16 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, May 20, 1997 Date/mne * from DATEI NF on paqfo 15 The mca) includes beef, rolîl, bakcd polato. retish tray, vegetable, home- mnade pie and tea or coffee. The cost is $10 f'or adulte and $5 for children. Childrcn agcd 4 ycaro and under est frce. Proceeds support residents' pro- grams. Caîl 878-2643 for tickets. The Milton Choristers presenîs An Elizabethan Serenade at the Bavarian Chalet et 7:30 p.m. The audicnce je invited to travel back te, the days of Elizabeth I to hear the STAY COOL WiTTH CONDI i v1 : !0 ! f1i piil l, v( ,l B,ý, hiî, t i i('. i ý:i\1i! st -i andi ici v vii liiiý i.,vv i ý 11Li1n Shakespeare with music înspîrcd by the Bard of Avon. A cash bar and snack menu is available. Admission cosîs $10, or $8 for seniors and stu- dents. Children aged under 12 years arc admitted froc. Tickets are available et Peggy's, Delacourt's or by calling 875-4588. Sunday May 25 The Milton Children's Chorus pre- vents Here's To Song et Knox spring a i -,' 1vîvi. ,\cv d u,îad 1,i i dîrector cilthe concert, whîch lectures selections from Cape Breton. Tickets. which cost $5, are available et the door or in advance by calling 878- 9937. Children under 12 years old are admitted froc. The Haltoît-Peel branch of the Ontario Genealogicial Society meets in the Iower level of Chinguacousy Branch Library, 150 Central Park Dr., n Brampton et 2 pru. The guosl speaker is Perry Spice of the Family is Summerîs heat is only weeks siway, so now (s the time to get ready. You cen trust us to service your central air conditioner by having Dur 'Peace-Of-Mind' expert check and inspeot the following:t /air flow asnd lilter /condessate pamp ant inmes /cleas outaitie contienser colt /autiaor fas mater ./start systers and check apuraties /adoisu as propur oeuratien /chuck for propur cooleot luvuls and systums chargu lluak rupair uxtra) /cvvliog ullicieocy beur experts caoi uoplaio this te youl $7995*1 .1îumace fan, mote5, bults, heariogs $7 J /thrmostat 0ur expert Cuchnicians will aise dlean teve cvmpvnunts as necuvsary for propur vipuraivon. Cali Union Cas for'Peace-Of-Mind' air conditioner, barbecue and fumnace Spring Tune-Ups today! 1 800 226-4160 CET REAOY TO COOK WITH THE BARBECUE MAINTENANCE CHECK Whether it's propane or natural gas, yeu casi grill ta perfection ater acr BBQ maintenance. /clean herser & grill /replace or atit lava rocks/bricks as reqairet /check gais valve & dlean orifice oI spider webs /check fer gas leaks $395*Whesdone as air conditior check ui~4~ ~ BE PREPARED WITH OUR NATURAL GAS FURNACE MAINTENANCE CHECK Haveo vexuperts do Che 20 peint furnace maintenancu iuvpecbient at te vamu tim0 and yoe caoi vavu $20 voff Chu regular price. We gearuotue yoer furnace wîll stars Ceet huatisg veasosi. We warraoty our labour until Duc 1/97. $ 9 95ýhe avrie at a i m $5 sa i cdiione chck 10 unionlgas energy for you i1 )ui l1 i. L i.' 1vii 1[ii vi 1 l i 1, [, 11,, i l Rcscarch'. Visîtors arc wclcoîtec. info Crmaiti vii tilduaginig stress Monday May 26 The Victorian Order of Nurses holds a foot care clinic et Lowvville United Church, 5800 Quelph Lino (et Bnittania Road), froru I to 4 p.m. The cost is $15. For further information or an appointruent, eIli 827-8800. Foot care clinics are by appointruent only. A six-wveek stress management course offered by the Halton branch through a varicty ot' approaches including relaxation techniques, lifestyle alîcrativîns and changes is thinking and attitudes. Thc format of the course includes a coinhination oif lecture, group discussion and individ- uel exercices. The course runs Mondeys until June 30 from 7 to 9, p.m. in Oakville. The cost iu $65. Fori more information or to register cal 845-5044. TO0W N 0FP HALTON HIILLS Workiug Together Workng for YeaI WEED CONTRL"1- NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS THE ONTARIO WEED CONTROL ACT AS IT APPLIES TO PERSONS IN POSSESSION 0F LAND WITHIN THE TOWN 0F MALTON HILLS Unleso noxious weeds are destroyed by June 2nd, 1997 and as otten as necessary throaghoai the season ta preveot the ripening ot their seetis and dispersa ai their pollens, the Town of Halton His may enter prisate propeity and destroy ihese weeds. The cents wilt be ctiarged againsi the properis ewner and collected in the manner ef manicipal taxes. The Weed Castrat Act creates an eltence fer persans wtre contravese the Act er the regatations. Tthe Town may preceed with tega action againsi any owner et persan who talla te cemply with the Act. Geais heard, thisdes, poison iey, ragweed, wild caraot and mitkweed are ameng the weeds censidered nenieus, and mast ha itestreyed whereeer teund. Cemplaints regarding tiandetien and golden ted will net be accepted as these are net conaidered neclees coder the terrmsof The Weed Centrel Ad. Anssymeus cemplaints wili sot be accepted. Any cencerois piease direct enqairies te Ron McKnight et extension 370. Cathy Sinclair, Weed inspecter EMPLOYMENT OPPOnRTUNfITY The Engineering andi Public Works Depariment reqaires two (2) temperary seasena emplepees. Gerierl Qualfcation The succesoful applicants mast have e oalid " licence with 'Z" endorsemeol. Grade 12 diploma or equisalent eeperiesce. Demosstrated abîlity te operate a ose maril ssow plow, both tandem and single cote trocke wîth reversîblo plow and wisg attachmest, iront end leadler, tractais, ose tes ssewplew tour wheel douve snow plow, sander wîth tee way box, chars saw, chipper, jackhammeî and othler Public Werhs dulies as assgned, Candidates must be able te pedlorm ouldoor actîvîtîns derios onclemeot weather, be wîllîog to work on off hours inclediog weekeode, be lamîliar wîth Public Works actîvîtres, be able te communîcate wîth ce-wurkers, supervivers and the pablic, must exhibit an eeemplaîy attitude, be ponctua undt bave a gvod astendasce record, Applications will be receîved no lter than 4:00 p.m., Wednsday, Jaee 4,1997 by: Marc Cvhen, Personnel Ollîcur Tvwn of Halton Hilîs 1 Halton Hîlîs Drive P.o. eoe 128 Hallon Hîlîs, (Geurgetuwn), Ontanio L7G 5G2 Wu thank ail epplicants Cor thuit expressua inîvîcul, humeuvir unly buose buios vnteîvivaud will bu conlacteua * 111 11ý7 t 21,111 -li 4 1i 079N-4730 t.i\: 9015 873- 2347 in the air conditioning Three ways to enjoy a carefrele, worry-free summer e n e r g y i fi t o y o Li r e These pukffl are fer Our reederfflai cueorr*M on awped emet and effl imivm GST, ft4ýiacemen part5, A/C co&et or setem rechfflw4 or IabýQur on repairs, timpeCUon po#e may vary by eWtoMeM make, M9*1 arfil accemries, Calt Unkm Gas ftw detaàs. * ............