rBeef and vegetable enchiladas Preparaîîon iiii1k Cookirng lilîle: 1 lhsi) 1)5 inh) 2 1/21lh (250 g) 2 1 cup (250 mL> 1 tsp (5 mL) o>l nîcd ium Ontiario untion, chiopped cloves garlic, crushed cooked roast heef. dîced (aborut 1 cup/250 mL) large Ontario polalo, pecled aîîd cul ouio sunai) dice meîdium Ontario carrols, cul 010o sinall dîce sliced Ontario mushroomis cao (14 (1//398 mL> lomato sauce chili powder dried oregano i tsp (5 mL) ground cumin 12 corn toril1las (6 in./I15 cm) 1 cup (250 mL> shredded old Cheddar cheese t cup (250 mL) shreddcd Monîerey Jack cheese Sour cream Chopped Ontario unions Chopped fresh parsley In large non-stick skîlleî, heat oit over medium carrois and iushrooms. Stîr logether lomalo sauce, chili powder, oregano and cumin; add 1/2 cup (l 25 mL) sauce and 1/4 cup (50 mL) waler tu skillet. Cuver and cook over low heal 10 min, or until veg- etables are tender. Pour remaining sauce and 1/4 cup (50 mL) water mbt 13x9 in. (33x23 cm) baking dish. Warm 4 tortillas ai a lime in microwave oven on High 20 sec. Quickly dip each tortilla in sauce in dinh lu coat bolh sides; filt tortilla wvith some of the beel mixture. Roll up and push lu une end ut dish. Repeat with remaining tortillas and filling, packing them in a row. Sprinkle with Cheddar and Monterey Jack cheese. Bake in 350'F (180'C) oven 15 lu 20 min, or until healed through. Serve 2 enchiladas per person with sour cream, chopped onions and pars- ~fet; cook union and garlic 5 min. Add bcdf potato, ley. Serves 6.J Cancer can be beaten. CANADIAN SOCIÉTÉ CANCER ICANADIENNE Nit:NrSOCIETY IDU CANCER eo 1oCoe eoYu - 1e vvi~F Il "DmRU &# ââ MEWMOS MAY 2:3- FROM CHICR6O.. ITTLE HOCK SIMMONS - FRIDAYI MAY 30 L'IL EUD C'THE IMPERIRL FLAMES-SAT. MAY 31 HWY#2 OeLg Nort of #40,lt (95 87m28 w11ernorn~usuir AI CONe IIONIN M.A.R.C.H. *Waier Purnace Spstems Gas Propane and *Heai Pumps - Air. Grousd Eieciric Fumaces & Waier Sources High Efiiciency Air Piliers *Ceniral & Roorn Air & Humirijiiers 785 Main Street East 876-1138 (Service) 875-2700 (Sales) DELREX ALUMINUM LIMITED *Aluminum Awnings *Canopies *Eavestroughs -Storm Doors *Roofing -Windows .Siding -Fascia *Soil in Living Colours Also a ful lirie of replacemenlt windows 877-5383 M.A.R.C.H. MECHANICAL LTD. PARTS FOR Washers -Dyers Ranges -Freezers -Refrigerators -DisOrsasharS 785 Main Street East 876-1138 Acrosa front the GO Stalion eIIT1 1*16 - « dà=I1 7" Let our Champion Team of Àward Winning Professionals help you * Fuit Design & Production of Camera Ready Art aElectronie Page Design Ideal for Flyers, Newsletters, Brochures, Price Lists, Catalogues, Business Cards, Forms, Letterbeado, Resumes & Menus 878-2341 191 Main St.E. e e-ACOR GEORGETOWN PARALEGAL CLINIC 232A Guelph St., Georgetown Consulting in: *Worknaens Compensation Canada Pension Disabilities *SmaIl CIaims 1-800-566-8566 or 873-2718 eOKMT AEA M okL&cIeà.", SEPTIC N PUMPINO Robert Noble Utd. -180 fi. of hose for croasing iawns, -3 radio dispaiched trucks toi serve you. Dea'f Wuk fer ft..hJ - 111lp behe. WB'f aie 1. (Should pump ai leas avers 3 peurs) Neour usa oloured or double ply loilel paper. (319) 853-0500 Actin Answerlng Service 878-6869 OVER 20 VEARS EXPERIENCE! à-1-se r e'i L - WET BASEMENT? Donit jusi fix it - Truseal if -Wsiitee Liielîme Onarariee *Inierlor ; Exierior Installaion P rea Esimain The Besi Valua for your - Im mprooerreni Dollar 416-253-7632 & ruseaI Toli Free: 1-888-878-7325 Fesensiiv adColin sstac Barristers & Solicitors 64 Ontario St. N. Milton L9T 2T1 ph: 878-8123 fax: 878-2555 evening and sveekeiid appointinents availahlu a - -