Tih. Canadian Champion, Tuesday, May 20, 1997 -11 Tax free political pay a sticky point at Halton -VWe could get wbacked big time if changes push us into a higber tax bracket. One of the toughest things an elected person bas to deal with is bis or ber 0w!) salary.5' MAYOR CORD KRAN1l By BRAD REAUME The Champion Halton politicians have became antsy over plans te, rescind the one-third tax free provision on their public ser- vice salaries. The change is one of several concernis members of the regional administration and finance committee had with a proposed new Ontario Municipal Act. They agreed 10 lift the pro- posaI out of their support for changes t0 the Municipal Act, and consider il more thorough- ly. Burlington's Don Carter said local politicians should have tax parity with their provincial and federal counterparts. He said there is currently an inequity betwcen politicians aI different levels and while he leans toward removal of the .v reprovision, lie uvants a strong case belore offering his support. Burlington's Rob MacIsase said he supported the removal of the provision. "We should be paid the same way as anyone else," Mr. MacIsaac said. "I'm not saying it shouldn't be increased t0 compensate, but it must be understandable." Milton Mayor Gord Krantz agreed and suggested a broad- based citizens' panel be struck t0 determine pay levels for politîcians. "Changes have to be well thought out," he said. "We could gel whacked big time if changes push us mbt a higher tax bracket. One of the toughest things an elected per- son bas to deal with is bis or ber own salaiy." .Committee chair Liz Behrens of Oakville suggested counicil set salaries at the end of their terits to t ake e tect ai tel the election. That way if could be an election issue. Halton chair Joyce Savoline said the one-third tax free pro- vision is not applied equally in ail areas of the province. Oakville's Keith Bird agreed the proposaI should be lifted, given that it wiII likely become lhe focal point of debate and could staîl important legialation which forms lhe bulk of the new Municipal Act. In addition Halton Hilîs Mayor Marilyn Serjeantson said that the region should sponsor "informaI meetings for counicillors to let their hair down that are not for the whole world 10 listen 10." Halton's clerk Joan Eaglesham said there were no provisions in the new act for any changes 10 regulations gov- eming when counicillors, can go into a closed session. Date/mne Dateline is s free listing of comning evenits only. The cotumn ia available 10 local com- munity groupa 10, assiat in promoting their future events. Only charitable or non-profit community groupa may use Ibis service. We can only guaranta. one issue of publicity closeat 10 the date of the occurrence. Notices for Dateline should be handed in at the office of The Champion, 191 Main St. E ., maited 10 P.O. Box 248, Milton, Ont., L9T 4N9, or faxed f0 (905)878-4943. Tuesday May 20 The Calling New Parents Group meets aI CHERISH Parent-Child Centre, 540 Childa Dr., from 1:30 10 3:30 p.m. For information, eall 825-6060, ext. 7365. The Milton Children and Youth Centre, 917 Nipissing Rd., holda the Leisure Time drop off program for infants 10 five-year- olds from I 10 3 p.m. The coat is $5.50. The Milton Women's Centre hosts an Exploring Healti Alternatives workshop on acupuncture with Alice Pearcey. The centre is located aI Hopedale MaIl, 1515 Rebecca St., Suite 301, in Oakville from 7 10 9 p.m. The cost is $6. To register, cal] 847-5520. Tuesday May 20 - 21 Bishop Reding Secondary School on esa.. DATELINE page 15 NIs sciJv ttsvit poiftetd teý c1oscUe deOOs, a11juJ gesueJc tIR provincial and federal govern- same for Halton counicillors. ment cabinet and caucus meet- However, she did flot put the ings, which are held behind idea to a vote. HIKE FOR HE9TH'9' Sunday, May 25, 1997 10:45 AM - 1:30 PM IST LUNE from Derry Road to Britania Road 36 YARS SEVN MLON EX' E 2n GRA LOCAIO