUE banquet ale $2800; Elab orately unique Ices Dalt ainstalatiFr. Dneley IRRMGATEON 1,000AL Pe, ntium12 ipe, CD hp.efa umodem qunWyinbwrd5 Spnnkl/e. 90- 878-067-94. LOVE SE, uia Fcabinet, e aden large 2 eaveso, batche table,cais $878-2; Eaftery duiqe bied/c ao Mfait efgeatre Maley dryer, Ke ne waher fr ers. xcelen cond06o.87-1. SOE Sae. Prshe upcauret ett wenngrble/ chlars Rail endtablie qucaiies. -28ar alitbyCustoin Upahteing. 875442 9-9.pllou duO eT edont at i ILRpaeet fergao am for cushion esidrenta/Commreeer. Ficelden cpoditoyn .. 87 -9 .m. aswet.85 $447Sl. harshe m$16 peas ou dinette/ro diningrooRollhairs. Lneret fee qacunt. Free p18.up/ellvsery. Senir isclaoura inleFieuldty uayCustom Uphstering 75442ek 9am-9 p4.87-27 Pris on any alt decSTor ar fabtric Soa. tr-aprlodSfsm $598. Sofabedatm$47Chis tram $198ron har. Int-frea f accountes. Fre iku/eily piWpkr.Senioir discounts. ield Ouaity so CutrUpho ng, 7 day eek, - p .m. - WSTERN SIS ak AoPPAREL Sow Rode Dnci n Casyualy Lawesto prics aonds DacCastegai Equestral lrig Par 5111 Hwy 25, WhIon at The Ranch. Open Saturday& Sunday 12-5. 878-3786. WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHY -100-115 proofs in album plus negatives. 15 years expenience. Roi- able and masonable. Picture Perec Wedding . Photography. 905-6394710. ni 1

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