14-The Canadian Champion, Fniday, June 13,1997 Public mieeting on road rebuildin nx we 1 ?, ýi- R ,"c)k , 1 tcc riliP, L i I 1\ itil McCormick Rankin, recently walked town counicillors through the proposed recon- struction of James, Victoria and Elizabeth streets. The streets will be main- tained at a narrower than aver- age wicdth, counicillors heard, partly because or low traffic volumes and a concern for sev- eral large trees. Residents might want to con- one side of Victoria Street, Mr. Rook said. He mentioned that the public could be presented with similar options for other stretches of roadway before plans are final. A lew unstable trees have been slated l'or removal duning the project. There will bc a public infor- mation session ait Town Hall on Wedncsday. June 18 between 4 p. n ai ý') p m The Region nf t-lton is co- ordinating the pmoject hecause they are replacing ares water- mains. The Town of Milton is budgeting $593,000 for their part of the project while Halton Region is planning to spend $403.000 for sewers and $306.000l on watermains. Assurance of insurance Councillors decided to stick with the Frank Cowan Council Briefs Company to handle the Town of Milton's insurance needs despite an annual cost of $21 1,008. Jim McQuecn, Milton's only other choice was a small co-operative of Ontario munic- ipalities wbich are largely self- insured. While the initial premium required by the cooperative is lower than from the Cowan Company, any dlaims could generate additional asseas- ments from members. In the past two years these extra payments have largely eaten up any savings in premi- oms. Mr. MeQueen did say the municipal cooperative could become a lot bigger in the near future, adding several hundred municipalities. The Cowan Company has been Milton's insurance carrier [or more than 20 years. t lti il ut.1 illi wi l a substantial jump in dlaimrs the premium for this coming year has risen $26.886 over the bud- get amount. New road projects Town counicil approved four projecta to be undertaken as part of the second phase of the Canada-Ontario Infrastructure Program. Ail projects are asphaît overlay jobs. Wilson Avenue [rom Main to Woodward, Market Drive from west of Martin Street 10 the railroad tracks, Laurier Avenue froin the 16 Mile Creek bo Ontario Street and Thorupson Road from Derry to Laurier have ail been approved. GEORGETOWN CINEMAS I V235 Guelph Street 873-1999 from Union Glas instali the cool comfort of air co nditioning in your home., Because right 110W there's no payment for 90 days, * plus a $100 saving* on any installed air conditioner purchase! Don't wait for a sweltering August night to buy your air conditioner. Beat the rush and do it now. And save! Gali 876-3017. *De ferede payret Oc al cile tu Jror c e ac cesdeccia cccsocec s cri .cîcîcoved creeit Ail ooccer offecs coi applicable. Offer V,11( fcOIc JoIre 1 Jurce2i 97. Tiiere are ta set- ip fees or, early paymerit perralties for firiaiccceq Caili cclii as for detacil Limited Tim e Off er!. Order before June 21/97 $100 off* Air Conditioning 0 mniongas Bmri n gin gen er i nto IL! mrngwu r 1 if orCustom Fo air fhofic F .AU wo Yor omle ooceCtre"ten for many foot related probems (905) 845-8720 136 Dunn St E., OakiIe oOrthotics or Foot Care Produets otwear or Sports Medicine Producis rk is performed on site which means lasser, more effective treotment. LA ROu"SE ITALIAN BAKErRY'S PATIO B.tu R&gelat MILO FRI.JMR 13 &SAT. 10Oam -3 Pm " Homemade Italian Sausage or Hamburger, Pop arnd et Our Homemade Gelato <con, or cup> ....$4.00 " Mot Dog, Pop & Gelato (cone or cup ....$3.00 Enter to w.n a 0< Lawn Bowling Set) vi $100 Value. 5w Tickets 3for $1 327 MRONTE ST. (White OakS Plaza) 875-0303